1. atheists are in the minority in this country
This is true, but there is not a single christian denomination which is in the majority either.
2. there is NO separation of Church and State in the Constitution, never has been.
While it's true those exact words do not appear in the US Constitution, the intent of the 1st Ammendment was made quite clear in many, many writings by the various founding fathers, and the idea of a "christian nation" was roundly voted down ever time the idea was broached at the constitutional convention.
3.your organization is founded on a myth
How can the lack of belief in a god or gods by the founding members of American Atheists be a myth? Are you claiming to know what they were thinking better than they did themselves? If so, then would you kindly reveal how you came across this decidedly sorcerous ability so that you can be burned at the stake for your witchcraft.
4. the MAJORITY rules in a republic style of government
Wrong again. The bill of rights is there to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. The US is not governed by the principle of majority rule, if it were then there would be no civil or human rights, for a majority could just decide to eliminate any minority they chose. There would be no law by your reasoning because a simple majority could choose to overturn any that they found to be inconveniant.
5.If there was NO GOD, how do you explain how you were born?
One night my parents had a bit to drink, got a little bit randy, and 9 months later I came along. Now what did "god" have to do with that?
6.You and your organization are proof positive of what happens when uneducated and ill
informed people are given free speech rights
So you advocate taking away the free speech rights of those that you consider to be "ill informed" and "poorly educated"? We'll just gloss over the fact that the average atheist is more likely to have a college degree and be more roundly educated. What makes you think that any person or group should have the right to remove another's rights? What makes you think that you should be the one to decide that?
You are nothing more than a wanna-be totalitarian dictator, so insecure in your beliefs and opinions that you would take the rights of a free people lest they critisize you and your beliefs. So afraid of the shame you would endure when your hypocrisy is laid bare for all the world to see that you would opress those who have different beliefs from your own, painting all with a single brushstroke as "ill informed, uneducated fools" and to accuse them as a whole of doing "evil", though you can't seem to define exactly what it is they are doing that is "evil", it is "evil" just the same.
Yes you have inadvertantly showed your true self to the world. You are nothing less than a bigot, a bully, a petty thug hiding behind the cloak of religion in an attempt to justify your smug sense of righteousness and superiority. You are also revealed to be naught but a coward at heart, afraid of anyone voicing opposition to you lest your impotent thugishness be revealed to those you think to be lesser than yourself. You make me sick.