Study: Muslims to Outnumber Christians Worldwide at 2070
This will not happen. It can't. It goes against nature. Nature always wins. The only race who has fought nature, and won some battles, is the White race. Once we White Christians are gone, there is no other race who can creditably replace us. The Chinese, while smart, lack initiative and imagination, and, compassion. The Indians, most are not that smart, and, again, lack compassion. The Blacks. Puhleeeeze. They are not even in contention. The Arabs? Yup, they could be the global winners. They are stupid, backwards, but, they have passion for their retarded religion. Compassion is what sets us apart from the rest of the savages. It is also what will be our downfall. I think compassion is a trait that distinguishes the savages from the civilized. But, I do not believe that a trait that is godly, and benevolent, should cause the genocide of the practitioners.
What wins in today's world is PASSION for your tribe. We Whites need to stop thinking as individuals. Take a page out of the Talmud. We Whites are a distinct BLOOD group, with genomes that we share. We are under hostile assault. We need to fight back.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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