What the crap!!! There is NO SUCH THING as a hermaprodite. that is a bunch of BS!!!! God eaither made you a man or woman not both! Also Homosexuality is WRONG!!! The Bible says that God despises it!!
And the Bible says nothing about Lesbians, eggs and sperm. So, before you despise real evidence that scientists present everyday to suit the views of a pre-scientific era, it's your problem.
I imagine this guy is akin to someone perched at the top of a 50' flag pole, yelling, "Go ahead, try to knock me off! I dare you!"
Yet another reason we need to be vigilant when it comes to comprehensive sex and science education.
There are hermaphrodites, which comes about for a variety of reasons. God these people just love their ignorance.
"Donations to the cause benefit
Family Research Council, Inc."
Well, if that isn't incentive to join that Facebook group, I don't know what is!
And i guess those hermaphrodites choose to be born genetically male and physically female (androgen insensitivity syndrome) have a choice in the matter?
And the fact that these women identify as female, despite being genetically male doesn't matter?
There are layers to gender and sexual identity.
Think before you speak. But being a backward fundie, i guess that's above you.
God doesn't "make" you a man or a woman. It's determined by chemical signals during early fetal development. Normally, it's a "poised system". A small tip in either direction cascades toward one or the other. But there are a number of things that can go wrong, especially if a genetic defect leaves you without one of the essential chemicals.
Dunno, yes there are, no it's not, "eaither"?, wrong and wrong!
Also Homosexuality is WRONG!!! The Bible says that God despises it!!
They're called intersex now, Caiti dear. Too many of them get unneeded surgery in infancy to make them physically conform to one sex or the other.
And intersexuality is not just limited to people with ambiguous genitalia. There's also those with extra chromosomes (Kleinfelter or Turner syndrome), and those with androgen insensitivity.
True hermaphroditism in humans is very rare, if not nonexistent.
It happens with a lot of other animals, though.
A Friend
The correct term is intersexual. And yes they do exist.
Yama the Space Fish
True hermaphroditism in humans is very rare, if not nonexistent.
It happens with a lot of other animals,
Aw, You beat me to it.
An organism that is a true hermaphrodite has a full set of both male and female sex organs. This may not happen in humans but there are quite a few conditions that would give people some characteristics of both sexes.
I would suggest that Cailtin do some research before she spews idiocy on any given subject. It may actually make her less stupid. (Not that I'd get my hopes up.)
Same goes for "Amanda Pomaranski", who keeps trying pathetically to pigeonhole intersexed people into her false beliefs of who they are.
I'm trying my best to refrain myself from spamming pages like this (largely because they could just as easily spam my own page with 'fag' and whatnot).
And, meanwhile ladies and gentlemen, this is an example of the result of sheltered fundie upbringing.
Granted, genuine harmaphradites are rare (and it's disputed whether they've ever existed), but intersexed people do exist, you fucking idiot. So, you fail. Sorry sweetie.
What's this? Fundies rewriting history and science to conform to an ancient text? Gee whiz, who'd have thunk it?
At least there's mention of hermaphrodites now. It gets boring when they keep talking of boring old run-of-the-mill homosexuality.
Wow, ignorance at it's extreme.
Hermaphroditus is a physical condition when the body has both male and female sex organs.
You really need to get some education, and put your bigotry in a box and bury it deep.
Just one little question. Have you ever eaten snail? I know they're somewhat on the lower rungs of animals... but they absolutely are hemaphrodite.
(Darn... Beaten to it. Didn't see the link to the second page...)
An engineering professor is treating her husband, a loan officer, to dinner for finally giving in to her pleas to shave off the scraggly beard he grew on vacation. His favorite restaurant is a casual place where they both feel comfortable in slacks and cotton/polyester-blend golf shirts. But, as always, she wears the gold and pearl pendant he gave her the day her divorce decree was final. They're laughing over their menus because they know he always ends up diving into a giant plate of ribs but she won't be talked into anything more fattening than shrimp.
Quiz: How many biblical prohibitions are they violating? Well, wives are supposed to be 'submissive' to their husbands (I Peter 3:1). And all women are forbidden to teach men (I Timothy 2:12), wear gold or pearls (I Timothy 2:9) or dress in clothing that 'pertains to a man' (Deuteronomy 22:5). Shellfish and pork are definitely out (Leviticus 11:7, 10) as are usury (Deuteronomy 23:19), shaving (Leviticus 19:27) and clothes of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19). And since the Bible rarely recognizes divorce, they're committing adultery, which carries the rather harsh penalty of death by stoning (Deuteronomy 22:22).
So why are they having such a good time? Probably because they wouldn't think of worrying about rules that seem absurd, anachronistic or - at best - unrealistic. Yet this same modern-day couple could easily be among the millions of Americans who never hesitate to lean on the Bible to justify their own anti-gay attitudes. ~Deb Price, And Say Hi To Joyce
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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