I am learning, im learning that you tell me thats proof, but I still don't see it. showing me pics with evidence like swiss cheese isn't going to convince me. For example, I can give you a pic of a rabbit and a cat, thoses two breed together you get a cabbit, thats not evolution. and yes there are cabbits, look it up. Thats not evolution. It the same difference.
There are not cabbits.
Evolutionary is very rarely a convergent process, it depends mostly on divergence and natural selection.
From this we can form a natural argument - Evolution does not like furries.
Yep, seen a cabbit myself. It was mating with a jackalope. They produced a furred trout.
And main coons are what you get when a cat mates with a racoon. Seriously, for interspecies breeding to take place they have to at least be genetically compatible.
"It is impossible to actually produce cat-rabbit hybrids as they are genetically incompatible despite their similar number of chromosomes. Additionally, cats and rabbits have different mating habits. Female cats are induced to ovulate by the tomcat's barbed penis, which scratches the female's vagina as he withdraws. Male rabbits have smooth penises and are not able to cause a female cat to ovulate. Thus, even when copulation takes place, there would be no egg to fertilize."
This is reality, not "Elmo Saves Christmas."
For those people unfamiliar with that Sesame Street special, a cabbit was one result of Santa's stuffed animal machine messing up due to overload. Naturally, it was a mix between a cow stuffed toy and a rabbit stuffed toy. There were also moobunnies, which mixed cow and rabbit parts together in a different way.
The fact that I know this much about a Sesame Street special kind of creeps me out.
Ye Gods, there are people actually defending this nonsense over at Xian Forums.
Doubtless they're the same people who believe you can make goats have striped kids by having them mate in front of striped sticks, as per Genesis.
The whole thread was as depressing as fuck. It was case-in-point why professional creationists are able to quit their jobs and make squillions selling utter trash because their target market is woefully immature and under educated.
Professional creationists are evil fucks who mercilessly take advantage of 29 year olds who believe cats and rabbits can have babies.
Oh yeah, i've seen a cabbit. Unfortunately it wasn't in real life, i was watching Tenchi Muyo! at the time.
Somehow i don't think thats where you saw a cabbit though....
Ha, I read that thread right through and I was gonna submit this one...lucky I checked here first.
After 24 pages of denying all evidences of evolution, but having no problems at all with the supposed existence of real half cat half rabbits, she had the thread closed.
Just another deluded creationist.
riiigght so i take it you subscribe from the kent hovind school of retardololgy (aka the crocoduck) ok then, you've never sen a skink then which is a transitional form turning from a lizard to a snake.
oyu also forget the transitonal forms (horses, snakes, elephants, humans)
its sad to be that strpid
I just sprayed tea all over my computer reading this. It must be a fake, it must. But there's some degree of truth, if you mix the words "cat" and "rabbit" you get cabbit. I suppose there were tarantulopes too, but they got chased away by the dolpharoos. Absolutely priceless. If this person really believes there are cabbits, I just want to buy them gloves with a string that goes though the sleeves of their coat so they don't lose them. Awwww .
The OP to this thread (the same person who said this) was ultimately so embarrassed that she had the mods lock it (she'd been pwned MANY times in the thread, not just in regards to cabbits). Hopefully she's learned something (but I doubt it).
Give me a chobit over a cabbit any day.
even if a rabbit and a cat could breed, they would end up with a sterile HYBRID, not an evolutionary step. Learn the difference, you nitwit.
The lowest point, I have to say, was her link to a site that purportedly sold cabbits. Not only did the site NOT sell cabbits it didn't sell anything at all, and all of the pictures were of CATS.
There are cabbits, but they're simply deformed cats - mostly seen in the Manx breed. The deformity includes a severely malformed hind that looks like the back end of a rabbit, emphasized with a lack of a tail due to it being a Manx.
It is NOT a rabbit/cat cross-breed, you ignorant idiot.
Please be a Poe, please be a Poe, please be a Poe, please be a Poe, please be a Poe, please be a Poe, please be a Poe, please be a Poe, please be a Poe, please be a Poe, etc.
"For example, I can give you a pic of a rabbit and a cat, thoses two breed together you get a cabbit, thats not evolution."
No, "thoses" two can't breed together.
"and yes there are cabbits, look it up."
I'll bet you find them in the same area as Jackalopes.
Oh, man... Cabbits are cats with a leg deformity that causes them to 'hop' rather than walk normally.
If that trait were beneficial to a population of cats, then they would propser. If not, then they would be less likely to. Now that would be an example of evolution.
Give me a chobit over a cabbit any day.
I don't know... Chii is cute, of course, but is she really a match for a Ryo-Ohki who can be a cute and cuddly pet, a carrot-loving furry loli (one of the few beings with the potential to unite the warring armies of the furries and the lolicons for total dominion over 4chan) and a very powerful spaceship?
Now available! Purina Cabbit Chow made in carrots and tuna flavors.
Uh-oh, you may just have triggered my inner mad cook... Let's see, I'll need carrots, cream, tuna, and probably an onion too.
[walks off to the kitchen to wreak Akane Tendou levels of culinary havoc]
Home schooled, no doubt.
I did look it up, kindly giving you the benefit of the doubt. Cabbits are fictional. It is true that some species can produce a hybrid, but by the definition of distinct species, that hybrid is not fertile. Infertile hybrids are not part of the evolutionary process, let alone equivalent to it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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