This is truly amazing.
Nearly every sentence Dave wrote is a lie.
The Nazis killed those who were maimed, mentally-retarded, weak, or whom they just didn't like, thinking that it was acceptable within the morally bankrupt teachings of Charles Darwin's THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. Put another way, Darwin's philosophies could be explained by the carnal phrase, “Only the strong survive.”
Charles Darwin wrote scientific papers, such as they were at that time, that described observations about how the world of life around us operated. There were no "teachings" or "philosophies" in his writings asserting or explaining that we should do this or that. In fact, there are multiple cases when he outright repudiated those who did attempt to derive "an ought from an is" via the naturalistic fallacy. People like Dave have been lying for decade after decade about that but never seem to be able to quote him to back up these lies they assert about him.
As was already pointed out here, Darwin's works were banned and burned in Nazi Germany. If one bothers to read what Hitler wrote, he was a theist who thought we were being corrupted from "The Creators" ideal order and his "philosophy" about man, such as it was, flowed from that. Don't believe me? Pick up Mein Kampf and read it for yourself.
Scientists who destroy human life in a lab, and mothers who abort their children, and judges who legalize abortion, and those who killed Terri Schiavo in 2005, are thinking the same way that the Nazis did.
Whatever one thinks about the demarkation of what we should consider life and simply chemistry is one thing. But here, two things are certain, Terri Schiavo was shamelessly used like a political football by fruitloops like Dave and those that advocated to let her expire in accordance with Terri's own wishes were correct to do so. It was demonstrated in 2002 and in her autopsy in 2005 that the doctors were correct and that Terri's brain was essentially mush. Literally liquified.
Left: CT scan of normal brain; Right: Schiavo's 2002 CT scan
Whatever was once was Terri was no longer and Dave's horseshit about "Nazi like thinking" is exactly that. Horseshit. To let Terri expire was a kindness not only to Terri but to her immediate family who, because of some fucking assholes like Dave here, would be forced to care for her empty shell at the whim of those who themselves wouldn't have to do such a thing.
But let's assume for a moment that people like Dave are right, that there is a separate soul regardless of Terri's condition of body and brain. That Terri was still really "in there". This essentially means that she was trapped in her fully incapacitated body. Can you imagine the horror of that? That being your experience day after day while your family force feeds you, literally with a tube as she had no longer had the ability to even reflexively swallow, and has to clean you several times a day like an incontinent infant?
I would never want nor allow my family to be held hostage like that if that were my condition and my (living) will reflects that because of what happened to people like Terri. Terri, who was kept in that state for seven fucking years because of religiously driven bullshit. Nobody killed Terri, she was long, long gone.
Whereas Jesus Christ stressed the importance of even the least INDIVIDUAL (Matthew 25:40,45); the majority of society today only concern themselves with the stronger GROUP (The Origin Of Species).
Whatever, we can cherry pick all we like and quote whatever Jesus allegedly said and find where he "stressed the importance" of the GROUP as well. The Holy Babble is nothing if not The Big Book of Multiple Choice. The second part is just undemonstrable bullshit which Dave continues in the next paragraph when he shits on all teachers using the same "logic" because, why not?
Few people genuinely care about the individual anymore.
If you say so, Dave. And is must be that mean 'ol Charley D's fault amirite?
The victims of alcohol-caused automobile deaths are too often only considered a “statistic,” instead of an individual. All the victims of booze are PEOPLE, individuals.
Really? "Considered" that by whom exactly? I guess with that logic we can claim the gathering statistics on any relevant crime, death, or health , etc. in order to address the problem is evidence that nobody cares about anybody. Impeccable thought processing there, Dave.
Most public school teachers don't care if a few students fail, just so long as most of their other students get good grades to make the teacher look good. They don't care if a few students fall through the cracks here and there an fail.
Might as well lie about teachers while we are at it, eh Dave? Nothing like smearing a whole GROUP with your lies.
This is how the heathen world thinks, and it is all directly based upon Charles' Darwin's The Origin Of Species
Good grief.