Koen #racist realjewnews.com

Einstein was not just a plagiarist, he promoted incorrect physics like Voigt’s relativity theory on purpose, in order to fool the goyim.

The world wide acceptance of “Einstein’s” theories prevented the development of liberating technology based on correct physics already proven experimentally by Tesla before the deception of “superior” Jewish science.

A small energy device was made by T.H. Moray that generated 25 KWatt ‘out of the blue’, perfectly explainable by means of corrected physics based on longitudinal superluminal aether waves (De Broglie’s pilot waves) without Einstein barrier, observed by hundreds of people, examined by several PhD people who all concluded it was not a hoax.

It was destroyed by Felix Frazer from REA (Rural Energy Agency).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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