Since you, the state of "israel", is a demonocratic abomination and one of God's worst enemies. You are the ones behind most of the worlds suffering, and you are the ones guilty of the financial crisis. The protocols of the elders of sion clearly states that you are the inventors of capitalism, liberalism, communism and masonry. You control the world's banks and the western world's government.
Your moves are easy to predict, however. Your puppet in Georgia's war against Russia and several zionist "christian" protestant heretic's lie that Russia is the Magog and will be destroyed by "israel" clearly shows that your next move will be one against Russia.
However, in your greed, you have stolen more money than usual from your "GOYIM" puppets, perhaps a bit to much. More people are awakening and looking through your lies. The international organized Jewery is starting to become impopular, at least here in Europe. I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus would soon return and lead the free peoples of the earth in a great world war against "israel" and her puppets.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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