Because we all know that "liberal" really means "totally evil anti-american devil worshiper who eats babies."
Really, I haven't seen the term "liberal" thrown around so loosely since the 1988 presidential election, or since listening to Rush Limbaugh's radio program.
And as far as his list of "liberal deceit" goes, I can think of some examples of "conservative deceit:"
Richard Nixon, Republican president, had to leave office in 1974 after the Watergate scandal when it was learned that he had sent burglars to bug the offices of the Democratic Party. His famous line was "I am not a crook."
Jim & Tammy Bakker, Christian televangelists, were found to be living a very lavish lifestyle complete with an air-conditioned dog house. A sex scandal made him resign his ministry, and accounting fraud landed him in prison.
Jimmy Swaggart, Christian televangelist, caught in 1988 visiting a New Orleans motel with a known prostitute. Later cried on TV in order to get forgiven. In 1991 was pulled over by the CHP in Indio, CA and had a prostitute riding in his car which he had picked up from the side of the road.
The aforementioned Rush Limbaugh, popular conservative radio program host, railed against people using drugs for years before having it revealed that he was an oxycontin addict.
Ted Haggard, Christian anti-gay preacher railed about how evil homosexuality is and how everyone should be good Christians. Was found to have taken methamphetamine with his gay lover.
Kent Hovind, rabid anti-evolutionist and pro-creationist, has a supposed PhD from a fake university which is little more than a diploma mill. Is currently serving time in prison for tax fraud.
Kitzmiller vs. Dover Board of Education. The judge in the case admonished the defendants, who had allowed "intelligent design" to be taught in classrooms, for lying under oath on several occasions or otherwise testifying inconsistently.
There are many, many more but I'm just getting started. I'd be here all day if I started researching pedophile Catholic priests, but Andy probably thinks that Catholics aren't Christians anyway.