...although they had an archive of peoples' underwear, as an 'Odour' bank as a basis of tracking escapees for their dogs. Or they were simply a bit pervy like that, because of course you never sniff little girls' bicycle saddles, Davey-boy, nosiree! [/hyper-sarcasm]
Oh, and bitches don't know about my Reeperbahn.
There are legal brothels in Holland's capital Amsterdam. Also tolerance of soft drugs. And legalisation of same-sex marriage since 2001. Yet, that country is still mainly Protestant Christian, and has among thelowest rates of teen pregnancy in the world.
But you probably dont know that. Least of all about Germany, period. Probably because reading too many actual books containing teh nasty ebil facts would make you start questioning your pwecious 'Faith', and we can't be having that now, can we?! [/hyper-sarcasm II]
"How on earth did a right wing Christian make the mistake of thinking that a Communist country had an abundance of food and materialism?"
In that case, Davey-boy must think that Seoul is a Fourth World shithole, and Pyongyang is like Abu Dhabi.
So that's why SEK Studio recently took over Disney, and Pixar is now devoting all it's resources to the ongoing saga of Geumsaegi & co. vs. Mulmangcho, Capt. Keoteo & Lt. Vixen, in "Squirrel and Hedgehog"; because nothing screams 'Success!' than creating propaganda against your enemies which blows up in your own face. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
...but seriously, DJS doesn't know jack shit about anything does he?!