Do you really think that you and every other heathen would turn from their sinful lifestyles if they had evidence that God exists and has a great plan for their lives? No way no how...It is like crack. Just because you tell the crack head he is better off without it, and there is proof, he isn't going to put that the rock down. He loves it, and is addicted to it, just like humans are addicted to all kinds of foul things.
What would getting evidence seriously do for you? Would you follow God just because of your evidence...
"Do you really think that you and every other fundie would turn from their religious lifestyles if they had evidence that God doesn't exist and there is no great plan for their lives? No way no how...It is like crack. Just because you tell the crack head he is better off without it, and there is proof, he isn't going to put that the rock down. He loves it, and is addicted to it, just like humans are addicted to all kinds of stupid things."
Evidence would show me that maybe it's not mass brainwashing and willful ignorance.
If it were proven to you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your god did not exist, what would you do?
Er, I think you're confusing heathens with atheists.
And yes, as an atheist I'd change my views immediately if I was presented with any valid evidence that a God (either the Abrahamic God or any other one) actually existed.
But as there's not the least, slightest, tiniest little sliver of subjective evidence for the existence of any one of the thousands of Gods mankind has invented over the past few millennia I'll stick with my atheism for now, thanks.
"Do you really think that you and every other heathen would turn from their sinful lifestyles if they had evidence that God exists and has a great plan for their lives? No way no how...It is like crack. Just because you tell the crack head he is better off without it, and there is proof, he isn't going to put that the rock down. He loves it, and is addicted to it, just like humans are addicted to all kinds of foul things.
What would getting evidence seriously do for you? Would you follow God just because of your evidence..."
Absolutely true. Knowing that God exists wouldn't change my life in the slightest. If I were to change my morality and start jumping through hoops to please this maniacal deity, would I be doing it for Him, or just to save my own backside? I have my own idea of what is moral and what isn't. If God has a problem with that, He can sit on it and spin.
Um, no.
You see, even if your god does exist, he/she/it is waaaaay too amoral and violent to appeal to me. If I am going to worship a god, it must be worthy of my adoration...and yours is not.
How is atheism addictive? What the hell is there to be addicted to? Truth?
Fundies though are horribly afraid of death, and are addicted to the us vs. them mentality that gives them all a heaven that is different for every person, and a hell for anyone they don't like.
And if you could prove that your god existed, I'd still ask why you worship a deity that is capable of temper tantrums.
Actually, what you're saying can apply to any belief(or disbelief), including YOURS...............(and by the way, why bother in proselitising?)
I would not follow god, even if he proved he existed. God would, if he existed, be a malevolent being who knowingly condemns people to eternal torture in hell.
If I ever found a concrete, absolute reason to come back to Christianity (or to any religion at all) that wasn't tied to wishful thinking or confirmed errors, I'd come back in a heartbeat.
I'm willing to wait as long as I got for it too. If it doesn't come, then so be it.
I beg to differ. If it were scientifically proven that the psychotically insane, dangerously powerful being you call god existed, it would change the lives of many currently atheistic rationalists enormously - We'd immediately start believing he existed, and we'd find a way to kill him before he did any more damage to the world.
Thought: If God has a plan for me to go and worship him, wouldn't I be doing it already, and wouldn't I be some kind of robot already?
Why bother with free will in the first place? Seems awful mean. "See, I'm gonna give you free will, so you can do what you want. But I'm going to burninate you forever and ever if you don't follow this ridiculous, archaic, obsolete rules and laws from silly old men way back in who-knows-when."
I beg to differ. If it were scientifically proven that the psychotically insane, dangerously powerful being you call god existed, it would change the lives of many currently atheistic rationalists enormously - We'd immediately start believing he existed, and we'd find a way to kill him before he did any more damage to the world.
Oh hells yeah. I would consider it my solemn duty to fight such a monster for the good of humanity.
No, I wouldn't necessarily follow a god if I had evidence for his existence (but I'd believe in him, obviously). No - I repeat, no - authority should ever be considered infallible, and one which calls itself God is no exception to this rule. If he wants to declare that sex outside marriage, homosexuality and women wearing trousers are horribly bad and sinful, he'd damn well better supply a good reason for it instead of relying on a 'because I said so'.
If God asks me to sacrifice my son to him, for example, I will tell him to fuck himself with a divine cucumber. If he tells me to build an ark for all the species of animals in the world plus my own family while he kills every other being on the face of the earth, I will attempt to talk him out of it instead of just rolling with it.
This is without mentioning that any being deserving of worship would not be arrogant enough to desire it.
Meanwhile, if conclusive proof was provided that God did not exist (somehow), would anything change for all ? No, it wouldn't. Not only would you most likely not change your lifestyle, but you would still believe in him anyway (see: young-earth creationists). And that's just infantile stubbornness, sir.
humans are addicted to all kinds of foul things.
Religion being one of the worst, in that it doesn't just harm the user,
but his kids, his descendents, and all the millions and billions of others
with different religious addictions he sees as the enemy.
Nice try but I've seen this stupid argument too often:
We have no evidence, there's never been any evidence and our churches and leaders insist Christianity doesn't need any evidence. So it's your fault if you don't believe that. Christianity doesn't have to prove anything, everyone else you must prove everything else.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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