The false teachers of feminism teach a false lifestyle of unrighteousness. They prey on weak-willed women - unstable women who are quilt ridden because of their sins, torn by lust, and victims of various false teachers ("always learning," but never coming to a saving knowledge of Christ). A large number of feminists are victims of childhood abuse and are bitter toward men. Their 'guilt' is associated somehow with the false belief that they are responsible for their abuse. Rather than receiving the forgiving grace of Jesus, most of these women have bought into the lie perpetrated by false teachers that they are 'emancipated' and as a result are unable to function in a healthy relationship with a man. No wonder the majority of women in NOW are lesbians.
"They prey on weak-willed women - unstable women who are quilt ridden because of their sins, torn by lust, and victims of various false teachers"
Oh, I know! Um, chauvinist fundies!
"...weak-willed women - unstable women who are quilt ridden because of their sins, torn by lust, and victims of various false teachers ("always learning," but never coming to a saving knowledge of Christ)."
This is the perfect description of my soulmate.
I don't think the words your using mean what you think they mean.
weak-willed women - unstable women - and the women sitting around waiting for the rapture are the strong stable ones?
"always learning," but never coming to a saving knowledge of Christ - That thar dam book lurnin didnut do no womin no good anyhow.
A large number of feminists are victims of childhood abuse - Check the stat's, almost 30% of women were abused as children. Most of the abusers being married upstanding members of society.
Rather than receiving the forgiving grace of Jesus - So your saying a woman needs to be forgiven for being molested as a child? You are one sick fuck.
unable to function in a healthy relationship with a man - A healthy relationship is one where everyone is happy, not where the man gets whatever he wants. Therefore it is you who is incapable of having a healthy relationship.
Actually, it appears to me that the weak willed, unstable women are the ones that gravitate towards becoming fundies.
And just because every woman you ask out tells you to piss off, doesn't make them all lesbians. Just shows they have more smarts than you do.
Feminist, happily married, with two sons, an a passel of grandkids. (FYI, ya moron, Feminism gives women the right to CHOOSE what we want to do with our lives.)
Yup, that gosh-darned quilt just won't get off my back. But it's nice and snuggly, so I can live with it.
And, for the record, the reason I'm 'unable to function in a healthy relationship with a man' - by your definition of 'healthy', anyway - is that I'm asexual and have no interest in children. Your one-size-fits-all moralising would create a thoroughly miserable family. FOAD.
(But I can't help wondering... are you such a misogynist asshole because the one size doesn't fit you, either, and you'd rather tell yourself it's the fault of those nasty emancipated women than admit it?)
being quilt ridden sounds like the cozy life. Also, I doubt your statistics are anything but the fruits of your colon, but it doesn't strike me as particularly odd that an organization dealing with the rights of women in general as well as trans genders and homosexuals would in fact include several homosexual women.
Also, being a man I could never know for certain, but I have serious doubts that any man (I'm simply guessing you're man basied on the name) could ever truly know the intentions or motivations of feminism entirely.
Yes, false teachers of a false lifestyle filled with falseness!!
How do you hit the "q" rather than the "g"? They're not even close together on the keyboard.
So now feminists are weak-willed? Kinda like how racists are tolerant, and dwarves are tall, right?
Seriously, the gender-based slavery advocacy [and assumptions of lesbianism] makes me think Dave is just bitter because no woman with a pulse will touch him.
ADKitten wrote:
"How do you hit the "q" rather than the "g"? They're not even close together on the keyboard."
I have a Dvorak keyboard layout on my PC at home.
The Q and G keys aren't anywhere close to each other on THAT keyboard, either.
I'm a lesbian? I never knew that! But then, how am I attracted to guys? Oh, I know! I must be bisexual! Thanks, Dave! Or not.
So what do you say about male feminists? Yes, they do exist. And a large number of them are straight. Think about that for a while.
It is. Last month I posted a quote by him about how "healthy" and "godly" relationships are considered "abusive" by society since his 'god' wants women to obey every word of the man and that knowing where one's wife is at all times is not abuse. I think his message was, "God is a controlling man, get used to it, rebellious women!"
In other words, can't get laid, blames everyone but himself.
"torn by lust?" LMAO!!
I don't see any comments about the bastards who send a woman/wife/mother to the ER or grave. Sounds to me like some people are afraid of women who stand up for themselves. I have an advanced Black Belt Degree and have taught women from the shelter to protect themselves and their children. It's a SHAME that women have to flee to a shelter so they can sleep at night or so without having the crap beat out of them.
Guess I can't sell ya a ticket for "Vagina Monologues"..........
oh....I've been married for 28 years and have a wonderful, educated (HORRORS! She went to art school) daughter. Us older married women can be quite fiesty.
Not you again, Mr. Wicca is Evil.
Well, considering because of major religions, women were opressed and feared, I think it's about time we kicked your asses.
And -cough- "most" women are lesbians because almost all the decent men are GAY{-drool-} or NON-EXSISTENT.
And...I'd rather 'go to hell for being a lesbian' than marry you, you dominating pig.
"No wonder the majority of women in NOW are lesbians."
Way to make NOW sound fantastic, I've gotta get myself to these meetings...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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