[Obama is actually "from" Hawaii. He moved to Chicago after law school. Anybody know the zip code for Maui?]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 204901
Actually there's a connection there. In revelations it says the mother of the beast will sit on the land of seven hills. Hawaii is an island built on seven hills and seven rivers.
Also there are signs, maybe not proof but pretty close.
The zip code, the fact that his name adds up to 666 no matter what kind of numerical deduction you use, that he rose up out of nowhere and made a following. (Leaders who cannot lead will follow the beast)
There is alot to look for and it's interesting if not scary to think about.
Also I believe that if he is the anti-christ the headwound will occur due to an assasanation attempt.
Well, of course it cannot be that, just by chance, the writer of the revelations meant Rome with the city of seven hills and by 666 the numerology for Nero (the emperor who was at power during the time the revelation was written claimed to be Nero reincarnated) ;)
There is alot to look for and it's interesting if not scary to think about.
Yeah there is a lot to look for because there are a lot of prophesies because the goat herders knew that at least a few had to come 'true'.
"the fact that his name adds up to 666 no matter what kind of numerical deduction you use"
Really? Try a = pi, b = e, c = sqrt(2), d = infinity, e = ln(-1), f = mink, g = phi, h = 0, i = sqrt(-1)...
Using a mapping I have derived using the most sophisticated computer technology...
for i = asc("a") to asc("z")
print chr(i); " = "; val(chr(i))
I have obtained the following "numerical deductions"...
a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, ..., z = 0.
Make 666 out of that , douche!
I'd like to see proof he comes from one of the ten kingdoms of Rome, or show no regard for the religion of his ancestors (Muslim, perhaps, but Christianity, no), or him subduing three kings/rulers.
the fact that his name adds up to 666 no matter what kind of numerical deduction you use
Well, going by the simplest one - y'know, adding up the number of letters in his name - I get 18. Unless his secret second middle name has 648 letters, I'm afraid you fail kindergarten math.
You fail at geography, your own Bible, numerical deductions, and just about everything else. Have a blessed day.
There's a scene in "Foucault's Pendulum" where someone debunking "pyramidology" shows how to get all sorts of mystically significant numbers out of the measurements of the local corner newspaper kiosk. And the name doesn't add up to 666 if you use the method used by first century Jewish numerologists (Nero, or rather "Neron Kaiser" as he was called in Greek) does. "Nero Caesar" (Latin) adds up to 616, which the alternative translation of the passage in Revelation.
@(JohnTheAtheist, #914466):
Barack Obama was born at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The seven hills and seven streams bit (about Honolulu) seems to be right. At least, the hills/streams are mentioned in
Jeanette Foster's guide to the island .
Like the lunatic who wrote Revelation knew Hawaii!
He was referring to Rome- built, supposedly, on 7 hills.
As to the last sentence, it makes me believe that there is a plot afoot among fundies to harm President Obama! Someone in America inform the FBI. Those fundies need to be infiltrated and neutralised.
Yes, but in the super-secret translation that they don't want you to know about, the seven hills are made of spray cheese. St. John the Mental Patient knew about that too! Put that in your edible underwear and smoke it!
protowhalepig: f should be "chicken livers". There's your problem!
This will get tiring.
But according to you fundies Obama wasn't even born in Hawaii, he was born in Kenya, make up your freaking mind will you???
And besides the anti-christ is suppose to come from Europe. Nice try but no cigar.
"In revelations it says the mother of the beast will sit on the land of seven hills."
Logical move in the middle of the Pacific. Anywhere else, she'd get more than her bottom wet.
And it's 'Revelation' - no s.
I'm sorry, but I can't get past this idea you have of Hawaii being built. It wasn't built, it was formed. It's a bloody island. So regardless of that seven hills and rivers shit (which as anyone knows, refers to Rome-you fuckhead), the rest of your argument is complete bullocks.
Now bugger off.
OK. I might as well tell you that it has been scientifically proven that Obama is an actual manifestation of a kind of nether-region dweller. His wife and children are actual demons or under demonic control. The US government is just a front for the Lord of the Flies. Same for most of the world's governments.
At one time, I think about 20 or 22 years ago, there were alien forces at work on Earth, battling for domination and for which alien race would eventually control everything. But the aliens have themselves been conquered by the forces of darkness. In a surprise multi-dimensional attack, the aliens were overpowered and now call Satan their master.
The future is far from certain. What will become of Earth's population? There is a secret underground organisation that has been set up to oppose the legions of hell and the monsters from space, but very little is known of them, for obvious reasons. It has come out, revealed by people who have been studying these secretive wars. that the world's most highly trained agents ever, actually did penetrate into hell itself. I think only one made it back to the secret human base, he was barely alive. The others were all dead. They had rather die than be captured by hell's evil forces.
From the information that the sole survivor was able to obtain, it seems that hell has just undergone a massive expansion and make-over project. The agent reported seeing demonic machines and infernal engines of destruction being manufactured by their thousands in readiness for an upcoming attack. He also reported that the chambers oh hell had been made larger and also new ones were created. That sounds ominous.
Ooops! It's fun this isn't it? But, look at the time. Gotta run. I might switch sides yet though. See you Pulpsy.
Great. All we need is some right wing nut job with a shotgun trying to 'full fill the prophecy.'
Let's all pray:
Dear God, please protect us from your crazy followers. Amen.
"the fact that his name adds up to 666 no matter what kind of numerical deduction you use"
My name adds up to 7744 in one system, and 22 in another; OOH DEMONS OMG NOES.
*drowns out the rest of the post with "Land of Confusion"*
Hawai'i is a chain of islands with new islands being formed every fucking day; I'd be willing to bet there are more than seven hills in Hawai'i.
Besides, anyone who's anyone knows the Antichrist is going to be gay!
Hey, my Social Security number has three 6's in a row, and I was born before Obama, so that makes ME the anti-Christ, yes?
Worcester, MA, besides being the Heart of the Commonwealth, is the City of Seven Hills. 792 is a telephone exhange for Worcester. Take 1 off the 7 and 3 off the 9 and add them to the 2 and you get 666! The Pill was invented there, which you fundies hate. And, since I was born there, that makes me te Antichrist. With a capital A.
@ David B.
Try a = pi, b = e, c = sqrt(2), d = infinity, e = ln(-1), f = mink, g = phi, h = 0, i = sqrt(-1)...
... if pi = exactly 3 ---
"the fact that his name adds up to 666 no matter what kind of numerical deduction you use"
616. It's 616. And no, it doesn't in any kind of numerology I'm familiar with.
Kailua-Kona's zipcode is 96740. Kona and Honolulu are not on the same island, but I'm sure Honolulu's code is close. And Honolulu is on Oahu, not Maui.
And for anyone wondering, 'Hawaii' is the name of both the island chain and a specific island in the chain. The island is more commonly known as the "Big Island" to avoid confusion with the chain.
Oh, and the Big Island sucks ass. There's nothing to do (if you live there), the island is ugly, even most of the beaches are ugly. I could go on and on, but I don't have the time to write an essay about it.
Though I must say, it's home to communities you wouldn't expect in Hawaii, like rednecks and cowboys.
I have no idea how many rivers or mountains there are in Hawaii, but I do know that it is a state of the USA. So even if Obama did come from Hawaii, so the fuck what?
Oh, and you are even worse at making up bullshit based on numerology than most fundies, which is an achievement on its own.
Using A=1, B=2, etc, you know, the first logical numerological method:
Funny, Barack Obama in ASCII becomes "%42%61%72%61%63%6B%20%4F%62%61%6D%61", not "666". Looks like it doesn't apply to all numerical deduction, only the nonsense you want it to apply to.
Barack=6 letters
Hussein= 7 letters
Obama= 5 letters
Now adding together you do get 18 which is 6x3 or 6+6+6
But that is the only numerical way. If you take them separately only Barack has 6 letter. You couldn't even get that part right
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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