I have not found any reason from your posts in this thread to make me suppose that inter-sex states are not caused by original sin.
that inter-sex states are not caused by original sin.
How can a state be "caused" by original sin?
Perhaps that's not what he meant, but that's what he wrote.
Are we talking trans, XXY, hermaphrodites, or geography here?
Okay let's assume it's the one that makes vague amounts of sense. Are you saying that rather than the Bible simply being wrong about biology Man and Sin are so powerful that we have defeated God's design through the sheer force of hot sex?
My dick is mightier than an omnipotent being. Who'd have thought?
"So, folks, don't settle for imitation sin. Always ask for Original Sin, and get the best. Available plain or frosted. Remember, it's good to chew, and it's good for you!"
Origional sin was disobeying an order from God to not eat from one tree , the source of knowledge. The order said if they ate of that fruit "they shall surely die",, not their innocence, THEM.
There was one guy, one gal. How does gay come in? Gay for God? Where's that?
@ Old Viking
I like the "New & Improved" one.
Haven't tried the others yet, so I have nothing to compare with, but on your advice, I'll be looking for some. Thanks!
"I have not found any reason from your posts in this thread to make me suppose that inter-sex states are not caused by original sin."
Holland. To this day, still a mainly Protestant country; King William of Orange, and all that jazz. Has among the lowest rates of teen pregnancy in Europe, if not the world, so they must be doing it right morally eh Potato? They must be religiously ethical , must they not...?!:
Enjoy your paradox. >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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