Jesus said that faith can move a mountain and it surely can. If God gives us the faith that we won't get sick if we drink a pint of hemlock, then we won't get sick, period.
No, certainly, we won't even pass through sick. A pint of hemlock will chart a hyperspace course right to dead .
Besides, gatherin' hemlock ain't like dustin' crops, boy....
OK, so why is Carico so sure that faith can move mountains?
So someone has sufficient faith, they command a mountain to move and it does.
The literal truth of the Bible is proved and no-one need have faith anymore.
Hadanelith -- Absolutely. I wouldn't want to deny his/her claim without running a test. Put you money, or your hemlock, where your mouth is, Carico.
This is why faith makes me sad. It doesn't matter to them that no one has EVER verbally moved a mountain - God said you can, so you can.
And if someone tries and fails? Their faith wasn't strng enough. Or they were testing God. Or any number of other things to let God off the hook.
Faith and repeatable testing just don't go hand in hand.
More than 50% of the comments so far are invitations for Carico to try and test her words... Come on guys, I knew she was asking for it, but display a little more imagination!
Why waste it on something like this?
Franck Kabele tested this theory in an earlier post. It was disproved.
There's an old joke about a minister caught in a flood. A rowoat came for him and he said, "no, the Lord will take care of me." Next, a power boat came and he said "no, the Lord will take care of me." Then a helicopter showed up and he said "no, the Lord will take care of me." Finally, he drowned. So, in heaven, he went up to God and said "how could you let me drown after I showed such faith in you"? God said "Hey, I sent two boats and a helicopter. What do you want from me"? Moral - the Lord helps he who helps himself.
So all your faith can do is some creative landscaping and expanding the cocktail menu of your favourite bar? Big bloody deal that is. Don't need a god for that.
How about using the awesome powers of your deity for something useful: cure cancer sufferers, eradicate poverty, establish world peace?
Repositioning hillsides, performing stunts with poisonous liquids, walking on water, changing water into wine, dividing fishes is all fair and well, but can't you do something a bit more alruistic? Just for bloody once?? Come on, dare you...
Uh, I would get a doctors opinion on this first.
Like a childs mind, literalness and an inability to think abstractly is what makes a fundie a fundie most of the time! And that is why they 'say the darndest things' children it can be charming, but it just disconcerting and worrisome to hear it from an adult mind.
You people are exactly how Soldier_of_Christ described you in our forum. Athiestic and godless, you people have no concept of the true power of faith. And I don't mean "Yes I believe" faith, but the true almighty powerful faith that can make a man capable of driving nails into his hand without feeling it. You people are mere children in the eyes of our good Christian people. I hope you suffer tremendous pain and agony in Hell.
I hope you suffer tremendous pain and agony in Hell.
Then you'll probably be joining us. Taking pleasure in the suffering of another is generally frowned upon by Jesus, and I seem to recall a statement along the lines of "Judge not, lest ye be judged" as well.
Hey Pally! Guess what - the inability to feel pain is usually the product of nerve damage or brain damage. Pain is merely electrical impulses and how you handle and interpret them. Some chemicals can block them and some types of nerves can override others, but the ability to not feel pain is not proof of God, not uncommon, not impressive and is actually a sign something is WRONG. Pain is actually a very, very, very, useful function. A little less chronic and your brain chooses to interpret it as pleasure. It also stops you harming yourself Mr "I like to get my jollies sticking nails in my hands".
Do you think blindness for God is as good as numbness for God? How about deafness for God?
So, all the martyrs who died of such stuff which is impossible to describe didn´t have enough faith. You´re idiot, first for being a fundie, second for asuming that God is a type of healer or handiman.
I have a strong feeling Jesus_pal and Soldier_of_Christ are the same person (or butt-sex buddies). Think about it- Soldier_of_Christ was put in his place a while before (his place being a bottom feeding troll who obviously got lost in search of fundie forums). He needed another entity to manifest- as "backup" to defend himself.
Let this be a note to all fundie trolls: 1. You are not welcome here.
2. Nobody cares what you have to say.
3. Your fundie babble means nothing to me.
4. The purpose of this website is so that intelligent, logical people can actually speak without someone holding their ears and saying "LALALALALA I can't hear you!"
5. If you can't handle the fact that we are tearing apart the very fabric of your bogus religion, STAY THE FUCK OFF THIS SITE! We don't want you here, anyway. Go back to your fantasy world, where you can frolic on clouds and sit in Jesus's lap.
6. In a nutshell, P.S.S.G.F.Y.
(Practice Safe Sex, Go Fuck Yourself)
There are countless thousands of faithful sick individuals on this planet praying day after day for relief from their afflictions. God ignores them, why should he listen to you?
The fact that devout Christians (or Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc.) get sick and die without their prayers ever being answered is proof to me there is no God.
The Bible says if we pray faithfully we will be answered. I've yet to see it happen.
... you people have no concept of the true power of faith. And I don't mean "Yes I believe" faith, but the true almighty powerful faith that can make a man capable of driving nails into his hand without feeling it.
During the various Plagues, the faithful walked through the streets beating their backs bloody with studded flails. They hoped that by punishing themselves and showing their faith and submission to God, they'd escape the disease.
It didn't work.
You're all terrible people for trying to make her chug concentrated poison, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. That aside, I'm taking bets for if she survives or not. 1:1 for if she dies, 1:20 for if she vomits it up, 1:50 for if she goes into intensive care.
Doesn't the Bible tell you not to test God. Even Jesus, who must have had the most faith any of your number has ever had, being the son of God, as well as BEING God at the same time (that's got to be a mindfuck for starters 'So hang on I'm your son, but also actually you at the same time, right.....) refused to test God, during his whole 40 days in the desert excursion. Here's an idea, 1) Read your own holy book in order not to make a complete tit of yourself 2) Realise it's a fairy tale, 3) Become an atheist - it's as easy as 1,2,3
" You people are mere children in the eyes of our good Christian people. I hope you suffer tremendous pain and agony in Hell. "
Ah, such "good Christians," wishing pain and agony on their fellow humans. I know it's been a long time since I attended church, but that sure doesn't sound like the sort of thing they taught us in Sunday school.
Faith =/= Plate Tectonics
Also, please make a video of this hemlock thing.
It's been a while since I've seen a good snuff.
Please, please, PLEASE drink that hemlock. Make sure to add lots of cyanide and potassium chloride to it too, just to make it tastier, OK?
Oh look, faith moving mountains:
No wait, that's science, which can literally allow ordinary human beings to move mountains, change the path of mighty rivers, reach up in the sky and touch the moon and so, so much more. Oh I'm sorry, you were saying...?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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