As webmaster of, much of my criticisms and negative e-mails come from professed "Christians." They tell me that Jesus preached a "gospel of love" and that I should "stop trying to scare everyone into Heaven." They accuse me of driving more people away from Christ than actually bringing people to Him. I get horrible e-mails from Christians telling me that I ought to be ashamed of myself and repent. Other Christians tell me that I am wasting my time because Satan must run his course. One pastor told me last year that people would think I'm a nut after looking at my website. Well, my website had over 90,000 visitors last month alone (praise Jesus!), that's more people than that pastor will ever reach in his lifetime (with all 15 of his church members). If the truth causes people to consider me a nut, then so be it in Jesus' name. I'll happily be a stick in the mud for Jesus. They called Billy Sunday a nut too! I am NOT surprised to receive such foolish criticisms from a generation of Christians who wickedly vote for occult members and deliberately allow their kids be exposed to witchcraft...
"Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" —Luke 18:8
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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