
Era of Light #magick #crackpot #quack #sexist eraoflight.com

The Spiritual Meaning of Eye Issues

When issues arise with the eyes and our vision, we may want to consider how we are “seeing” things and ourselves.

Vision changes are common enough, especially as we age or during major hormonal changes, like with pregnancy. We can also get styes, dry eyes, cysts, and all kinds of other issues in and around our eyes. Of course, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor, ophthalmologist, or other healthcare practitioner to address any eye issues directly, but let’s also think about the spiritual meaning of issues surrounding the eyes.
In the Hindu chakra system, the eyes are connected to the sixth chakra, ajna, which is located between and just above the eyes, in the location of the metaphorical third eye. This is the energy center related to seeing, both inwardly and outwardly. It represents our intuition—our ability to know and understand the world literally as well as intuitively. One of the best ways to support the sixth chakra is to sit in meditation, allowing your mind to quiet enough that you can see, hear, and feel inwardly.
Seeing is related to a very masculine, rational, logical way of knowing. We trust what we see with our own eyes, sometimes to the detriment of other forms of knowing. Knowing with touch, smell, taste, and other subtler forms of perception are often more related to the feminine—the unseen powers of the universe. When we over-focus on seeing at the cost of knowing, we may be privileging logic over intuition and, by extension, masculine energy over feminine energy.

Celia Fenn/”Archangel Michael” #magick #fundie voyages-of-light.com

Achieving the Grail and Activating Angelic Consciousness as Pathways into New Earth

Dearest ones, you have reached the most exciting point of your Ascension Journey. You have achieved the Grail level of Consciousness that opens the gateway to the 5th to 8th Dimensions of Consciousness, and also the 9th Dimensional level of Angelic Consciousness. This achievement will lift you into the New Earth and the New Energies, even while the lower levels on Earth are experiencing chaos and falling apart.

The Grail: 8th Dimensional Solar Pathways and Golden Light, and the Christ Consciousness and Sacred Union

The Story of the Golden Grail is one that embodies the Solar Light Energy and the Christ Consciousness. It is a narrative that expresses the archetypal journey to full Christ Consciousness. This is achieved by the Sacred Marriage or Union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine who become One in the service of Divine Love and Compassion on Earth.

In its primary expression, the story is about your inner union of Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, and how you achieve inner balance and union to become the “One” or Source energy that is represented by the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness. But, it can also be expressed by Sacred Union with a partner, where the two become One Soul in the service of Divine Love and Creativity.

The Grail itself was said to be the Golden Cup that was used by Yeshua at the Last Supper to contain his “b***d” (wine that was transfigured at his command). As such it became a symbol for the Human Body and Light Body when it reaches the level of Christ Consciousness. It becomes the “container” for the Golden Light or “b***d of Christ” and the Compassion of the Christ Consciousness.

At this stage of your Ascension, you have achieved this level where you are able to contain the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness as a foundation for the creation of the New Earth.

Astrology.com #dunning-kruger #magick astrology.com

(Submitter’s note: The Yakalo is a yak-bison hybrid that does not occur in nature, the parents being from the Old and New World respectively, created as an unsuccessful breeding experiment in the 1920s.)

Yakalo Symbolism

The Yakalo holds deep symbolism in many spiritual traditions, representing strength, resilience, and adaptability. It is often seen as a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and protection. The yakalo is also associated with harmony, balance, and connection to nature.

Yakalo Spirit Animal

As a spirit animal, the Yakalo guides individuals to tap into their inner strength and wisdom. It teaches the importance of grounding oneself in nature and embracing change with grace. The Yakalo spirit animal encourages self-reliance, independence, and the ability to navigate through life's challenges with determination.

Yakalo Totem Animal

Those who have the Yakalo as their totem animal are often seen as strong and resilient individuals. They have a deep connection to nature and are known for their ability to adapt to any situation. The Yakalo totem animal brings a sense of groundedness and stability to its people, guiding them to trust their instincts and rely on their inner strength.

Yakalo Power Animal

The Yakalo as a power animal provides protection and support to those who call upon its energy. It bestows the strength and courage needed to face difficult situations and overcome obstacles. The Yakalo power animal empowers individuals to stand firm in their beliefs and take decisive action when necessary.

What it means if you see a Yakalo

If you see a Yakalo in your dreams or daily life, it may be a sign to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. The appearance of a Yakalo could also indicate that abundance and prosperity are on the horizon, urging you to trust in your inner strength and resilience.

Yakalo Positive Meaning

The Yakalo's positive meaning signifies strength, abundance, and protection. Seeing a Yakalo may indicate that you have the power within you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Embrace the positive energy of the Yakalo and trust in your ability to navigate through life with grace and determination.

Yakalo Negative Meaning

In its negative aspect, the Yakalo may signal a need to be more adaptable and open to change. Seeing a Yakalo in a negative light could suggest that you are resisting growth and holding onto outdated beliefs or patterns. Take this as a reminder to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace the transformative power of the Yakalo.

Eugene McCarthy #crackpot macroevolution.net

Dog-cow Hybrids

[D]ogs are notorious for their willingness to mate with almost any type of animal. For example, male dogs have been observed mating with ducks, geese and chickens (see the section on dog hybrids elsewhere on this website). A video showing a male dog mating with a cow at right above

As the photos show, this animal, which is male, is a very strange-looking creature. In particular, it has a huge mouth opening, as do many carnivores. Cattle and most herbivores have relatively small mouth openings. In this bizarre “calf,” the mouth opening reaches almost to the ears. It also has a lolling tongue like a dog. Also dog-like is the loose fur on the breast visible in the middle photo. Perhaps it’s just my imagination, but there’s something about its winsome expression in the middle picture that reminds me of my own dog in some of his more relaxed and satisfied moments.

However, as can be seen in the enlarged version of the lowermost photo, this animal has no upper incisors. Instead, there is a dental pad at the front of the upper jaw, as in cattle (see picture at right). The lower incisors, clearly visible in the enlargement of the middle picture, are cow-like. However, in the uppermost photo (also enlargeable) the erupting molars seem to be pointed like the carnassials of a dog, instead of flat like a cow’s. The lower jaw is much shorter than the upper and, according to the news reports, the mouth is constantly agape.
It was healthy enough but, due to its bizarre mouth structure, it could not nurse from its mother, and at the time the photographs were taken, the owner was feeding it by hand, giving it three liters of milk a day. “What is even more strange,” Misnoto told reporters who came to interview him at his home, “is that this calf will not eat grass. It only drinks milk and eats snack foods like those eaten by humans.” (Does it perhaps have a dog-like digestive system?) Misnoto said he took the animal to a vet to see whether its mouth could be sewn together so that it would be able to suck milk from its mother, but the vet said with its mouth sewn it would not be able to chew its food. The mother had given birth to three normal calves in previous years.

Anonymous #quack #crackpot #magick news.kxz.solutions

"Five Movements and Six Energies: Birthdate Determines One's Constitution"

An individual's innate constitution is intricately connected to the concept of "Five Movements and Six Energies," which are linked to the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the time of birth.

"Five Movements and Six Energies," often referred to as "运气" (Yunqi), encompass the interplay of five phases: Ding and Ren (Wood), Wu and Gui (Fire), Jia and Ji (Earth), Yi and Geng (Metal), and Bing and Xin (Water). Simultaneously, it involves the transition of six climatic energies: Jueyin Wind-Wood, Shaoyin Bright-Fire, Shaoyang Lesser-Yang-Fire, Taiyin Damp-Earth, Yangming Dry-Metal, and Taiyang Cold-Water.
A person's health is not solely a result of genetic inheritance and social surroundings but is fundamentally influenced by natural factors, namely, the time and place of birth.

To illustrate, one's constitutional predisposition is determined by the atmospheric conditions prevalent at the time of birth, effectively stamping them with the characteristics of that particular moment in time. The inherent constitution can be ascertained based on the last digit of the lunar birth year.

For individuals born in years ending with the digit 1, their constitution tends to exhibit signs of deficient Water, such as a tendency towards reduced perspiration and scanty menstrual flow. This indicates Kidney Water insufficiency, which can also affect the Liver Wood element. Remedies involve fortifying the Kidneys with black-colored foods like sesame, black beans, and black fungus, or using herbal supplements like Liuwei Dihuang Wan and Wujibaifeng Wan.[..]

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy reformation.org



This expose makes all previous histories of WWII obsolete or gone with the wind....All the dates synchronize perfectly, so nobody can deny the fact that the red cross and the black cross were partners in a Satanic alliance to enslave the entire world!!

The bizarre Hess double plot was the brainchild of Peter Fleming—the elder brother and mentor of James Bond creator Ian Fleming.

In June 1940, Peter wrote a book entitled The Flying Visit. In that novel, the real Hitler and a delegation of Nazis are flying to Britain on a peace mission. Their plane explodes over England, and Hitler alone survives and lands on his rump in a swamp!

Nobody believes that he is the real Führer until a U.S. newspaper breaks the story that Hitler is indeed in Britain on an errand of peace.

At the same time a Hitler double in Germany makes a speech . . . and the British Hitler is viewed as a clever impersonator.

Diddlium #sexist #dunning-kruger #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] A man cannot be raped or sexually assaulted

It is impossible, impossible for a man to be raped or sexually assaulted. The mere concept is a frabricated lie by feminism and retarded foids who dont understand the differences between male and female. Which is exactly what feminism and retardarion is: lack of biological understanding.

In order to have sex, a man's cock must be fully erect. This can only happen from sexual stimulation and not under pressure or stress. Unlike foids, who's holes can (and should) be fucked any time one desires, nature created men to only have sex when aroused. Just like for reproduction, only a male orgasm is necessary and not that of a foid.

The new age thinking of "men can be assaulted and raped by a female" is retarded babble. Just as foids have the mind virus of having sex and then later faking regret for monetary gain, cucks and fags have adopted this same lie and foid mentality. Any "man" who whimpers like a pathetic faggot and lies how he was "raped" needs to be publicly shamed, humiliated and beaten for buying into foid lies. The primary objective of these beasts is to further demonize sex and shun male sexual experiences. Foids must be silenced over these topics.

You expect me to have sympathy for a "man" whom some Stacy found so attractive, she had to allegedly """rape""", he was aroused enough to have penetrative sex and now he's the """victim"""? Fuck off and die. Cucklords and foids get the axe.

edit: I'm speaking purely about foids on male incidents.

Poopless One #sexist #wingnut #psycho incels.is

[Hypocrisy] Not being allowed to r@pe is a form of oppression. There I said it.

Foids are allowed to lie on men, bully and harass men, murder kids, and be parasitic leeches with impunity but Im not allowed to act on my most basic natural instinct?

This is a form of gender discrimination and total societal injustice!

In other words...complete bullshit.

[several screaming Pepe emoji]

Incels Wiki and Camille Paglia #sexist #conspiracy #crackpot incels.wiki

I love to travel is a meme in the incelosphere about Beckys traveling the world, usually under the pretense of gaining "new experiences" and finding their "soulmate". If evolutionary psychology can tell us anything, though, women should be particularly inclined to immediately attach to the next best Chad when surrounded by new males, either when men intrude or the woman gets carried away.[1] Indeed, one observes that women moving to a new place are particularly "easy" possibly due to the new environment and lack of other females who could spoil their fun by gossip. For example freshmen women are particularly easy.[2] But they'll clench up the moment nasty female friendships form. So female traveling in truth amounts to outright Chad sex tourism.

In part, women's fake fascination with traveling can also be explained by their rape fantasies. In the 1970s after their sexual liberation, women engaged in sex tourism through southern Europe and the tropics, e.g. Spain, Ecuador and Barbados only to be practically raped by a bunch of Chad's over the course of several weeks. Women secretly love this kind of threat as a famous feminist Camille Paglia admitted:

Part of the thrill of sex for a woman is the danger of it—the fact that she is risking rape.

Stupid Clown #racist #conspiracy #kinkshaming incels.is

[Serious] Jews hate when you jerk off to skinny women. They want you to worship cattle like Indians

They hate when men are attracted to skinny white women. They want us all to adopt the standards of the negro and worship borderline obese fatties. Remember that there is nothing more white and sophisticated than diddling yourself to a skinny white specimen. Arguably, jerking off to hentai is more white than actually having sex with a modern 170+ pound white woman.

Kejraj #wingnut #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

We ask that you let go of your worries relating to the presidential inauguration of @realDonaldTrump for he is protected by higher forces.

The star family which has watched humanity evolve for thousands of years, and has always been present in your skies, is also watching Trump during these times of great change.

From the Federation of Light, to Angels, and the ground crew, Donald Trump is protected.

What you may want to prepare for mentally and emotionally are events that may follow in the days ahead. For the Dark will stop at nothing to push fear, division, and chaos, in order to lower the vibrational frequency of the Human Collective.

The world is healing, regardless of what you see in the outside. A shift in consciousness is taking place, that is to see humanity rise into a new dimensional reality.

Nothing can stop this. However, it is the Dark’s goal to create as much chaos as possible so it can harvest the loosh released from the fear mongering. Let go of fear. Do your best to let go of all that which no longer serves your spiritual growth and expansion.

All the light to You!

madcatgamer #racist #wingnut incels.is

On Trump wanting to annex Canada and Greenland

Ideally I think this would be a good thing, but trumps admin is filled with Jews and billionaires that want mass immigration of pajeets into the us. I'm worried that trump will take those white countries and fill them with indians (i know Canada already has a big pajeet problem but still). I would love to see a great American empire be formed, but not if it's gonna be run by jews and were being replaced with indians.

AsakangaHalo #fundie #crackpot #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Evrything wrong with Japan today could have been prevented if it was fully Christianized.

Thanks to Christianity, adultery would be looked down upon.
Thanks to Christianity, hypergamy would be lower, and that would increase birth rates.
Thanks to Christianity, Japan wouldn't be seen as a strange Asian country, but rather as a country of fellow Christians. That would have made the relationship between Japan and the USA less hostile during World War II.
Thanks to Christianity, pedophilia and loli culture would be considered degeneracy.
Thanks to Christianity, the percentage of women working in the porn industry would be lower.
Thanks to Christianity, romanticism would be the norm; therefore, the relationship between husband and wife would be normal and not purely financial. (In Japan, the husband is only expected to provide for the family, and the wife is expected to take care of the children. They don't make love and sleep in different beds.)

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Our Unfair God
The men who had worked hard for 11 hours, thought it was UNFAIR when the householder in charge paid the men the same wages who only worked for the last one hour. I can completely understand why they were upset. I'd be upset too! But the Scripture teaches that since it was the householder's land and operation, he had the right to pay whomever he chose, whatever amount he wanted, if they agreed to it. The men who had worked for 11 hours agreed to a certain wage for their time and labor. I love this Scripture passage because it teaches a very important principle—that when we oftentimes think something is totally unfair, is in fact fair.
I could go through the Bible and give you hundreds of similar situations that seem unfair. But dear reader, God is always fair. At some point in everyone's life, we will either place God on trial in our own mind, or else we will just have to blindly trust God's goodness and righteousness. God is incapable of being tempted with or doing evil (James 1:13-14).
If I were God, I would make sure that every Christian man has a good wife. I would make sure that no righteous man was ever alone without a loving gal by his side, to be his help meet, and be his cheerleader, and be his nurse when he's is sick, and his best buddy. It saddens me to be alone, and to see other Christian men alone. Feminism has ruined women by indoctrinating them to be empowered and rebel against their husbands. The U.S. government has ruined marriage by allowing the sin of divorce. These are perilous times (2nd Timothy 2:1-7).

cockroach #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #racist #transphobia incels.is

Freedom= being a faggot with aids, women being whores, black people stealing stuff.

Democracy= two same parties that worship Jews

When you look at all the dictatorships they look much better.

North Korea

No lgbt, no whores, no diversity.

“But communist 1984 Animal Crossing!!!” No one gives a shit about communism scare anymore sorry. We all know it’s the Jews that are the problem now. I don’t give a fuck if the government owns the means of production.

“Bbbut the lower standard of living. You don’t get to have cool stuff.”

How good is the standard of living in America? Everyone lives in shitty apartments with roommates and can barely afford their car. What is so great? I guess you can buy more consumerist goods. Are you really happy here though? It’s not that great.

“Muh evil dictator no elections.”
Dictators are like kings that actually care about the greater good of their country. When you have different parties and elections you get all these Jews that don’t give a shit about their country or people and just want to make money.

Melanie Missing & Jeanne Ruland #magick #mammon einhornessenz.de

[Translation from German. Awkward style intentional to reflect awkwardness of the original.]

Moon Essence

31,90 EUR

The Moon allows you entry into the emotional world of your soul. In its light, deep healing for familial themes, especially between children and parents, as well as ofhe inner child, for relationships and partnership, can happen. Forgiveness abd reconciliation are finally possible, as empathy and love for one’s neighbour stand in the foreground, to bring all in a harmonious vibration, so that balance and recompense can happen on all planes. With her power of love, the She-Moon [Translator’s Note: In German, moon is a masculine word] kisses your soul awake and you remember the love within you, that leads together, what belongs together ahd in the same way leads you to encounter/connection to your soul family and/or the soul partner. The maternally caring energy of the She-Moon accompany you on all your ways and carry you out of the love to new experience in togetherness, into a new epoch of time.

PS: The moon energy also helps you well into sleep.

Glass of Violett 100mL

Brian J. Ford #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #god-complex amazon.com

Too Big to Walk: The New Science of Dinosaurs

Ever since Jurassic Park we thought we knew how dinosaurs lived their lives. In this remarkable new book, Brian J. Ford reveals that dinosaurs were, in fact, profoundly different from what we believe, and their environment was unlike anything we have previously thought.

In this meticulous and absorbing account, Ford reviews the latest scientific evidence to show that the popular accounts of dinosaurs’ lives contain ideas that are no more than convenient inventions: how dinosaurs mated, how they hunted and communicated, how they nursed their young, even how they moved. He uncovers many surprising details which challenge our most deeply-held beliefs – such as the revelation that an asteroid impact did not end the dinosaurs’ existence.

Professor Ford’s illuminating examination changes everything. As he unravels the history of the world, we discover that evolution was not Charles Darwin’s idea; there were many philosophers who published the theory before him. The concept of continental drift and plate tectonics did not begin with Alfred Wegener a century ago, but dates back to learned pioneers hundreds of years before his time. Ever since scientists first began to study dinosaurs, they have travelled with each other down the wrong path, and Ford now shows how this entire branch of science has to be rewritten.

A new dinosaur species is announced every ten days, and more and more information is currently being discovered about how they may have lived: locomotion, hunting, nesting behaviour, distribution, extinction. Ford brings together these amazing discoveries in this controversial new book which undoubtedly will ruffle a few feathers, or scales if you are an old-school dinosaur lover.

2002AM1488/II (“卐 2002AryanMaxxed1488's Reincarnation 卐”) #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] A letter to the females of my generation.

Well, the jig is up. You've had 20+ years to get your act together, and now everything you whores have been doing for the past 5-odd years have come back to bite you in the ass in the worst way possible.
Do I feel sorry for you? No, not at all. Did you feel sorry for my 15, 16, 17, and 18-year-old self whose only companion during those dark years was his PS4, while you sluts got to party it up and fuck young Chads? No, you didn't, so why should I feel any sympathy when you dumbshits get your pretty little princess powers taken away?
You've had your fun, your years of being the "cool people" while I had to rot in darkness.
I almost didn't want to vote this year, until I reflected on the suffering I've endured since 14.
Knowing that pain, the decision quickly became easy.
And also, when abortion is outlawed nationwide, (which, by the way, is gonna be sooner than you realize) those coat hangers are gonna make you suffer.

Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick voyages-of-light.com

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have some very good news for all of you there on Earth. As always, help is on the way. You are undoubtedly aware of the 11/11 date on your calendar, and you know that November 11th brings with a portal that you can receive energies through. The energies coming to you now are for support and to assist you in stabilizing yourselves on all levels and in all possible ways. We are talking about mental and emotional stability of course, but we are also talking about aligning your chakras, aligning all of your bodies, and aligning you to the help of Mother Earth that is coming up from her core.

This is a very delicate time for so many of you, and it is a time where you’re doubting things that you’ve learned, and you’re calling into question when e.t. contact will occur and whether it even will occur, and that is why it is so good that you are the ones who are open to receiving energies from the likes of us, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, and all of the beings that you know of who are showing up to help humanity at all times and in all possible ways.
[Y]ou are being asked [..] to be the wayshowers and lightworkers that you were born to be. As you anchor in the energies of 11/11 through the giant portal those energies are coming in through, you are doing so for everyone on Earth, everyone throughout the galaxy.

You are doing so because you know that change starts with you, and this is a month of transformation. This is a month of great change there on Earth. It can all be change for the better if you all show up in the ways that you know how to. As those who are awake, you do have a certain responsibility to lead, and when you take care of yourselves and you stabilize your energies, and you align your chakras, you receive all the inspired ideas, and you feel ready to act upon them. That’s what’s most important in these times of uncertainty.

It is time for you all to rely more heavily on yourselves and what you can access when you stabilize your energies with the help of this 11/11 portal and with the help of all of us who exist in the higher realms and who will not leave any of you behind. This is a universal ascension, and when you are on the leading edge of it, you do understand that there is still more ascending of the human consciousness to be done.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Mystics and Muons #crackpot #magick #fundie youtube.com

33: Spirituality, Science, Psychology, and Psychedelics: Integrating the Restoration

In this episode, I give an expanded version of my 2024 Sunstone Symposium presentation on integrating fields like spirituality, psychology, science, and psychedelics to produce an integrated framework of Mormonism's origins. I hope it brings you new insights on your journey.

Here for the esoteric origins of Mormonism? Check out Episode 2 or read it in on the Substack for the integrative narrative of Mormon origins:

Here for the science and spirituality? Check out my episodes with Donald Hoffman and Bernardo Kastrup:

Please rate, share, and get in touch at mysticsandmuons@gmail.com!

00:00 Introduction
03:14 The Framework of Dreams in Understanding Reality
09:13 Lucid Dreaming and Spiritual Awakening
12:55 Dissociative Identity Disorder, Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism
18:57 Working Models and "Truth"
23:20 Parable of the Archeologists: Integrating Perspectives
25:50 Frameworks for Understanding Mormonism
29:33 Integrative Approach vs Dichotomous Thinking
31:19 Quantum Physics
38:20 Philosophical Implications of Quantum Physics
43:14 No Data Without Dogma
48:07 Exploring Psychedelics and Mystical Experiences
56:04 Psychology, Automatic Writing, and the Subconscious
59:56 Insights from the Book of Mormon as Automatic Writing
01:06:53 The Big Picture Perspective
01:10:19 More Breadcrumbs

Celsior #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt incels.is

Throughout history, every single progressive was backwards, harmful, and set humanity behind by at least 50 years

Nothing novel, just some food for thought. Feel free to discuss it, if you will. I’m open to disagreement.

A good example would be Reddit’s second most popular/favorite boogyman, Hitler, who also had intensely progressive ideologies in his own ways. He may not have put it to word, specifically, but not only did he believe that he was doing the right thing under the guise of progression, but he also thought that his idea of pushing the human race forward for a good cause was impeccable and unquestionable, thus his means of implementing it became rapidly aggressive and assertive, thinking anyone who disagrees with him is less than human, keenly attuned to what a modern day leftist/libertarian/neoliberal thinks of himself and his own doctrines, and will do anything to force them upon you. He is also under the impression that it’s the ONLY GOOD option, and any alternative must be shut down for GOOD, through whatever possibility. It’s extreme and radical, just by its nature alone.

It’s funny, come to think of it. :feelshaha: Reddit’s second most collectively hated big bad guy was actually someone with the same set of ideological frameworks as them, just from a completely different era with a different perspective on what is progression and what is not.

It was always the anti-progressives and the ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ crowd who got caught in the crossfire, and had to fight their miserable way just to compensate and help reinstate whatever’s left. They didn’t want to get involved, but they had to retaliate, as soon as they realized how politically charged everything in their lives is becoming.

Subhuman Niceguy et al. #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

(Original Post by Subhuman Niceguy)
[Venting] Imagine being stuck inside the International Space Station - with a foid.

I feel so sorry for that man, putting a bullet in the foid’s head may be his only option - in order to conserve supplies.

Imagine being stuck with this bitch in the ISS until February:

[video oomitted]

[first comment by Subhuman Niceguy himself]
The foid looks Jewish to me.

Are the cameras always on in the ISS

That foid would have semen in zero Gravity in all her holes, in GTA V

(WacoGoesDown, in response to Sloth.Belgrade)
probably not but the government monitors it & you have to maintain communications 24/7 & the foid could report you

(Sloth.Belgrade, replying in turn)
Fair point

Soloma369 #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

A Declaration of Liberation, a conspiracy of the people.
This plan considers all parties and governments of the world and the enigma that is Q, it will be a simple willful intention of the people to free themselves of the shackles that are government and the monetary system. This plan ignores religion which we acknowledge will thrive/wither on its own vine, it will work itself out. The work is done with love and gratitude, it will be an understanding of Alchemy/Majik realized by participating in the conspiracy to free your Self and by extension Others.

We accept Q as a psyop that is working as intended[…]

The three demands are surrender of all world governments to the people, a symbolic reflection of this by moving to the third-party/middle and full unredacted release of all their information. Supposedly Q is doing this, we should support it and demand it of all the governments. In this way we will find out who serves who.

This plan is reflective of my own work and understanding of "how things work" or the way of things, I perceive myself as a philosopher/alchemist. I suggest making these three demands in any way you see fit, take it as far as you perceive you need to to make it go viral. Take responsibility for it, own it or blame me, either perspective is fine. Once you have made your push, walk away from all of it (10 days) to the best of your ability. Turn it all off, do some-thing else, let Source/Spirit/God do It's Work. In alchemy, this is reflective of the digestive stage, it is a time for reflection and inflection. Get with family/friends, if you think/fee like sharing what you are doing with them, go for it but do not be combative, you are not trying to make any-one believe anything, you are simply sharing you are taking responsibility for your life and this is how you are doing it, thus setting example.[…]

Jay Bartlett #fundie #magick #mammon ifreedomfighter.com

Freedom Fighter World Class Training

The Freedom Fighter Global Training program consists of three training levels: Understanding the Basics, Investigating the Miracles and then our advanced level --Exploring the Mysteries of the Faith. New content will be released forthcoming.

We are also offering our special "Third Heaven Teaching" series. See below for more information on how to purchase.

[Instruction for subscribing to a TikTok channel]

Freedom Fighter Training Subjects & Mysteries

* Exploration of Basic Christian Doctrine

* Understanding Authority & Power in Christ

* Mysteries of Deeper Deliverance

* How to Raise the Dead

* How to Cast Out Evil Spirits

* How to Expel Soul Invaders

* How to Evangelize

* How to Heal Broken Hearts

* How to Minister to Ancestral Dissociation

* How to Drive Out Diseases

* How to Utilize Holy Angels

* How to Perform Extraordinary Miracles

* How to Combat Witchcraft

* How to Overcome Satanic Plots

* How to Escape Death & Devices of Devils

‘ How to Master the Miraculous

* How to Perform Signs & Wonders

* Utilizing Supernatural Weapons

* Strengthening One's Spiritual Immunity

* Understanding the Power of Holy Communion

* Guiding Souls to the Heavenly Realms

* Deeper Mysteries of the Third Heaven

Maye Musk (Elon’s mother) #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger twitter.com

@Elon Musk

Super important to get all your friends and family to register to vote.

Georgia’s registration deadline is Monday!!

The Democrats have given us another option. You don’t have to register to vote. On Election Day, have 10 fake names, go to 10 polling booths and vote 10 times. That’s 100 votes, and it’s not illegal. Maybe we should work the system too.

@Community Note

This is, in fact, illegal. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title52-section10307&num=0&edition=prelim

Den66kj #racist incels.is

[RageFuel] My parents are disgusting race traitors

My mom is nordic and my dad is a sandnigger (fortunately not that dark skinned atleast)

But why the fuck would someone do this shit? The result was me. Someone looking like a genetic experiment that went wrong.
Both communities and cultures reject me

I can't even look in the mirror anymore without being ashamed of what my parents did and seeing my deformed body.

I constantly have problems with my skin, it's sensitive as shit and my immune system is almost non existent too :feelsree:

Whenever you hate yourself for genetics think about me :feelsrope:

Atavistic Autist #quack #sexist #racist incels.is

Many incels and autists display "personality disordered" traits of BPD and narcissism, which is often used by our detractors to say we're bad people. But it is obvious to anyone with cursory knowledge into Cluster B personality disorders that they are post-traumatic conditions, which derive from severe social problems during childhood and adolescence.

If you're an autist with no capacity to successfully socially bond, for example, it is only natural that your psychology will be affected by this as you try to shield your psyche from intense pain and shame spurring from social/romantic rejection and ostracism. Hence compensatory grandiosity, rejection sensitivity, violent revenge fantasies, and all the rest.

But it turns out, as I have found and spoken of previously, there is a DIRECT solution to all this that can stabilize you, remove your depression and heartache, and restore your hedonic tone (enable you to truly ENJOY life unlike psychiatric jewpills which simply numb you and make you a permanently impotent vegetable).

That solution is OPIOIDS. For they treat not only physical pain, but acute mental pain too! And it's more profound that even that...
[rest omitted]

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

“Meanwhile in Appalachia…”, a man is drowning in a flooded timberframe village, calling for help. He is spotted by a superhero, a donkey in blue with a bag of Jew money over the shoulder, who exclaims to his partner, a dwarf elephant in red carrying another Jew money bag: “Look chum. White people in peril.” He puts flies down to the man, tells him “Here you go” and hands him “$750 bucks” (sic). Then both heroes fly off with a triumphant “AWAAAYYY” as the man drowns.

Silke Wetz #fundie #magick youtube.com

[As always, errors are intentional as translations of bad original German.]

To REMEMBER, who WE are, for that use “your little Earth life” Herein we support the MASTERS and TEACHERS of the divine, impersonal SELF, those who have already remembered the ONE EXISTENCE like Jesus, Mary Magdalene and e.g. Ramana Maharshi. The call for us to do as they did and for that they teach us the way of truth through forgiveness & salvation of the illusory appearance of a separate Self that hast lost the way home because it identifies with the Finite, Temporary, Weak and Perishable, with the body and the World of Forms. The veil of forgetting would be lighted through by a new EXPERIENCE of EXISTENCE, herein the non-dual lore Jesus of “A Course In Miracles” and the art of longevity and of blissed living through the harmonisation of Live’s Flow with the Japanese healing streäm (Jin Shin Jyutsu).
In this video, I want to remind You of the “simply” just EXISTING that is the key to eternal peace and bliss and share with you what in this helps me again and again

Original GermanSich zu ERINNERN, was WIR sind, dafür nutze "dein kleines Erdenleben" Hierin unterstützen uns die MEISTER und LEHRER des göttlichen, unpersönliches SELBST, die sich bereits erinnert haben an das EINE SEIN wie Jesus, Maria Magdalena und z.B. Ramana Maharshi. Sie rufen uns auf, es ihnen gleich zu tun und dafür lehren sie uns den Weg der Wahrheit durch Vergebung & Erlösung der illusionären Erscheinung eines getrennten Selbst, das den Weg nach Hause verloren hat, weil es sich mit dem Endlichen, Zeitlichen, Sterblichen, Schwachen und Verweslichen, mit dem Körper und der Welt der Formen identifiziert. Der Schleier des Vergessens wird durch eine neue ERFAHRUNG des SEINS durchlichtet, hierin unterstützen uns die nonduale Lehre Jesus von "Ein Kurs in Wundern" und die Kunst der Langlebigkeit und des Glücklichseins durch das Harmonisieren des Lebensflusses mit dem Japanischen Heilströmen (Jin Shin Jyutsu).
In diesem Video möchte ich Euch an das "einfach" nur so SEIN erinnern, das der Schlüssel zum ewigen Frieden und Glückseligkeit ist und mit Euch teilen, was mir darin immer wieder hilft

elevate with V (Vineeta Santoshi) and Tony Mowery #quack #crackpot #magick youtube.com

28. Disillusioned Being a Paramedic to a Warrior Healer with Tony Mowery (SCHH & Quantum Healer)
Tony was so disillusioned and weighted down as a paramedic for 30 years. During the pandemic he dived into uncovering truths leading him to Dolores Cannon’s work. He stepped into Beyond Quantum Hypnosis & was then led to become a Soul Center Healing Hypnosis Practitioner. He has also ventured into owning/operating a Ranch. He is working on expanding from supplying organic meat and produce to building a healing and retreat center.

Tony has worked 30 years as a Paramedic and on Law Enforcement serving on many special teams such as SWAT, Hazardous Devices, Flight, Disaster, Search and Rescue as a team leader. But now he has taken all those years of training and experience as a Warrior Healer into the Quantum Realm as a Soul Center Healing Hypnosis Practitioner rescuing and assisting the healing of clients as well as lost souls. He is also the owner/operator of Ropes and Wings Ranch in East Tennessee providing local clean organic meat, produce to farmers markets and soon will be a place to come reset, heal, connect, and relax as a healing center.

Engineering Mental Sanity - Jerry Marzinsky featuring Owen Benjamin #fundie #conspiracy #quack #magick youtube.com

Despite the fact that the Bible tells us that Jesus cast demons out of people some 23 times most Christians and even some preachers seem to think that these references in the Bible are unreal fairy tales that were made up thousands of years ago and have nothing to do with today's modern society. This is one of the most dangerous mistakes that man has ever made. The greatest victory the devil has ever made was convincing the people of this planet that he does not exist. Look at the state of the world today and the wars that are constantly ravaging the planet. Outside of the war and corruption today, No where are the presence of demons as clear as when one studies the content of the voices schizophrenics hear. A study of these voices matches exactly the description of demons given by the Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. They are nasty, vulgar and negative. They hate the church, the Bible and go nuts at the recitation of the 23rd Psalm. Without as much as a single study into the nature of these voices, the psychiatric mafia backed by big pharma puppet masters have declared these voices to be hallucinations. There is only one problem with this. A close study of these voices shows they run repeatable, consistent negative patterns and if they run patterns they cannot be hallucinations. The psychiatric mafia and their big pharma puppeteers are gaslighting the entire planet into believing that these voices are nonsensical hallucinations and are doing a grave disservice to the occupants of this planet.

Jerry Marzinsky BA M.Ed.— Jerry is a retired licensed psychotherapist with over 35 years of experience working with and studying the thought processes of psychotic and criminally insane patients in some of the most volatile psychiatric institutions in the nation. He has held the positions of 2nd Lt. Arizona Civil Air Patrol and Assistant Scout Master. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years of study in a Ph.D. Psychology program. He is the co-author of An Amazing Journey Into The Psychotic Mind - Breaking The Spell Of the Ivory Tower.

Bastethotep mourns once more #announcement blog

For the last three weeks, I had been hospitalised due to pancreatitis again, only coming home last Friday. Through all this time, my dear feline Overlord, Maurizio, was once more a source of home sickness and a shining beacon to look forward to, and he meowed to me on the telephone and, as my mother tells me, caressed that thing where my voice had been imprisoned in.

He held out for me, but then, the last of his nine lives was spent. This morning, I saw him lying at a certain spot on the garden-path. At first, I thought he was just lying there. but then, I noticed that he did not react. And my fears were confirmed - he was completely motionless, slack-jawed, vacantly starring, cold. Dead.

For nineteen years, Mauri had been our ever beloved and loving companion. He was the light through such terrible times of darkness, such as the phase during his cancer where he would take him on a walk around the street late at night to find enough peace of mind to sleep - a custom that I would practice myself at several points since - or when I spent over a hundred day in intensive care, where a photo of him adorned my wall, proving to be a great conversation starter.

It is true that Mauri had fallen far from his pinnacle of vigour, rarely going outside and growing apathetic to mice when in his youth he had laid titanic rats under my bed several times (one time, it turned out to be still alive, until my mother slew it in a heroic fight). For the last years, he had been on medication, and he was starting to have trouble controlling his claws and climbing on furniture. In some moments, there were some concerning moments of frailty, but never for too long. All in all, it seemed to be doing not too badly, certainly not anywhere as bad as to consider euthanasia.

Nineteen years. A legendarily long, and certainly highly fulfilled, life for a cat. But still so short to a human, and a loss so painful no matter the time.

My pharaoh now lies buried under the shadow of the pear tree we planted in memory of my father in a cardboard sarcophagus, shrouded in a dear old yet faded and moth-damaged pillowcase of mine adorned with two curious wild kittens, covered in flower leaves and with catnip as his burial gift, arranged as if he were holding it in his hands as if sniffing it.
May he ascend to the realm of Bastet, the land of endless boxes, of rivers of milk and endless fields of catnip and valerian, where salmons and doves fly into one's maw already flavoured like gyros!


BIBLE UNFOLD #fundie #crackpot youtube.com


In this video, we delve into the intriguing question: What language did Adam and Eve speak? Exploring various theories and perspectives from scholars and ancient texts, we uncover the idea of the Adamic language as the original tongue of humanity, linked to Adam himself. Was it the Adamic language, Akkadian, Sumerian, Egyptian, or perhaps something more celestial? Join us on this linguistic journey through biblical mysteries and ancient languages.

(Their answer is that the Adamic language was the language of God and the Angels and not related to any post-Babel language.)

Daniel Bühne and Werner Gitt #fundie #crackpot csv-verlag.de

Of Quantum and Constants

Have you encountered seemingly contradictory passages while reading the Bible? How about logical impossibilities that cannot be resolved rationally? Albert Einstein once said: “Quantum Mechanics is demanding great awe. Bur an inner voice tells me it is not the Real Jacob. The theory delivers much, but it brings us not much closer to the Secret of the Old One. In any case, I am convinced that the [god] does not throw dice.”

“The physicist Daniel Bühne takes up this theme and comes to remarkable results. Namely, many phenomena such as Wave-Particle-Dualism, the Uncertainty Relation or Quantum Entanglement can help to deal with topics of tension within the Bible better, to find hits towards its reliability and to accept the limits of knowledge. This book aims to inspire to marvel at God’s work anew and to strengthen trust in him. The reader of this very recommendable book will discover in awe that access to the Bible is possible even through physical phenomena and that Faith can be deepened.” (Dir. u. Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Werner Gittt)

Original GermanVon Quanten und Konstanten

Sind Sie beim Lesen der Bibel auf vermeintlich widersprüchliche Stellen gestoßen? Wie ist es mit logischen Unvereinbarkeiten, die sich verstandesmäßig nicht auflösen lassen? Albert Einstein sagte einmal: »Die Quantenmechanik ist sehr Achtung gebietend. Aber eine innere Stimme sagt mir, dass das noch nicht der wahre Jakob ist. Die Theorie liefert viel, aber dem Geheimnis des Alten bringt sie uns kaum näher. Jedenfalls bin ich überzeugt, dass der [Gott] nicht würfelt.«

»Dieser Thematik nimmt sich der Physiker Daniel Bühne an und kommt zu bemerkenswerten Ergebnissen. So können Phänomene wie der Welle-Teilchen-Dualismus, die Unschärferelation oder die Verschränkung von Quantenteilchen uns helfen, mit Spannungsfeldern der Bibel besser umzugehen, Hinweise für ihre Zuverlässigkeit zu finden und Grenzen der Erkenntnis zu akzeptieren. Das Buch soll anregen, neu über Gottes Werk zu staunen, und das Vertrauen auf ihn stärken. Die Leser dieses sehr empfehlenswerten Buches werden staunend erkennen, dass selbst mithilfe physikalischer Phänomene ein Zugang zur Bibel möglich ist und der Glaube vertieft werden kann.« (Dir. u. Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Werner Gitt)

Hendrik Heijkoop #fundie #magick #quack csv-verlag.de

Prayer Healings, Speaking in Tongues, Signs and Miracles
…in the Light of the Bible.

The following topics are illuminated.
- Be filled with the Spirit
- The pleading for the Holy Spirit and baptism with the Holy Spirit
- Woman’s place according to the Bible
- Signs and miracles
- Miracles in history
- Healing of the sick
- Healing of infidels
- The meaning of James 5
- Miraculous powers or obedience?
- Is the healing of the body included in Reconciliation?
- Some more characteristics of error
- The non-recognition of the Lord Jesus as Lord
- The questioning of the deity of the Lord Jesus

Original GermanGebetsheilungen, Zungenreden, Zeichen und Wunder
... im Licht der Bibel

Folgende Themen werden beleuchtet:

- Werdet mit dem Geist erfüllt
- Das Bitten um den Heiligen Geist und die Taufe mit dem Heiligen Geist
- Reden in Sprachen (Zungenreden)
- Die Stellung der Frau nach der Bibel
- Zeichen und Wunder
- Wunder in der Geschichte
- Krankenheilungen
- Heilung von Ungläubigen
- Die Bedeutung von Jakobus 5
- Wunderkräfte oder Gehorsam?
- Ist die Heilung des Körpers in der Versöhnung inbegriffen?
- Einige weitere Kennzeichen des Irrtums
- Die Nichtanerkennung des Herrn Jesus als Herr
- Die Infragestellung der Gottheit des Herrn Jesus

MIDDLE NATION #fundie #magick youtube.com

consequences of your bad acts. you become the target 🎯 of Devils.

Why are there not more people talking about the real consequences of lying? The truth is more terrifying than you think. According to the Quran chapter 26: 221 and 222, there's a grave warning for liars: These verses tell us that evil creatures, known as shayateen, are drawn to those who lie. They whisper destructive ideas and deceit, spreading chaos in society. This isn't some superstitious talk, it's a stark reality. When you lie you, become a magnet for these dark Forces. They don't just visit, they infest, aiming to propagate more lies and confusion if you choose deceit.

Timothy Alberino and Dr Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick exopolitics.org

Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials

Timothy Alberino has provided an introduction and commentary in a newly released compendium to the three books of Enoch that has co-edited. Contrary to conventional archeological scholarship, he asserts that the first Book of Enoch (aka Ethiopian Book of Enoch) predates Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. Alberino believes that Enoch 1 provides an accurate historical account of a pre-diluvial world that used advanced technologies before being overtaken by cataclysmic events associated with the Great Flood approximately 9600 years ago.

He claims that the Fallen Angels, aka Watchers, precipitated the Great Flood and events that led to their destruction along with other civilizations such as Atlantis, as discussed by Plato. Alberino believes that Book of Enoch references to the “Son of Man” refer to a future Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth) that would deliver humanity rather than an individual that has ascended to a higher state of consciousness through advanced training in Egyptian mystery schools and similar mystical traditions in other parts of the world. He points out that the Crypoterrestrial Hypothesis which has gained greater prominence over the last decade, may be related to Deep State plans to conduct a false flag UFO event using hybrid beings bred on Earth and in Deep Underground Military Bases rather than off-world alien visitors.

George Kavassilas and Dr Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #magick #god-complex #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature of the Universal Heart Soul Essence

In 2003, George Kavassilas had a life-changing experience with a group of extraterrestrials from Sirius, Arcturus, and Lyra star systems, whom he deems his galactic family. He says that after being transported from a Sirian scout ship to a larger mothership with many races on board, he had an out-of-body experience where his consciousness went on a journey where he encountered the fractal nature of all reality. Kavassilas’ out of body experience propelled him into a new understanding of one’s soul essence as a fractal of a much larger universal consciousness. He believes that the human avatar body is unique insofar as we can experience the full fractal nature of our universe and the more expansive omniverse, while other extraterrestrials can only do so partially.

One year later, Kavassilas was abducted by an agency within the Pentagon responsible for tracking individuals who have had extraterrestrial contact or profound physical frequency charges. He says he met with former US President George H.W. Bush, and was tortured and experienced mind wipes. After his 2003 experience he accepted an ambassadorial position with what he called the Galactic Confederation of Light for a couple of years, but has since stopped working directly with any extraterrestrial organization.

Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence with the universe. Nevertheless, he believes that individuals can benefit from positive extraterrestrial organizations, as he did, and encourages individuals to be open to all possibilities as we enter tumultuous End Times.

Anonymous Coward #86611836 #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

The Matriarchal Age is now Favorable by Divine Edict

It is interchangeable in nature to the millennial reign that is governed by the Bride.

The Matriarch is not defined by biological gender but by principles of nature and order.

Think in terms of the laws of physics, the laws of nature and the laws of the land.

The Patriarchal Age ended in April and the Matriarch was by divine edict favored in June. The Matriarchal Age will be established at the time of the millennial reign or about.

The Patriarchal Age came to the end of its mathematical thought which produced binary code and its implements which required a lot of fast-food restaurants and waste to get the job done.

The millennial reign at a very fundamental level will be the very beginning of earth being a type 1 civilization.

Whatever is oxymoron to a type 1 civilization will not persist.

Welcome to the new era !

Tyson's Mudfossil Adventures #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

This is muscle with Connective tissues, it is not volcanic intrusions or feeder dikes. This is not intrusive basalt, it has never seen heat nor pressures! You never see these patterns ever reproduced in volcanism. NEVER! This is Biology on carcasses that actually form the earth. Creation is not from 5 billion years of evolutionary volcanism like we have been led to believe from godless scientists that only search for one narative to get a paycheck and manipulate the science to fit the narrative. You have been DECEIVED by academia !.

E. J. Preston #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #psycho #mammon amazon.com

(Curiously categorised in Books > Business and Career > Finances)

Jesus Was a Republican

What does it mean to be a good Christian? If you go to church, does that do it? If you give to charity, does that do it? If you bring your friends to a prayer group and get them involved in the church, does that do it? What if you see a homeless man on the street and you buy him a meal or even get him a job? Does that make you a good Christian? The answer is no. Kind acts are important but at the core of what makes someone a good Christian is not an act or two. It's all about the values. A good Christian will dedicate him or herself to following a strict adherence to the values set forth by Jesus Christ. This book explores precisely that question: What did Jesus believe when it came to Taxes, Abortion, Homosexuality, the Death Penalty and Guns and this book will conclusively demonstrate using Holy Scripture that Jesus, were he alive today, would most certainly be a Republican. Moreover, he would denounce the Democratic Party and would never view them as good Christians.

Sigrid Obenland #crackpot #dunning-kruger vixra.org

Quadrature of the Circle with Compass and Straightedge and a Surprising Result for the Value of π in π R^2

It is general believe and deemd to be proven that the value of π in the formula for calculating the area of a circle; i.e. π r^2, is identical to the value of π in theformula for calculating the circumference of a circle; i.e. 2π r, which is irrational.Therefore, quadrature (or squaring) of the circle with compass and straightedge (or ruler) has been deemed to be impossible. We show that this was a prejudice and proof that quadrature is possible and clearly delivers π = 3 in the formula π r2 for calculating the area of the circle. We also show a physical experiment thatunambiguously proofs this result.

Günter Bechly and the Discovery Institute #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

Gunter [sic] Bechly Explains What The Fossil Evidence Really Says

In this bonus interview released as part of the Science Uprising series, paleontologist Gunter [sic] Bechly unveils the truth behind the fossil record. There are multiple trade secrets among paleontologists. Chief among them is that Darwin's insistence on gradualism was motivated by his understanding that the dramatic jumps found in the fossil record imply intervention. Darwin hoped that time would reveal his desperately needed transitional fossils. It has not, and what science has learned since Darwin's day would've shattered his hopes as Bechly explains.

Andreas Steinmeister #sexist #fundie #homophobia csv-verlag.de

Doesn’t Matter?
The Gender Hierarchy - a cultural construct or Creator’s intent?

Does it not matter that there are men and women?
Does it not matter that two men enter a marriage?
Does it not matter if a woman stands at the pulpit?

Andreas Steinmeister puts society and congregation to the Biblical standard. What he finds and uncovers is simultaneously disturbing and alarming.
Reformation means bringing back things to their original form. That, precisely, is the author’s goal. He does not leave it merely sounding alarm, but points out a way that honours the Creator first and preserves the people in society and in the congregation from self-destruction and loss.

Original GermanSpielt keine Rolle?
Die Geschlechterordnung - eine kulturelle Konstruktion odder Absicht des Schöpfers?

Spielt es keine Rolle, dass es Männer und Frauen gibt?
Spielt es keine Rolle, dass zwei Männer eine Ehe schließen?
Spielt es keine Rolle, wenn eine Frau auf der Kanzel steht?

Andreas Steinmeister legt den Maßstab der Bibel an die Gesellschaft und an die Gemeinde. Was er herausfindet und aufdeckt, ist beunruhigend und alarmierend zugleich.
Reformation heißt, Dinge in ihre ursprüngliche Form zu bringen. Genau das ist das Ziel des Autors. Er belässt es nicht beim Alarmschlagen, sondern zeigt einen Weg auf, der zuerst dem Schöpfer die Ehre gibt und der den Menschen in der Gesellschaft und in der Gemeinde vor Selbstzerstörung und Verlust bewahrt.

Stefan Drüeke and a Creation Museum in Wuppertal #fundie csv-verlag.de

Traces of the Creator

Creation or Evolution? This is a question bothering many these days. This magazine gives answer and shows the traces of the Creator in his Creation. We find these traces within the starry sky, within a cell’s genome, within an anemone and within a gecko.
This magazine is also used as a museum guide in the Creation Museum in Wuppertal. However, it can also be used independently from a trip to the Creation Museum.

Original GermanSpuren des Schöpfers

Schöpfung oder Evolution? Das ist eine Frage, die heute viele beschäftigt. Dieses Heft gibt Antwort und zeigt die Spuren des Schöpfers in seiner Schöpfung. Wir finden diese Spuren am Sternenhimmel, im Erbgut einer Zelle, bei einer Anemone und einem Gecko …

Dieses Heft wird auch als Museumsführer des Schöpfungsmuseum in Wuppertal eingesetzt. Es kann aber auch unabhängig von einem Besuch im Schöpfungsmuseum verwendet werden.