Bill P #fundie

This entire concept of gay marriage is ridiculous. It has never existed, and it never will. It’s a hoax foisted on the entire American people, and to what end? So that homosexuals can pay each other alimony?

Gays have already voted with their better sense and overwhelmingly declined civil marriage where it is available to them. Look at the stats from gay marriage states: either gays are a far, far lower fraction of our population than they claim, or they are generally uninterested in marriage, except perhaps as a means to delegitimize and wreck real marriage (I lost my sympathy for gay rights when it became nothing more than a way to actively punish sexually normal people).

American morality has become a running joke the world over. Where we used to be considered a truly righteous people, we are now seen as a bunch of fags to the masses of Eurasia and Africa. It’s totally contemptible, and it’s amazing how quickly this happened.

I could give a damn about being condemned by liberals for saying so; they are the ones who will have to defend themselves, just like Charlie Hebdo’s anally-fixated cartoonists.

Good luck with that!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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