"Newton's theory went down the toilet with Einstein. And einstein's theory is in the process of going down the toilet today. That's the thing with these scientists, their ideas are always exchanged down the road for something better and more accurate. Nothing they say right now is an accurate representation on the natural world."
Trinidad and Tobago's back! :)
(I thought he'd been taken up in the rapture.)
Aside from the first two sentences, the rest is quite accurate. Possibly the least fundie thing he has ever said.
Actually, aside from the asinine editorial, he's right. Einstein's theory of general relativity is falling into disfavor with the advent of quantum mechanics and the superstring revolution.
Though he probably means "Teh cretinists pwned ur relativity"
Your third line is the answer to your first two lines because science "is a growing body of understanding by which one can contend more effectively with surroundings and to better adapt and evolve as a social whole as well as independently".
Growing body of understanding means that there is always more to learn. There is always going to be change.
THe "science" of ancients described winds or storms as monsters or gods. that satisfied them to a point. We now know that is not true, but it not being a satisfactory answer was probably what led to more investigation and the appliance down the road of newly discovered information.
IN stark contrast, you believe that your book of god is a one time, "god meant what he said when he said it" kind of book that you all pretend that you can't change to fit your whims, but do it anyway.
The big difference is that science never claims to have all the answers, and it never will. Science welcomes all new information; the bible shuns it. The bible readers decided years ago that no matter what reality tells them that is different from their book, they will deny and even cry persecution, merely because of opposing ideas.
The rigid and unwavering rules of your book are powerless against the tangible world.
Newton's theory didn't go down the toilet, as Einstein built upon it for his theory, and the new theories are built on Einstein's (and, in turn, Newton's).
That's the thing with these scientists, their ideas are always exchanged down the road for something better and more accurate.
I love how this is meant to be a bad thing. That's how science works!
Newton's theory went down the toilet with Einstein? I guess that makes all my studies of the Laws of Motion in freshman engineering classes meaningless...
Okay, technically, Einstein did prove Newton wrong. But Newton's Laws work spectacularly well unless you're dealing with incredible mass (like stars) or extraordinary speeds (nine tenths the speed of light or so.)
their ideas are always exchanged down the road for something better and more accurate.
That's right, better and more accurate. A refinement of what went before, not a completely unrelated idea.
Oh, noes! You mean scientists admit they don't know everything? Scientific theories are wrong?
Okay, then, hotshot. Please tell us how your pet theory that some invisible sky-daddy not even proved to exist is oh-so-much better than theories based on actual evidence , however incorrect they all might be. If you're going to demonize science for following occasional red herrings, just what makes you think we'd believe what you have to say?
Nekhbet - just as well there isn't a limbo, otherwise you'd be stuck there for a long time while they decided which circle of hell to send you for for that terrible, terrible gag that we all saw coming!
That's the thing with these scientists, their ideas are always exchanged down the road for something better and more accurate.
No shit, Sherlock. As opposed to you fundies and your idiotic idea that the world is static and nothing ever changes, scientists are willing to accept when something is shown to be different than what they had presumed it to be.
The scientific method admits to error, and is thus self-correcting. Every correction brings us closer to Reality.
No scientist is going to piss on Einstein.
Science is not a fixed body of doctrine the way religion is; rather, it is a continuing process of investigation and refinement of ideas.
Science is built on the bones of dead theories, while religion is just based on myths and legends.
Okay, science has been off, slightly or more in extreme cases (such as near light-speed or masses of stars).
But as time goes by, we make adjustments for those cases.
The bible was completely fucked up to begin with, and fundies refuse to change it.
Which is better?
"Nothing they say right now is an accurate representation on the natural world."
What happened to "Two bodies will exert a force on each other relative to the mass of the bodies"? Something really weird has to happen if that ever gets thrown away.
For 2,500 years one book was good enough for your lot; then that goes down the toilet with that Jesus guy coming along. Then that goes down the toilet with the Council of Nicaea. Then you got even more councils that all added and "improved" a bit. Then all of that goes down the toilet and you have a reformation. Then suddenly that goes all horribly down the toilet as 20,000 or more different denominations try to exchange pre-reformation Christianity for something better and more accurate.
So, don't you think it's a bit rich coming from you, complaining about the ever changing nature of world views?
Umm, no. It's not that Newton was wrong, he just wasn't as precise, and he didn't know everything. Einstein expanded on what Newton did, that's all. And heck, we may find Einstein was kind of wrong - probably not completely wrong, because what he said works in practical settings.
In fact, many space missions still use Newtonian physics for their calculations, since they're still good enough for it.
But God forbid (excuse the expression) we learn more as we go along. Do you have the same mind now as you did at 4? Do you understand things the same way? I sure hope not.
the idea of sciance are updated as new knowledge is gained, tested and proven/dis-proven to be <b>more</b> accurate/logical.
as it is, the reason einstien is being disproven, is not anything to do with or positive for the bible. its being replaced by string theory. evolving into more advanced ideas then we could have tested 50 years ago.
this process of improving, and disproving previous consepts, does not prove the bible correct.
nothing ever can or will, as even strong belief is not in fact knowlegde untill proven
"John, when people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together."
Isaac Asimov, The Relativity of Wrong
you missed a word. 'completely'. science isn't completely accurate, but as you so kindly pointed out, gets more and more accurate all the time. much much easier to believe than an ancient book of tribal mythos and family history if you ask me.
That's the thing with these scientists, their ideas are always exchanged down the road for something better and more accurate.
LOL, damn deluded scientists. Why don't they just cling to the first wrongheaded notion they stumble across, like us?
It's time you morons exchanged "Goddidit" for an idea that a six-year-old wouldn't find completely ludicrous.
And when exactly did the theory of gravity get discredited? Why don't you put it to the test and step out of a 23rd storey window?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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