Jermiah #fundie

For starters—A list of laws I would sign into law if I were POTUS for morality.

1. A Constitutional amendment for the protection of life, making abortion illegal in all 50 states.

2. A Constitutional amendment making marriage between One Man and One Woman for Life in all 50 states.

3. A Constitutional amendment for the re-constitution of Sodomy laws.

4. A Constitutional amendment banning the production of pornographic material and on the Internet.

5. A Constitutional amendment outlawing the teaching of sexual education in our schools.

6. A Constitutional amendment allowing prayer and Bible reading in our schools.

7. A Constitutional amendment that allows for the teaching of the account of Creation in school, and extra funding to research on that end.

8. A Constitutional amendment making the Death Penalty mandatory for the act of murder and rape in all 50 states.

9. A Constitutional amendment that allows Christians to promote Christianity in the public symbolically.

10. A Constitutional amendment banning taxes for the working to elderly/fixed income folk.

11. A Constitutional amendment that allows for the use of public property for Christian based events.

What would become of America after all that?

She would rise to be great and honorable, and other countries would respect and honor her!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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