Presumed? I'm sorry, but I've heard too many accounts of demonic attacks stemming from Dungeons and Dragons to take claims of it being innocent seriously. The article reads more like an endorsement than a truthful account. It's clearly been written or edited by someone trying to soften the image of an activity that exposes the young to Satan.
Seriously, although I find the comment pretty funny, Schafly should have known that putting stuff about DnD on Conservapedia would start that kind of "debates". At least it gives us something to read. :-P
Alex, meet Fantasy and her opposite, Reality. You'll notice that it's quite easy to tell them apart. You simply need to engage that squishy organ inside your head. Go on, give it a go. I'm sure it will be glad of the exercise.
Does anyone even play that even more? I thought everyone was playing Grand Theft Auto, WoW or Assassin's Creed these days.
Even Sims 3 has sex before marriage, and supernatural aspects to it. See? There's plenty for you people to get offended about, the possibilities are endless. Get with the times, Fundies!
Anecdotal stories and urban legends are not factual evidence.
And seriously, does anyone still play D&D anymore? I didn't know it was still around what with all the MMORPG's out there.
The more I read about D&D, the more I want to play it. I want to summon demons dammit!
Oh wait, I'm an avid gamer with a passion for RPG's, more specific of the Shin Megami Tensei kind, most of which are based around Demon summoning, sometimes in interesting ways (Persona 3 comes to mind), so I'm probably already doomed. But you rarely hear fundies rant about something that's kind of a niche, now do you. Funny because those games are a rich source of controversy if they'd gain more time in the spotlight, since the last time I played one (Devil Survivor on the DS), I deliberatly chose to gain the power of the demon king to start a war with God himself.
Laughing maniacally all the way :)
In answer to the few questions:
Yes, despite the growing popularity of MMOs, pen and paper rpg's are still played. Now, that still doesn't explain the circulation of thirty-year-old debunked urban legends...
Isn't the point of most D&D games to go and kill the big bad demons and devils anyway? :o
@Serph-no-Okami They were worried about the localization of teenagers shooting themselves in the head. Apparently they didn't need to be. -_-
accounts of demonic attacks stemming from Dungeons and Dragons
Um, are you sure you aren't confusing a work of fiction, or perhaps a dream you had, with reality? I mean I played D&D with my family when I was young and I don't recall any demons attacking me...
"I'm sorry, but I've heard too many accounts of demonic attacks stemming from Dungeons and Dragons"
I'm sorry but I've read too much stupidity stemming from conservapedia to take anything from that site seriously.
D&D? My dad and his friends play that. Personally I prefer Mutants & Masterminds (a d20 Superhero RPG), but you'd hate that anyway.
@Serph-no-Okami: Yeah, fundies would hate SMG games. Persona 3 & 4 would be major targets, since they'd call both Shadows and Personae "demons", 3 has people shooting themselves in he head, and 4 is so gay it has to be seen to be believed (Steamy Bathouse and Yosuke come to mind).
@Serph-no-Okami : Someone NEED to inform fundies about Shin Megami Tensei. Especially about those games where the Big Bad is the friggin' judeo-christian God. And especially about that one (one of the very first episodes, I think) where you can ally with Lucifer to kick YHWH's ass in the final fight. That would be hilarious .
@Misty : I'd say True Neutral. Don't think he has more than 2 in Intelligence. But really, fundie-ism in general is more of a very moronic, and moderately Evil-leaning, Lawful Neutral.
> I've heard too many accounts of demonic attacks stemming from Dungeons and Dragons
"...and I thought those were all true, and I'm too stubborn to admit that I was wrong about that, even when none of these tales ever checked up."
Don't worry, when you're completely buried under bullshit, even the strongest people need a little bit of time and voluntary effort on their part to dig their way out. And you know what? The truth smells fresh and good when you're out of there and clean and your nose starts working again. (Oh, good grief, that was a stupid analogy.)
Reliable tested accounts. Research will show all 'accounts' to be urban myths. They usually start out with "these kids, somewhere, once,,,"
Seriously? I have some friends who play D&D as well as some other tabletop games and they're better-adjusted than any fundie I've ever met. I mean, being able to play them means that you have at least two friends and staying in a group for any significant length of time implies that you all get along fairly well and are able to work out any disagreements you have.
But then, imagination is the devil's playground, isn't it?
"I'm sorry, but I've heard too many accounts of demonic attacks stemming from Dungeons and Dragons to take claims of it being innocent seriously."
No, I assure you, you haven't.
Oh yes, it is definitely being played -- they even came out with a new version (4) in the last two years. It's quite a bit different than the original, and to me a little more "video-game-y" than even just the last versions (3/3.5), but it's not only still being played, it's being updated.
And still way way fun (I'm DMing in my 3.0 campaign next weekend, in fact)
Seriously? I thought the fundies forgot about D&D by now with all the more evil things around... Speaking of which, I have to level up my character for next session in a few weeks.
(4th ed is the devil, but I'll play anything before Wizards messed it up.)
First of all: 3.5 Edition forever!
Second, the Planar Binding spells are make-believe. They allow spellcasters to summon angels, demons, devils, elementals, etc. They have no effect on reality, anymore than fireball and lightning bolt spells.
Third, have they even bothered to include any equivalents to the Planar Binding spells in 4th Edition? That's why I don't like 4th Ed. They don't even have any rituals to animate corpses!
Basically, 4th Editon magic does not include the two schools I predominantly use in my D&D games: Conjuration and Necromancy. If they'd translate all the effects into 4th Ed., then maybe I'd get into it.
Maybe these "demonic attacks" came from people taking the game way to seriously? You know, they became so obsessed with it that they couldn't tell between reality and fantasy. Many people who follow religions like Christianity have this problem, where they interpret things such as, say, sleep paralysis and waking dreams as demonic attacks.
Here is one of the many accounts Alex is referring to of D&D related demonic attacks:
Only demons or some pretty severe mental illness would cause someone to flip out over a character in a game dying, much less commit suicide over it.
Also, my polite, well-mannered, Southern Baptist boyfriend has been an avid D&D player for years. When 4th ed came out, he invited me to join in their test session of the new rules. I even bought a little figurine to represent my elf ranger. :B
If they're so true, try to bring them forth. Otherwise, for a scientific and academic work, it doesn't count.
Why do when fundies bash tabletop RPGs, they only mention D&D? Don't they know that there are other, darker RPGs out there?
Likewise, why do they bash Pokemon while leaving Shin Megami Tensei, the original and occult, alone?
Re: White noise's post
Because they're the most commonly known examples of their genres...?
For example, very little has been made about possible Demonic attacks stemming from playing Runequest, or Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay for example...
What fantasy world do YOU guys live in. Have you ever SEEN a demon attack someone whose playing/played D&D. With God as my witness, i'll say you haven't. It's not the dark ages anymore folks, it is the year 2010 and you guys are still talking about demon possession. It's more likely your very gulliable, and you believe whatever you hear, as long as you think the Bible backs it. Your all full of crap.
"Presumed? I'm sorry, but I've heard too many accounts of demonic attacks stemming from Dungeons and Dragons to take claims of it being innocent seriously"
You've read too many Chick Tracts for any of the 'accounts' you've heard to be taken seriously.
RPG's evil? Methinks the lady doth presume too much. A good friend of mine plays RPGs. Has a huge collection of them. He's a Christian.
He's been one for longer than you've been alive, AlexC. RPGs have done him no harm. Nor to his beliefs.
>> Wooflang
Demonic attacks caused by a board game? What? <<
Not a board game. Pencil/pen, paper, and dice. But, yeah - anyone who thinks that pen-and-paper RPGs are of the devil clearly knows nothing about them. Group storytelling is evil now? We might as well say the same thing about theater and comedy. Of course, some fundies say that too ...
The only time I encountered this personally was one guy who left my grad school DnD group because a friend of his thought DnD was evil and he didn't want to upset her (not a girlfriend, so far as I know). That was a little strange.
Lately I've switched to the Old World of Darkness line - Mage specifically. All of the mature and complex setting of Vampire: The Masquerade, but without requiring the 'we are all evil monsters' angst.
>> Liz
I work in a comic book and gaming store. If D&D did half the stuff claimed by conservapedia, I would know by now. Also, work would be more interesting. <<
I think your insurance bills would be sky-high until you got somebody to cast Antimagic Field on the place. On the other hand, then we would have demon-powered faster-than-light spacecraft ...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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