[Regarding evidence of the existance of Jesus]
On the lighter side of things ~ the existence of Jesus can be logically inferred by simply reading the Bible, watching the Passion of Christ, various 'movies' based on the Bible and OT/NT. The existence of Jesus can even be logically inferred just by looking at an icon or painting.
The existence of Harry Potter can be logically inferred by simply reading "The Sorcerer's Stone", watching "The Chamber of Secrets", various 'movies' based upon the books. The Existence of Harry Potter can even be logically inferred just by looking at an icon or painting.
On the lighter side of things ~ the existence of Superman can be logically inferred by simply reading Superman comics, watching Superman, various 'movies' based on Superman. The existence of Superman can even be logically inferred just by looking at an action figure or drawing.
"On the lighter side of things ~ the existence of Jesus can be logically inferred by simply reading the Bible, watching the Passion of Christ, various 'movies' based on the Bible and OT/NT. The existence of Jesus can even be logically inferred just by looking at an icon or painting."
I think you're a wee bit confused.
I have no doubt that he is correct. I believe Jesus existed. Now, all that other supernatural 'son of god' bullshit,,, that's another story.
Couple this with "Evoltion isn't reel, lol!", how do the fundies explain Dr. Zaius???
"Get your stinkin' paws off me, you damn dirty ape!"
We must find the ring before the dark lord Sauron finds it, and it must be destroyed.
nd stay away from Costa Rica, the dinosaurs will eat you.
*holds up pencil*
*draws stick figure*
*names it Bob*
*stares at it intently*
*infers real hard*
All hail, Bob!
So, a 2000 year old book cobbled together by priests who picked over books to decide what it would contain, and a 21st century movie created by a bigoted hollywood celebrity are your evidence that Jesus existed?
I guess evidence is subjective.
wow - I just read the rest of that thread, and that guy doesn't have a effing clue about anything...
...but he just keeps talking out of his ass no doubt with a "I sure told those secular atheists a thing or two" smile on his face.
I swear to God we need to segregate these people.
Funny, if Jesus existed, he didn't look anything like the icon s of today. He was a carpenter's son from Middle East, not a long-haired Caucasian!
Yesterday, I played a game of Starcraft (an old PC game which is a national sport in Korea, with its own TV channel), after reading the user manual with various pieces of artwork. Therefore I can logically infer that I have about 13.5 minutes before I get zerg rushed by a Korean, Eek!!!!! not those hordes of zerglings again!!!!
[Regarding evidence of the existence of Harry Potter]
On the lighter side of things ~ the existence of Harry Potter can be logically inferred by simply reading a Harry Potter book, watching the Harry Potter movies, various 'movies' based on the Harry Potter book series. The existence of Harry Potter can even be logically inferred just by looking at an icon or painting.
*also available in: FSM, IPU, Teapot, Speed Racer, Kool-Aid Man, Tux the Penguin, and fuckloads more!!*
Reading more of that thread...the man has entered into a battle of wits, and he's unarmed.
Someone needs to do a Bill Munny on him, accordingly.
"the existence of Jesus can be logically inferred by simply reading the Bible"
How can you trust the bible? You can't just back that up with one of those round fundie logic explanations.
"watching the Passion of Christ, various 'movies' based on the Bible and OT/NT"
Like many others have said, you can also infer the existence of Harry Potter and every other fictional character.
"The existence of Jesus can even be logically inferred just by looking at an icon or painting. "
Alrighty. I'm looking at a painting of a rainbow-colored unicorn. Can I infer that it exists?
Conclusion: Moron
The existence of Jesus can even be logically inferred just by looking at an icon or painting.
Ever seen any paintings by Salvador Dali? Are you implying that all that shit is real too? That there's some weird melty-clock place that actually exists?
On the lighter side of things ~ the existence of Odin can be logically inferred by simply reading the Eddas, watching the Beowulf, various 'movies' based on the epic sagas and myths. The existence of Odin can even be logically inferred just by looking at a statue or drawing.
Wouldn't this argument hold true for faeries, orcs, dwarves, sea monsters, and every other creature that has gone from book to movie?
Amanda wrote:
"There are pictures of the Care Bears on television. Does this mean that Care Bears are real?"
So..., if I draw a picture of a pig with wings, that winged pig will exsist...?
I'm going to go draw a picture titled: "several tons of pure gold that I legally own;" I'll be filthy rich!
You know, the same thing could be inferred about the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus, since there are books, pictures, songs, and even movies about them...
"based on the Bible and OT/NT"
Unless "OT/NT" means something else entirely, I'm gonna have to page the Redundancy Department of Redundancy. Or we could just go read a book about the Declaration of Independence and the document that declared the United States' independence.
At least he used infer/imply right...
So, logically speaking, we can see the existence of God (because those Christian folks think Jesus and God are one and the same) by watching a Hollywood movie? Does Life of Brian, Dogma, or Saved count at all?
This logic does not resemble our Earth logic. As such, this poster is convincing evidence for life on other planets. Not INTELLIGENT life, mind you, but life nevertheless.
Reminds me of a movie I saw about Jesus. He was quiet, gentle, unassuming. He loved children, could heal with a touch and spread his message of simply "Be good" to anyone who would listen and assured them that he would always be in their hearts. There were some people who feared him for his strangeness and tried to kill him, but he was miraculously resurrected!
Oh, wait, that was E.T.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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