Truth be told, atheists have the lowest divorce rate only because they can never get married in the first place! Since when do pedophiles, homosexuals, prostitutes and other socially deviant individuals get married?
Wow, are you a fucking idiot!
I'm a married atheist. And I am none of your fanatsy deviants.
Please die in a fire. Quickly.
Hallelujah! there's one of them who can tell the difference between a gay and a paedophile! What a pity it doesn't extend to being able to differentiate all of the list given in the posting from an atheist.
There are certainly more christians in America than atheists. Therefore there are more Christian paedophiles etc than atheist ones.
Using the same logic, all christians are paedophiles, etc.
The poster, HappyHealthyHolyRoller is more like Pathetic, Rotten-to-the-Core, Bigoted Pervert.
The only way I can imagine this question makes sense is if you think of marriage as a religious institution, and therefore atheists wouldn't get married in a church, mosque, temple, whathaveyou.
1. Hey, I'm an atheist and I got married twice. In fact, I'm kinda hoping third time's a charm!
2. I love these people. They're so hateful that they can't mean it so they must be pulling our collective legs. Gosh! What nice people they are to spew such venom just because they care.
Divorce rate is measured from those who do get married.
Ha, ha, ha! Is this person ignoring the number of homosexuals yelling, "Hey! Let us get married!"?
Atheist morality is superior to Christian morality, if there is such a thing, because an atheist that does the right thing does it without promise of reward or threat of punishment while (apparently) Christians require those things to keep from going on a murder and rape spree.
"Since when do pedophiles, homosexuals, prostitutes and other socially deviant individuals get married? "
Which is why we need a constitutional amendment to prevent homosexuals from getting married.
"Since when do pedophiles, homosexuals, prostitutes and other socially deviant individuals get married?"
Christians have been getting married for years now. What does that have to do with your question?
It's been known to happen. It's called "civil marriage". Go look it up.
(Pedophiles don't get married because they are - well, I'd continue, but it's an old joke.)
Words are not enough to describe what I feel right now...
How can anyone be so ignorant and downright stupid is beyond me, most religious people I have met over a long life, hasn't necessarily been the smartest people in the world, but none of them have even been close to the mental retardation level shown by HappyHealthyHolyRoller.
That is not how it works. You fail.
Edit: and Gays not getting married? That's what they're fighting for, dipshit.
Actually pedophiles are often married. Probably because a married man (or woman) has more access to other people's kids. The myth of the single guy lurking around playgrounds being the most common type of pedophile is greatly overblown.
Homosexuals (for the upteenth time) are not social deviants. And, hopefully soon, they will be allowed to get married anywhere and any time.
Why blame the prostitutes? It's the johns who are the problem) and they're often married.
Oh, and for the record I, an atheist, non pedophile, heterosexual, non prostitute am happily married to an atheist, non pedophile, heterosexual, non prostitute.
What does your spouse do in his/her free time?
They get married quite frequenly, As do atheists.
Or are you trying to imply that an atheist must be a peadophile or homosexual or prostitute or "socialy deviant individual" (whatever that means)???
Given that most prostitutes and peadophiles are devoutly religious, (many peadophiles are leading religios figures)
And given that most atheists are hetrosexual by sole virtue of their being demographicly reflective of the background population.... I say you fail.
Since when do pedophiles, homosexuals, prostitutes and other socially deviant individuals get married?
And a fraction of what Christains are has what to do with athiests?
Pedophiles, homosexuals, prostitutes and other socially deviant individuals can be christian, atheist, agnostic, catholic, islamic, etc. Your theory fails.
Well I can't speak for prostitutes But...
Every time a State opens the window to gays being able to marry the one they love, thousands swamp court houses to do so.
Homosexuals have been getting married all summer. I'm a married atheist. Pedophiles and prostitutes do get married. One can belong to one or all of these categories and be married.
Truth be told, your fucking moron.
Since when do pedophiles, homosexuals, prostitutes and other socially deviant individuals get married?
Dunno, what's your wedding anniversary?
Plenty of atheists get married. Homosexuals WOULD get married, if you bigoted retards would let them. Most prostitutes are in that situation because they're addicted to drugs and/or suffering from mental illness, so it's a bit difficult for them to find a mate, build a relationship and get married. And as for pedos, many of them are married to someone. However, putting pedophiles in the same group as atheists and homosexuals, or even prostitutes, is beyond ignorant.
I'm not a pedophile, homosexual, prostitute, or other socially deviant individual. Nor are my parents, my brother, my boyfriend, my best friend...Neither was Darwin, neither is Richard Dawkins, neither is Michael Shermer...
Does that mean we're not atheists?
Variation in divorce rates by religion:
Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%
Next myth please...
BTW, we've recently celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary.
Why do we have a lower divorce rate - because we marry for LOVE, not for some fucking non-existant sky-daddy.
Both Christian and other pedophiles can be married. I, on the other hand, am not married and not pedophile. And aren´t you selling marriage with sex? Isn´t this marry-and-get-laid-movement making a marriage a form of brothel and all of you damn prostitutes?
"Truth be told, atheists have the lowest divorce rate only because they can never get married in the first place!"
er, yes, well done, the atheist divorce rate is a divide by zero error.
Epic math fail is indeed epic, as has already been said, a rate adjusts for different population sizes, that sort of the whole point.
In surveys carried out in the USA, Europe and Israel, prostitutes were asked who were thier best customers.
The answer they all gave was "the religious"
Prison are built with bricks of law, Brothels with bricks of religion. (William Blake)
Reminds me of a very religious boy in my High School-class, that gave a thriumphant "Hah!" when he heard statistics about it was fewer divorces than 'livin' together'-couples breaking up, as in "see, it's wrong to live together without being married!". A girl and I gave him weird looks, and I'm sure she was thinking what I was thinking; "it's because married people use to live together for a while to make sure their marriage will not end in divorce, stupid".
I'm a married atheist, and I know of a fact of two people in my line of work alone who are married to former prostitutes. I'm also pretty damn sure that pedophiles are often married men, and there have been notable instances of homosexuals marrying a person of the opposite gender.
Nor am I the only married atheist I know. So your assertions are absolute bullshit, although you get a quarter of a bonus point for at least spelling "atheist" correctly.
“Truth be told,”
Doubt it.
“atheists have the lowest divorce rate only because they can never get married in the first place!”
That’s not how math works, fuckface.
If 200 Christain couples get married and 40 of them get a divorce, that’s a 20% rate. If 10 atheist couples get married, 5% of the number of Christain couples, and 4 of the ahtiest couples get a divorce, that’s a 40% RATE of divorce.
"Since when do pedophiles, homosexuals, prostitutes and other socially deviant individuals get married?”
All the fucking time, sorry to pop your bigoted little view of the world.
I think atheists are more likely to wait until later to get married, so they’re more grown up, and have a better grasp of what they want. We married for ourselves, not for social expectations or demands for grandkids. And we’ve been together for (glances at wristwatch) thirty seven years, three kids, granddaughter.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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