You can not put Science and the supernatural into one. The Bible even says that. Demons cause sickness, there is NO DOUBT about it. Everyone I know...which some are Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals, etc, etc,....all know that sickness is generated by demons. You can not deny that.
Y'got logical fallacies fallin' out yer arse, my good man.
For a start, you assume that sickness is supernatural.
Then you back up this whole demon bullshit with a bandwagon fallacy and an argument from authority. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Yeah. And we all know that when you bet on a number at roulette, the demons make the wheel stop somewhere else. But they're not all powerful - they can only make it hit the wrong number 37 out of 38 times. And when you bet on a 7 at craps, the demons make it miss 5 times out of 6. Same with coin flips. If you bet on heads, the demons make it come out tails half the time. Damn those demons.
As another former Catholic, I can tell you pulled this out of your ass.
Exorcisms don't work on cancer patients.
@ Old Viking:
Very very true.
Wow.. I guess the discovery of virii and bacteria was lost on you.
I do have to thank you though, for the good boffo belly laugh.
As yet another former Catholic, I can safely say I knew nobody who blamed illnesses on "demons," but went straight to the doctor to get better. Which leaves me to wonder just what sort of nuts your circle of friends are if they still don't know the Germ Theory of Disease.
"You can not put Science and the supernatural into one"
I agree. And yet you completely screw it up by saying that your speculations about the magical and invisible take precedence over scientific observations and explanations. Sickening...
He has a point. It's not like anyone has ever seen a virus or a bacterium.
Oh wait, we've seen hundreds of thousands of different viruses and bacteria.
Microbes cause sickness, there is NO DOUBT about it. Everyone I know...which some are biologists, doctors, surgeons, restauranteurs, lawyers, health inspectors, etc, etc,....all know that sickness is generated by microbes. You can not deny that.
The only people I've ever met who believe in demons are religious fundamentalists such as yourself.
Welcome to the 21st century, dipshit.
Demons cause sickness, there is NO DOUBT about it.
Of course there is. The reason Florence Nightingale is famous is because wherever she went during the Crimean War, she insisted people wash their hands and instruments and boil bandages before using them. The mortality rates among the battlefield injured dropped way down in her wake. She kept statistics. When the doctors, who didn't believe in the "germ theory" of disease, resisted her, she showed her statistics to her influential friends who ordered to the doctors to follow her advice.
Well, then I hope you don´t go to the doctor or take medicines everytime you get sick, but rather pray for the demons to go out of your body ;)
And I hope you don´t force this belief onto others but let them decide for themselves wether they want to go to the doctor or not ;)
And the cure for sickness is prayer according to the apostle James. Most people, even Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans have gotten past that myth. I'm not so sure about the Pentecostals.
I think you lie. I have NEVER met a Catholic, Presbyterian, or Lutheran(and I know lots of all of them) who believe that disease is generated by demons. I know quite a few Baptists and I would say 95% of them would say you are full of it. As far as Pentecostals, I don't know a lot of them.
Sadly, my aunt (father's side) would totally agree with this asshat. She's the one who told me it would do no good to pray for my Mom's uncle (my godfather) when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. (After having been MIS-diagnosed with "a nervous stomach" eight months previous, which is par for the course for cancer on Mom's side. Lots of mis-diagnosing, by the time the college-edumacated professional doctors get over their Cranial-Rectal Inversion Syndrome, we're pretty much talking a 0% survival rate.) According to Darling Aunt J, my mother's entire family was going to die and burn in Hell for Eternity.
Their crime? Mom's family is Catholic. Aunt J shops one religion until someone says something she doesn't agree with, then she's off and running again. At that time, I think she was Baptist. And I was about 10.
I had my "this is all BS" epiphany about three years later.
Aunt J now has a grandson with CP. She's a firm believer in the institutionalizing theory, or keeping the kid in the back bedroom so's he don't contaminate his brother and sister. And certainly don't speak of him in front of polite company. Thankfully, Cousin B realizes her so-called mother is full of pond scum.
Wow, I've just gone totally OT, haven't I?
mrguitar, those friends of yours do not REALLY belive it is demons causing illness...
... they just call bacteria and virii that when you are around since they know big words confuse you...
"You can not put Science and the supernatural into one."
Ah I'm glad you agree.
"The Bible even says that. Demons cause sickness, there is NO DOUBT about it."
Really? Personally I'd put that down to viruses.
"Everyone I know...which some are Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals, etc, etc,....all know that sickness is generated by demons."
Try meating some sane people would you.
"You can not deny that."
Watch me.
You just have to change a single word in his posting and the whole posting suddenly becomes true and makes sense:
Just replace the second "know" with "believe" and you cannot deny that he wrote the truth.
I have no doubt that the bible says that demons caue sickness and I also cannot say anything about his christian friends, so I cannot deny that it is possible that they might all believe that diseases are caused by demons.
well, i'd better take some blessed tylenol then, to expel those demons from my head.
For you, mrguitar, I suggest some sacred cyanide or something, guarenteed to cure you off all disea... erm demons.
Everyone I know...which some are Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals, etc, etc,....all know that sickness is generated by demons. You can not deny that.
Oh, I won't deny that there are people who believe that... but I also won't deny that believing that is proof that those people are fucking morons.
Hmm, I think he's probably never talked about this stuff with most of the people he knows, and just assumes they believe the same nonsense he believes.
I picture this guy as a homeschooled teenager who wears football jerseys two sizes too large.
Watch me: "Sickness is definitely not caused by demons."
Looks like I can deny it. You were wrong about that, what says you aren't wrong about everything else?
I have epilepsy, and a person I knew tried to pull that crap on me once. I wanted to ask her how my medication works, if my seizures were so darn supernatural, but I knew she would say that it was just a powerful placebo and I actually willed my seizures to go away.
What a nut.
keep drinking the holy water
I'll go for antibiotics, antiseptics, gene splicing, palliative care, etc, etc
Sickness is not caused by demons.
See, I can deny that!
In the choice between Science and the supernatural, I'd choose Science any day.
Do you know anyone who's not Christian?
Stop Making Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans and Pentecostals Look Bad!
Statistically speaking, vaccines and antibiotics have saved your life once already. In my case, it is at least twice. I spent two days with an antibiotic drip into my right arm to kill the resistant staph that decided my right ear was a good place to live.
Maybe demons cause sickness. But I am quite certain that most sickness is caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and physical disorders of the body.
If it's caused by demons, then why is it that Exorcisms don't work while medication and surgery does?
Is it some elaborate ploy by the demons to reinforce materialistic, atheistic, communistic, secularistic satanism?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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