The first thing to keep in mind is that pro-lifers don’t do abortions. If abortion were outlawed today and illegal abortionists started springing up next week, every one of them would be someone who is pro-choice. In fact, every woman who was ever killed or maimed during an abortion – whether it was legal or illegal – was killed or maimed by someone who was pro-choice. In other words, when the abortion lobby says, “If abortion is made illegal, women will die,” what they’re actually saying is, “If you stop us from killing babies, we’re going to start killing women.”
[emphasis original]
Of course the first line is correct; but that's kind of like saying the only people who drink alcohol are not teetotalers, I mean 'Duh'.
But you're missing the big picture. The demand is NOT going to go away. It IS going to happen anyway. Making abortion illegal is the same as making guns, booze and drugs illegal has been, it turns underground and it still happens. And the reason for it going to back-alleys and the shame attached to the whole thing comes from all-or-nothing retards like you who force this to happen.
pro-lifers don’t do abortions.
Because we all know that there aren't any hypocrites in the world.
In fact, every woman who was ever killed or maimed during an abortion whether it was legal or illegal was killed or maimed by someone who was pro-choice.
And anyone who was ever maimed or killed in an ICU was killed or maimed by hospital staff. Your point being? Accidents or complications make proc-choice doctors murderers because the woman died? It's not as if they set out to kill her. That's the pro-life'ers piece of the cake.
If you stop us from killing babies, we’re going to start killing women."
Nop, what they are saying is, "If you ban abortion, it will happen anyway. But because proper medical facilies are not available to perform abortion, the only choice women will have is to find someone to do a back-alley abortion. And back-alley abortions are done in unsafe conditions, leading to more women's deaths."
Bullshit. Abortion providers say pro-lifers get abortions all the time. They sometimes abuse the abortion providers afterward, or go right back to picketing the clinic, or call the other women in the waiting room whores, but when they or their daughters need the procedure, they have it done. Choice is OK when it's them, because they're special and godly.
*cough* bullshit *cough*
I work in the pro-choice movement, and I can tell you RIGHT NOW that tons of anti-choice people come in and access abortion services all the time, often before and after being on the picket line trying to prevent others from accessing the very services they just used.
"The first thing to keep in mind is that pro-lifers don’t do abortions."
Uh huh. Would you like me to make a big note of that and staple it to your forehead? I mean, something as complicated as that could slip your mind.
"If abortion were outlawed today and illegal abortionists started springing up next week, every one of them would be someone who is pro-choice."
Yeah, duh.
"In fact, every woman who was ever killed or maimed during an abortion whether it was legal or illegal was killed or maimed by someone who was pro-choice."
Indeed. And, all those women killed or maimed during pregnancy and child birth were maimed and killed by motherhood.
"In other words, when the abortion lobby says, 'If abortion is made illegal, women will die,' what they’re actually saying is, 'If you stop us from killing babies,"
Except that abortion doesn't kill babies.
"we’re going to start killing women.'"
No, it means you are going to force desperate women to make desperate choices which will result in more of them dying than if you had STFU and minded your own business.
If you stop us from killing babies, we’re going to start killing women
strawman, anyone?
not "abortions", nooooo. They just non-hypocritically take their teen daughter to a clinic across state lines about that "flu" she caught, to avoid any embarassment that would surely occur if the other families in the parish found out that daddy's little girl wasn't the perfectly innocent little angel they claim her to be. Reputation's important you know.
Then it seems to be perfectly ok even for some anti-choice folk.
REAL "pro life" folk wouldn't be for the death penalty, illegal wars and removal of human rights "as long as they're not white and "true christians" of course", and against medical research, medicare and anything that doesn't suit them personally.
No, what we mean is, if a woman wants an abortion, she's gonna get one. Be it with a coat hanger, blunt trauma, or a myriad of other methods, it's gonna happen. We just want to make sure that the inevitable at least leaves the woman standing at the end.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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