/Why should America follow the Geneve convention when terrorists do not?/
Yes, why should we bother trying to be morally above our enemy, making sure that our means and ends are just? Why should we bother to be in the right? You sound like a whiny eight-year-old. "B-But Billy did the same thing, Mommy! Why shouldn't I get to do it, too?"
/We must act in the same way as the terrorists./
Yeah, why don't Americans just blow themselves up randomly, that's what terrorists do. Why don't Americans force women to dress up in burkas, that's what these terrorists' fundie Islamic culture demands. You are sounding like an immature playground bully. "But that's what everyone else is doing!" Have you ever heard the analogy that involves "everyone else" jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge?
/War has no rules much like the terrorists./
The Geneva Convention is one. And I strongly doubt that the families of the victims of 9/11 took much comfort in knowing that "war has no rules." It's not as easy to rationalize when you're the one who's suffering.
/Screw the world opinion when it comes to fighting terrorism./
Yeah, who cares about what other countries think, even though we share the same planet, belong to the same species, and participate in the same global economy? America is always right and thus doesn't have to listen to anyone! Once again, you sound like an immature, petulant brat.
/Torture, excecute terrorists if need be to find necessary information./
Uh, dude, we've been there, done that. You know, during the Salem Witch Trials? The Puritans tortured and executed a whole bunch of innocent people who "confessed" to being witches. People will say anything to make the pain stop, even if it's not true. And those other countries that you so disdainfully dismiss have also tried the same thing. The Spanish Inquisition ring a bell? Torture is not only bad because it is impractical, but also because it is utterly inhumane. I doubt you would be such a strong advocate of it after you had been subjected to such trials.
/This is a new generation of war, Geneva convention is old and out dated./
*snort* That wasn't a plausible excuse for the atrocities in Vietnam and it won't be one for this war, either.
/There is no human rights in war./
Again, you are in no position to spout such heartless nonsense, especially since you are probably sitting comfortably at home without the fear of being attacked. How people can be so insensitive and callous saddens me.
/We must let the terrorists know that if they are caught with explosive material on their hands then its automatic excecution on site./
Umm, if they have explosives, they're likely trying to blow themselves up as well as everyone else around them. So, the threat of execution won't do anything because that's exactly what the terrorists are planning to do! Only, it'll be self-execution.
This pitiful excuse for a human being is a disgrace to America and a disgrace to the human race.