Any time something is partially false then it can’t be accepted as true. While evolution has compelling facts not all of it has been proven. Until all of it can be proven then it has to be accepted as theory. Even a liberal should be able to understand that.
There are even theories of divine intervention taking place DURING evolution. That would give another explanation, but of course you can’t accept that either. You can accept nothing but your way. You offer no reason for not allowing creationism to be taught along with other theories other than "it doesn't belong"? That's a weak argument.
You remind me of a jealous husband who is so insecure of himself that he goes berserk when his wife looks at another guy. If you so sure of yourself you shouldn’t mind other’s points of view and not try to stop others from seeing it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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