The best laws are only so intrusive as necessary to maintain order, Jeremiah; and to preserve the rights of the weak. Laws are good that protect life, liberty, and property.
Any attempt to legislate beyond that puts citizens in danger of tyranny or, as is the case with your dumb ideas, would push society over into howling barbarism.
A Constitutional amendment for the protection of life, making abortion illegal in all 50 states.
Unless this amendment is protecting all life, which includes livestock and bugs, then you have absolutely no grounds for treating a clump of cells as equal to a fully formed human being.
Moreover, inducing abortion is treated as a finable offence in the Bible, whereas murder is penalized by death. The Biblical authors made a distinction between the two, so why can’t you?
A Constitutional amendment making marriage between One Man and One Woman for Life in all 50 states.
There are provisions for divorce in the Bible. Like all theocracies everywhere, however, yours would go further than the founding religion requires.
A Constitutional amendment for the re-constitution of Sodomy laws.
Since your “principles” are obviously not Bible-based, on what grounds would you outlaw sodomy? And considering the abysmal failure of other moral crusades, such as the war on drugs, just how would you enforce such a ban?
A Constitutional amendment banning the production of pornographic material and on the Internet.
Not only are you Bible-illiterate, but you’ve apparently never heard of the First Amendment, either. It’s located in the very Constitution you wish to destroy.
A Constitutional amendment outlawing the teaching of sexual education in our schools.
because ignorance is a virtue that should be mandated by law.
A Constitutional amendment allowing prayer and Bible reading in our schools.
Prayer and Bible reading are already allowed in schools. Administrators and teachers are simply not permitted to endorse them, because public schools are funded by governments that are
wait for it
here it comes (!)
required to honor the First Amendment!
A Constitutional amendment that allows for the teaching of the account of Creation in school, and extra funding to research on that end.
See above, dumbass.
A Constitutional amendment making the Death Penalty mandatory for the act of murder and rape in all 50 states.
Mandatory sentencing guidelines: the lazy (and often unjust) way of dealing with crime.
A Constitutional amendment that allows Christians to promote Christianity in the public symbolically.
Christians are permitted to promote their religion in public. They’re guaranteed that right by
wait for it again
the First Amendment. They’re NOT permitted to use tax money for that purpose again, because of the First Amendment.
A Constitutional amendment banning taxes for the working to elderly/fixed income folk.
This statement doesn’t make much sense. If I understand you correctly, however, you’re suggesting that we abandon widows and orphans to their own devices. That is precisely what Jesus would have done.
A Constitutional amendment that allows for the use of public property for Christian based events.
You can already use public property for such events or are you suggesting church picnics in public parks are forbidden under the current system?
What you cannot do is take tax money and use it for the promotion of one religion over another. Guess why not?
What would become of America after all that?
There would be no America after that.
She would rise to be great and honorable, and other countries would respect and honor her!!
Even as other countries respect and honor Iran.