Please use the "fear of Muslim terrorists" theme to motivate White Judeo Christians to work for immigration control.
Don't let Christian Zionists put all the spin that most American immigrants are hard working Hispanic Christians with strong family values, natural Reuplicans.
Any alien looking, non White immigrant, legal or illegal is a potention Al Qaeda terrorist or a Zeta cartel killer. Why take chances?
Any White pol who is soft on immigration is taking Al Qaeda 's side to come in to our country and murder our people like on 9-11-01. Don't let bad on immigration pols like Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Karl Rove, John McCain try to change the subject to talk about gub rights or opposing Iran
The war is here in our country, who's side are they on:
Mohammed Ata, the Zeta drug cartel or on our side solid, regular American people.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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