Lebanon and Armageddon #racist realjewnews.com

War and trouble between Lebanon and Israel during the end time seems likely based on prophecy about Armageddon. The town of Megiddo, near Israel’s border with Lebanon, is where the word Armageddon comes from. Megiddo is located in northern Israel about 35 miles south of Lebanon’s border with Israel. Armageddon is translated from the original greek scripture as hill of Megiddo, valley of Megiddo, or something similar.

Various books of the bible speak of this region around Megiddo in discussing end time prophecy. This region is also known as Esdraelon and Jezreel. It is said to be a strategic military location; that the army which controls this region has a big military advantage, that many battles have been fought there over the ages. In light of Zionist plans outlined in the Protocols of Zion and the end time horrors prophesied by Daniel and Revelation, it appears that Satan’s Jew World Order will be what causes the great tribulations; that one bitter fruit of the JWO will be the great tribulations.

Satan knows his time is short and it’s only getting shorter. After Satan subordinates the nations under his JWO government it won’t turn out any better than it did with the 90 million Russians who were murdered by the Bolshevik Jews after they slaughtered the Czar and his family and seized power. Stalin showed us what to expect from JWO rule. Prophecy says the power of the holy people (Christians) will be completely shattered at the time of the end. It sounds like Satan’s JWO will be in something like a fight to the death against Christianity, even though most Christians may remain blind to who is destroying them.

Man will become as scarce as fine gold. Seven women will pursue one man - which suggests most men will die in war. No flesh would survive unless Jesus returns and cuts the tribulations short.

Megiddo (Armageddon) being on the northern edge of Israel toward the Lebanon border hints at hostilities between Lebanon and Israel during fulfillment of propechy about Armageddon.

End time prophecy about the last ruler / king / kingdom to fall before Jesus returns: He will establish his royal headquarters on the holy temple mount between the Mediterranean sea and the Dead sea. Then he will be destroyed and no one will help him. Dan 11:45.

It sounds like the JWO head will fall partly because gentiles will learn the truth about Zionism so that they won’t HELP cut their own throat any more. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free - John 8:32. The net spreads info much better than anything previously. Newspapers and TV are one-way broadcasts transmitted from Jews to the masses. But the net lets goys transmit info to the masses, like with this post. Well, maybe not to the masses, but maybe to hundreds or to thousands.



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