Greg Withrow #racist
Police are trying to determine whether a notorious white supremacist left threatening leaflets on vehicles in a Sacramento neighborhood.
The leaflets warned against “white genocide” — a white nationalist slogan — and threatened targeted violence against Muslims and Hispanics, reported the Sacramento Bee.
The fliers urged “white resistance groups and lone wolves” to activate the “hundred little death camp policy” and begin slaughtering Muslims and Latinos in the U.S., Europe and Russia.
“If you have not secured a body dump-site, do so now!” the leaflets warn. “Kidnap, rob, torture for information and execute all Muslims and Latinos. Leave no survivors.”
The letters are signed by Greg Withrow, a white supremacist who in 1979 co-founded the forerunner to the skinhead Aryan Youth Movement that eventually displaced the Ku Klux Klan.
In a 1986 speech, Withrow called for the “total extermination of all subhuman, non-Aryan peoples from the face of the North American continent: men, women and children, without exception or appeal” — but claimed he had renounced his hate group ties a year later.
He appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show and others, and Woody Harrelson considered making a movie based on his autobiography — but Withrow later admitted he had faked his conversion, and a six-year marriage to a Mexican-American woman, to spy on government agents and civil rights groups.
“The marriage got me into places that they otherwise wouldn’t let me go,” Withrow said. “I had as much feelings for her as you do for undocumented workers; as much feelings for her as one would have a dog, maybe less. More like feelings toward her as a slave.”
Withrow even staged his own crucifixion, which left his hands useless, as part of his falsified conversion — and he partially crucified himself a second time in 2005 at the California statehouse to protest immigration and the Iraq War.
Authorities in Butte County, just north of Sacramento, linked Withrow to hate literature distributed in the city of Paradise, but investigators haven’t confirmed whether he’s actually involved in the latest round of white supremacist pamphlets.