IDW #homophobia

THIS IS THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT "GAYS", the politically incorrect truth

For several decades now we have all been inundated with social engineering concerning tolerance of homosexuals. Most of us were willing to go that far, to look the other way as long as they were discrete and did not influence our children. I don't know how many times I've heard (and said) "I don't care what two consenting people do in the privacy of their own home", and I don't.

Before that, gays were beaten and ostracized, and if you were a homosexual in a public school you were seen as a pariah, and rightly so I believe. Kids knew it was wrong, and were allowed to have that opinion. And this is how it all got started. People felt sorry for kids that were picked on. Most people myself included don't like to see a weaker person bullied by a stronger one, even if he is a fag. Two wrongs doesn't add up to a right.

The first step to getting where we are now is TOLERANCE. We were forced by extreme pressures and threats of prosecutions, expulsion of our children from public schools, and lawsuits to TOLERATE AND ACCEPT something that we see morally unconscionable. It isn't limited to just leaving hem alone, it is now having to tolerate their intentional systematic grooming of children, and the messages are barraging them from all fronts, from the television programs they watch, to the lessons that they are learning in school to the music they listen to. Nowhere is anyone telling them the other side, because we are constrianed by our own disgust and decency not to tell our children what it means to be a "fag".


here are a few of those truths you won't see being taught about homosexuals

1)The average lifespan of a homosexual male is more than 20 years less than a heterosexual male. The average lifespan of a male in the united states is 78 years. The average lifespan of a homosexual male is somewhere between 49-53 years, depending on whose statistics you use.

Statistically, homosexuality is much worst health-wise than smoking or even heroin addiction.

2)The incidence of deadly diseases like hepatitis and aids are much much higher in the homosexual population. Sexually transmitted diseases are common

3)Even when in a "monogamous" relationship, almost all gays have multiple sex partners. Homosexuals are promiscuous and tend to have multiple partners that they have no emotional attachment to.

4)Almost all "gay" men claimed to have engaged in sexual relations with adult men while still children. The logical conclusion is that the grooming and seduction of males at a specific age right around puberty probably results in a boy becoming a homosexual, it is not a genetic trait, it is a learned behavior!

5) If one believes the statistics, around 2% of males in the United States are homosexual or 3% are homosexual+bisexual. 4 out of 10 reports of sexual assaults and molestation of children in the United states are male on male, and 99% or more of pedophiles show an exclusive preference for one sex or another. Most psychologists studying the problem agree that most boys do not report their molestation or assault, which means that 4 out of 10 is probablymore like 7 out of 10. I don't know about you, but I absolutely refuse to label a man who prefers sex with male children as anything other than a homosexual. If he has had sex with women, he is still a homosexual > heterosexual is not an aberration of nature, but homosexual is, so you can call him a "bisexual" if you want, he is a homosexual pervert engaging in homosexual acts. By the nature of their preference, these homosexuals do not admit they are homosexuals, but they are by definition.
So what could logically conclude from this is that homosexuals are many more times likely to be a molester of children. It could be 25 times a likely, but it is no less.

5) Children who are groomed and seduced by homosexuals typically do not report the abuse. Placing children by adoption in a homosexual environments greatly endangers their health ,both mental and physical. there is no way to know for sure if a homosexual "couple" are really pedophiles molesting their charges. The possibilities are endless, but the consensus among the sensible with common sense seems to be that homosexuals who want children will influence them to become homosexuals.

6)Children learn by example, and they adopt the mores and morals of their parents. The influence of homosexual parents on children has been proved in advanced studies to result in poor performance in all social aspects , from education to their ability to care for themselves. Children raised in homosexual environments do worst in school, are more likely to end up on drugs, and are much more likely to be jailed. They are also not surprisingly many times more likely to be sexual deviants themselves.

7)The main agenda behind the normalization of homosexual marriage is to allow homosexuals to adopt and raise children without the possibility of any legal resistance. I cannot understand how the people behind it could not possibly see that pedophile homosexuals are going to adopt children and molest them in great numbers because of this decision. It has doomed tens of thousands of children to be sexually abused and demoralized.
one studies carefully the statistics involved with state mandated adoptions and fostering of children, it becomes obvious the children in this country would be far and away safer and better off if the state did not intervene in family affairs by removing children form their parents care. While some cases do warrant it, the vast majority result in the children being much worst off that they were with their natural parents, and the people behind this are aware of these statistics. What this seems to indicate logically is that the intent is to harm children and destoy families.

8) If a person is truly concerned about the health and happiness of a child, he would teach that child that homosexuality is one of the most dangerous and filthy perversions there is.He would tell them No one is telling children about bleeding anuses, fecal matter leaking from their anuses, and prolapsed rectums. No one is telling them about the disease and the longevity studies, no one is telling them the truth because most of us are too modest to discuss things like this with kids. I feel we have no choice, because the fags are teaching them it's all about rainbows and ponies and having a gay ole time. They are counting on us to be too disgusted to teach our children the truth!

If you have anything to add to what I have said, question what I have said , or disagree with any part of it, feel free to voice your opinion, but be aware I intend to expose either your stupidity or your dishonesty. There is not a single word I have written here that cannot be proved empirically, scientifically.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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