(I'm 5`8, 69kgs. Not a guy.)
absolutely disgusting, why is every single woman who ever posted here all so fucking fat and ugly? @Kantye
The Australian average happening to be 69 kg.
Answer: All of them.
If I remember correctly, 5'8'' corresponds to 1,8 m in the rest of the world, so male average and relatively tall for a woman...
I was going to point out that these are probably the same guys who whine about how women are shallow all while not settling for anyone who doesn't look like a Victoria's Secret model.
And speak for yourself manbaby; some of the best sex I've ever had has been with big ladies.
So he's a shallow little asshole. Who's surprised?
I find his handle much more disturbing- Biebercel? Does he have some sort of man-crush on the talentless hack who is doubtless the worst thing to have ever come out of Canada? Does he wish he looked like Bieber? Does he think that by using that name, that the 13 year old girls will come flocking to him & he'll have his own harem of tween babes to abuse? I'm having trouble figuring out his logic process on this one.
@The Crimson Ghost
For some reason, I decided that my time would be best spent researching incel terminology so I can answer this one. "[insert celebrity name here]cel" means that someone is incel because they look uglier than a certain celebrity. I.e. a "Pittcel" is somebody who is unwanted by women because he isn't as handsome as Brad Pitt, "Deppcel" is the same for Johnny Depp etc.
Basically this guy blames Justin Bieber for being incel.
>Basically this guy blames Justin Bieber for being incel.
There are a lot of women who consider Bieber to be a little douchebag.
Hell, I'm willing to bet that most of his tween fans from when he first arrived on the scene have doubtlessly outgrown his music and are now in their, "Edgy music that will piss off mommy and daddy" stage.
@ Reptilian Jew- You are far braver than I. Blaming a celebrity (no matter who they are & how much they suck) is the ultimate in laziness & denial. The last time I thought Brad Pitt looked fuckable was in Fight Club, & that nearly 2 decades ago. Ever since Mr. Crimson Ghost said that Brad looks like the banjo kid on the porch from Deliverance all grown up, I haven't been able to look at him the same way. It makes watching Interview With a Vampire fun, in that I imagine banjos playing whenever Brad Pitt is onscreen, & I picture Tom Cruise hopping on Oprah's couch whenever he's onscreen.
@ Bimaac- You can count me among the women who think Bieber is a douchebag. I know I'm not & never was his target audience, but sometimes his snotty mug was unavoidable. I would think that since he's been annoying us for about a decade now, his first crop of fans have grown up. They grew boobs, learned to drive & discovered real boys, leaving Justin & his "my underwear is too tight" style of vocalization in the dust. Perhaps he can start a support group for washed up, has been male pop stars. He'd be in good company, with all the other dweebs from those irritating as a rash on your ass "boy band" guys.
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