piers #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

i am fast becoming a creationist. why? I think I have been lied to. The political interest has ment scientists get funding for evolution. I saw a programme on global warming and it said it was wrong and that scientists were trying to get data to show global warming which were inaccurate figures. Now the question of evolution popped up in my mind. There are many scientists who accept the idea of intelligent design scientifically and no I do not rate dawkins as a reliable scientist cus he has an agenda to argue his immoral life same with bertrand russell. anyway back to evolution a pastor showed me comments from scientists against evolution and proof of the six day creation. Now when I recieve this proof through email I will post it on here. One of the the proofs was to do with the fact that an active volcano a few years back produced rock and when they analysed it it looked like it was millions years old but the scientists knew it was a recent event so the rock looked older than it actually was.



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