The Demonic Conspiracy to Prevent Your Big Family!
I wish every woman in America who is considering an abortion would wake up to the truth. VERY FEW women realize that there was a government conspiracy contrived in the early 1970's, inspired by John D. Rockefeller III, to reduce the population of the United States. The following is quoted from The Report Of The Commission On Population Growth And The American Future.
Everything that the abortion industry propagates today is a mere echo of this tragic report. Rockefeller's report is nothing more than a deceitful and subtle attempt to rob American women of their babies. The entire report is designed to define the government's role in eliminating the big family as much as possible. American women who think they are exercising THEIR RIGHTS, are in reality killing their child to fulfill a diabolical conspiracy to REDUCE the population.
Did you read what Rockefeller said in his report?... "Freedom from the BURDENS of unwanted childbearing." At what point are these women supposed to be held accountable? Evidently they're not, they can just recklessly play with life. Lack of personal discipline and responsibility should be countered with FORCED accountability and responsibility.
It's really all about that last sentence, isn't it? Dumb bitches wanna have sex? Let's punish the whores!
Careful there, dear, your misogyny is showing!
I thought at first that it was a crazy conspiracy theorist female pro-lifer and then immediately thought "David J. Stewart." Then I saw that Mr. Green Ink himself wrote this. Why am I not surprised?
I have an alternative idea. Maybe he wants to stop abortion so that there are more kids for him to fiddle with, being the (Paging @Anon-e-moose to fill in the blank!) that he is.
"At what point are these women supposed to be held accountable? "
Funny how you didn't mention the accountability of men there. You folks almost never do, but it still takes two to tango, Davey. Your misogyny is showing.
" Lack of personal discipline and responsibility should be countered with FORCED accountability and responsibility. "
Just as it was in your court case, eh Dave ?
Your argument falls apart upon logical consideration. Rockefeller was an industrialist who made his fortune by exploiting the worker pool. The larger the worker pool, the larger the surplus workers there are. The more surplus workers, the less power the workers have. Since everything Rockefeller did was to increase his own power and wealth, and he was not an idiot, Rockefeller would not have advocated for lowered population.
"American women who think they are exercising THEIR RIGHTS, are in reality killing their child to fulfill a diabolical conspiracy to REDUCE the population.
Ah, the old population reduction conspiracy! I wondered when we'd be seeing this one again. No need to go all the way back to John D.(and yes, it is a burden, you huge pile of shit, otherwise men would want to get pregnant and produce children too). More modern conspiracy nuts blame the Club of Rome, Agenda 21, Monsanto, Planned Parenthood, Paul R. Ehrlich, and so on. You know, groups and people more relevent than someone who died in 1937.
Quick reality check: if the government or the Powers that Be wanted to reduce the population, why has the US government implemented policies and practices to encourage population growth. For example, the US government has a tax system that permits parents to write off their children: the more kids you have, the less taxes you pay. Or the more children people have the more benefits the parents are entitled to.
Just another idiot.
How many children do you take care of David?
Ah, but perhaps you've been advised not to answer that question.
7 billion people on the planet and rising. What do you think will happen if this continues to rise?
I predict famine and war ... but religiots clearly don't care about suffering as long as their imaginary friend is happy.
Yes, because 7 billion plus means we are on the verge of extinction./sarcasm.
Why would trying to reduce the population be a bad th... Oh right, fundies think of women as nothing but walking uteri. We can't have them deciding to make their own choices now can we? Amirite?
Hey Dave, according to the latest numbers, the abortion rate in the U.S. is at it's lowest since Row vs. Wade.
I guess I should mention too that the birth rate is lower as well. It means more people are choosing to use birth control for various reasons.
American women who think they are exercising THEIR RIGHTS, are in reality killing their child to fulfill a diabolical conspiracy to REDUCE the population.
Yet the population of the US has increased by 4.3m since you were indicted for sex with a minor.
"women who think they are exercising THEIR RIGHTS, are in reality killing their child to fulfill a diabolical conspiracy to REDUCE the population"
Well, I guess we'll hear no more from you & ALL your ilk about gay couples adopting children that are obviously unwanted - and clearly unloved - by women then, will we?! [/hyper-paradox]
A certain Sir Elton John and David Furnish would like a word with you, eh Davey-boy...?!
Oh, and you're a man . What the FUCK has what individual women choosing for themselves what - or what not - to do, have to do with you ? Or does it simply mean that less women giving birth - and to a certain gender of children - means less little girls for you to diddle, or at least fap to, eh...?!
'Ye shall know them by their fruits' indeed. And we know YOU , o David J. 'Gary Glitter' Stewart.
Never mind a certain Austrian who had ideas above his station, when it's invented, maybe drowning DJS at birth would be the 'Killer App' for Time Travel...?! >:D
Yes, use a child as a means of punishment. Great idea. This guy really cares about both women and children, clearly. Women don't ever have an abortion because it's the best choice for them. No, the silly women just don't know that the gov'ment is stealing their nonexistent babies that should exist in order to make them pay for being stupid whores.
Yeah, I'm sure women are being influenced in their most personal decision by some commission they've never heard of.
The US birth rate has slowed somewhat in the past few years, and you can thank Dubya's recession for that. The abortion rate is also down, thanks to more women using effective contraception.
Has the population in the US been reduced since the 70's? I don't think so...
Women, ya know females above the age of 18-20, have more intelligence and judgment than your usual partners have, asshole! We're not taken in by any conspiracy idiocy, we ARE exercising our rights to decide what to do with our bodies. No-one is lurking around women's clinics, handing out leaflet about how fun an abortion is, to women who're in for pregnancy tests, stupid.
Unwanted childbearing IS a burden. Even wanted childbearing is an extreme burden on the body, and one woman dies every minute from complications from pregnancy, delivery and aftermath.
At what point are the dead-beat dads supposed to be held accountable? I'm not saying that every abortion has a dead-beat future-dad somewhere, but some abortions are due to men scarpering when they find out they might become fathers in nine months. And what about rapes? Where's the FORCED accountability and responsibility there? If it wasn't so horrible on the kid, rapists ought to be FORCED to take care of the kid themselves. Like women usually hear; if you have the sex, you'll have to accept the consequences!
Genius, no one is being forced to have an abortion. It is an option. You know, that's why it's called a 'right to choose'. Also, you would think that if the Rockefellers were so power hungry (as they apparently are in every conspiracy theory) they would just make themselves President, or better yet, dicatator for life. I'm not saying they are saints, I'm just saying that you're fucking stupid.
And PS overpopulation would never, ever be a concern if you wingnut Puritans didn't have a fucking conniption fit over condoms every five minutes
Dave... are you suggesting that we force women to do something with their bodies against their will?
First, that is just fucking immoral...
Second, if you really think that violating someone's bodily autonomy is just dandy, then I have something to say.
I require frequent blood transfusions to stay alive... YOU will be donating your blood to me whether you like it or not, and you will be tethered to me for, let's say, 9 months. Don't want to do that? Tough shit!
Think it's wrong to force someone to do that? Then you support abortion...
Are you still anti-abortion? Then I'll get the rope and the needles...
Even better, if you refuse, then you are MURDERING me... by your own retarded argument.
At least you're admitting that like all anti-abortion idiots, it's really all about punishing the sluts and controlling women.
Funny, though, how you fail to mention the fact that men are equally involved in pregnancy and that your crowd uses the same arguments to end welfare and other benefits to mothers, proving you don't give a shit about the "babies" at all, just making the sluts suffer.
At least you're admitting that like all anti-abortion idiots, it's really all about punishing the sluts and controlling women.
Funny, though, how you fail to mention the fact that men are equally involved in pregnancy and that your crowd uses the same arguments to end welfare and other benefits to mothers, proving you don't give a shit about the "babies" at all, just making the sluts suffer.
You say women should be outraged by the hubris of those who have supposedly convinced them not to have kids, yet the most offensive thing about your post is its condescending premise that women lacked the intelligence to make those decisions for themselves, but rather, were convinced by some commission composed of men.
" American women who think they are exercising THEIR RIGHTS, are in reality killing their child to fulfill a diabolical conspiracy to REDUCE the population."
Why not all three? I don't understand how reducing would much help Rockefeller, but it wouldn't hurt at the moment.
This is probably the same guy who complains that men have to pay child.
"A man get a woman pregnant, it's the woman's fault and she can't terminate the pregnancy, however, she can't force the man to pay child support because it's her fault she got pregnant."
Big families are rare nowadays due to economic factors: children are expensive. People simply can't afford to have lots of them.
Don't want women to get abortions? Encourage men to get themselves fixed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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