Demon Duck of Doom:
I'll add that of course there are average, sane people on the right who disagree with other average, sane people on the left. Disagreement and argument are, in some cases, good for the polity (which should be informed on what every major player represents and why).
Freedom of speech is a really good thing - perhaps the best addition to law since the construction of law itself.
Forney not only winks at violence from his own, regardless of whether or not there was even a pretense of justification for it; but he does it while attempting to agitate those whom he identifies as political enemies into actions that, if he were correct about what happens next, would cost the lives of leaders' families on his own side.
In other words, he really doesn't give a damn whether it costs the people with whom he identifies - the people he claims to follow - so long as any violence against them will give him and his idiot-brigade the unquestioned freedom to intimidate and murder people who disagree with them on the pretext that a shared set of political beliefs is enough to permit guilt by association.
Forney is a flat out traitor to his own people in his willingness to spend them and their families on an excuse to enact his own violent fantasies.
Free speech? Innocence until guilt is proven? Hell no! He'll offer overt intimidation to anyone who dares disagree even as he brags about how people are being trained, like Pavlov's dog, to act without thinking merely because they receive the correct signal from those allegedly on their own side.
With friends like Forney, Trump doesn't need any more enemies.
And as I said, I think it's false equivalence to claim that one group - in this case AntiFa on "the left" - is as bad as another - a crazy subculture within "the right" - when the former is pressed into confrontation by the latter; and that, for no other reason at all than in service to what might be the most treasonous and individually self-absorbed political strategy the world has seen in awhile.
Fascists eat their own, and sonetimes - for example, with the Reichstag Fire - they'll destroy what is theirs in service to the larger goal of hurting their opponents.
They're not trustworthy, and the comnent above outlines one reason to believe they - snd by "they," I mean groups that operate according to principles like Forney's, rather than to that whole right portion of the political spectrum - are treacherous at the core.
Any rightist who would trust Forney with a houseplant after reading that is a fool.