David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Allopathic Treatment is Frightening

Biblically, there is nothing wrong with treating the whole person. In fact, it is the proper way to treat an illness. So often medical doctors are nothing less than legalized drug-dealers, prescribing drugs and more drugs (many of which are dangerous). There have been umpteen news articles and books published revealing the dangers of modern prescription drugs.

Then there's the medical doctors themselves. Shockingly, doctors were responsible for 250,000 deaths in 2000. This is allopathic medicine, it treats your symptoms and NOT the underlying causes of your disease or ailment. Please don't misunderstand me... I thank God for doctors, but the pharmaceutical industry (controlled by the Rockefellers, et cetera) is out of control. If you want to survive as a medical doctor in today's world, then you have to play the game... DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS!!!

It's an injustice that so many people are being denied treatments to these diseases (like cancer) because of the greed of the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Read the frightening TRUTH. Natural remedies are perfectly Scriptural and a gift from God. Shockingly, the American public has had all sort of natural remedies deliberately hidden from then for decades. Read about how the FDA deliberately suppresses books on natural healing.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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