David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
I honestly don't know how anyone can tolerate the cackling women on THE VIEW for more than 5 minutes. I heard Whoopi Goldberg scold President Bush for going into Iraq instead of Afghanistan to get the criminals behind the 911 attacks. Truthfully, our military should have arrested the entire Bush family and Bush Administration for 911. THE VIEW is bought and paid for by the criminal global elite, whose purpose is to dish out disinformation and false propaganda to confuse people even more than they're already confused. THE VIEW ought to be renamed THE LIE. It's a 3-ring circus! Apart from reading books (and watching videos) by authors like Texe Marrs and Mark Dice; and listening to genuine alternative news sources like Alex Jones, you'll never know the truth about what's going on in America.
Glenn Beck is a demonic Mormon, bought and paid for by the criminal global elite as controlled opposition. Don't follow him because he'll lead you astray. The Illuminati puts guys like him out there to appear to care like Alex Jones, but they will lead you away from the truth about the criminal Federal Reserve Banksters and the Bush Administration's involvement in the 911 attacks (real issues). The truth about 911 will eventually be irrefutably deniable (and it already is to those who take time and care enough to examine the concrete evidence); but by then decades from now (if the Lord tarries His return), it will be too late. It is common knowledge today that the White House had advance knowledge of what was going to happen at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. They needed a pretext to involve America into World War 2 and ultimately bomb Japan with nukes.