I agree with Bigot. Remember, Will, I grew up during the segregation era. Life was a lot simpler for black folks, then, because they knew their place in society. Black folks would raise their families, go to church on Sunday, and spend time with their kids during the holidays. They didn't have any of these complex issues to deal with that that we've forced on them today. Our society has placed the black American in an impossible situation, and I know more than a few blacks who say that their lives were better before the civil rights movement.
You know what? Come on, man, I know some bigots traditionally say "Some of my best friends are black", but seriously, you expect us to believe you?
/I know more than a few blacks who say that their lives were better before the civil rights movement./
No, no, I think you're referring to the economic crisis faced by black South Africans today which is worse than the one they faced in apartheid South Africa. But that still does not justify treating blacks like third-class citizens. They are PEOPLE, plain and simple. And as such, they deserve to be treated like human beings.
Life was a lot simpler for black folks, then, because they knew their place in society, and if they forgot, they were reminded. Brutally. Black folks would raise their families, go to church on Sunday, get lynched for looking at white women the wrong way and spend time with their kids during the holidays. They didn't have any of these complex issues to deal with that that we've forced on them today. Our society has placed the black American in an impossible situation, and I know more than a few blacks who say that their lives were better before the civil rights movement.
Just pointing out a few of the things you forgot to include in your post.
Well, they were arrested without reason, treated as second class citizens and employed in the worst tasks. But what the hell!, they were happy doing tasks you'd never do for love or money.
Quote taken out of context, meaning, I said royal bullshit and I tried to make it right. Like "I know there are more than a few blacks that say that their lives were better before the civil rights movement". Well, maybe in a BDSM club.
When you talk about people "knowing their place" you are at the very least prejudiced, most likely racist.
Active or not in your actions, actively stating that things are better when a group of people are persecuted is downright wrong.
AMM, you ARE a racist. And we don't need this post to tell us so. There are a million others.
If you don't want to be portrayed as racist, quit trolling this board, and find one that supports your narrow world-view.
Actually, if I recall correctly, American MinuteMan was the same jackass a few months ago who was ragging on Hispanics. He even made a shitty poem about it, too. I think it was last month, so some of you might have to go back a few in the archives to find it, but the proof's there.
I remember this quote and the context it was posted in does not change its nature. It was just as racist then, within context, as it is now. But, I honestly believe you cannot see this, which is what is so amazing and disturbing.
In this context, a racist would be someone who actively hates or seeks to persecute black Americans. I am advocating just the opposite. I care deeply for our black neighbors, and that's why I'm pointing out an area in which I believe our society has failed them.
Yes, segregation had its problems. "Seperate but equal" was an ideal that was never fully realized. But, with some modification, I believe the system could have been retooled to allow blacks to thrive in their own communities, without being burdened by the complexities of white American society. Today, black Americans are being forced into ghettos, where they live with drugs, disease, and rampant crime. Had blacks been allowed to develop and thrive as an independent American community, they would have had the opportunity to develop their own culture without being thrown out into white American society without the education and financial freedom necessary to succeed.
I really REALLY hate to say it, but you guys are being a little too harsh towards AMM. I don't particularly agree with him, but this quote doesn't seem that racist too me. Compared to other quotes, this is nothing.
If you consider people equal and right, why would you separate them?. Have you consider that POVERTY and LACK OF OPPORTUNITIES, tightly connected to segregation, was the real reason WHY there is so much crime?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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