Although I do not adhere to the pre-tribulation Rapture theory, I would speculate that the resurrection bodies that we are "changed" into is a much more refined body that is able to move interdimensionally, being able to transmutate from energy to matter, and vice versa, somewhat like Christ's resurrection body.
I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle. All that would be needed to produce a resurrection body part is energy, not mass, so your donated body parts are safe in the recipients body....I think
"I would speculate..."
Yes, you sure would. And do...
"I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle"
Wolverine is not a real person, "Heroes" is not a documentary, we do not live amongst Namekians, nor lizardmen, nor Spongebob(s). In short: what you heard was probably a lie. A fanciful, overly optimistic lie.
Aaaahhhhh, thank God, at long last we all can be just like Jeeeezus! or damn close to it.
Hey, if we can regrow limbs, can we grow some extra ones?
Or how about bigger ones, wink wink nudge nudge.
Although I do not adhere to the pre-tribulation Rapture theory,
Good point. Pre-trib rapture is a pile of crap. But why not throw the rest of it out too?
I would speculate that the resurrection bodies that we are "changed" into is a much more refined body that is able to move interdimensionally,
Do you have any idea what that means? Neither do I.
being able to transmutate from energy to matter, and vice versa, somewhat like Christ's resurrection body.
Ah, the last time I saw Christ's resurrection body, it transmutated from energy into matter. But then I came down from the trip and swore never to take drugs again.
I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle.
I would suggest a healthy dose of skepticism. Why don't you validate some of what you hear?
All that would be needed to produce a resurrection body part is energy, not mass, so your donated body parts are safe in the recipients body.
But energy is equivalent to mass. E = MC²
...I think
No you don't. Not by a long shot. But thanks for trying.
You need to read the question that he is answering. It is about organ donation and what happens if a good Christian donates organs to a non-christian who is not saved when the rapture comes. What happens to those organs.
It's quite entertaining.
I will give them credit though, I think the general thought is that you don't need your organs after the rapture so they don't mind if you donate organs. Which is a good thing that I wasn't expecting.
Do they not realise that as soon as the rapture starts I and my dedicated group of evil utionists intend to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow and trap Jesus forever inside the event horizon of a black hole?
If they think he can escape from that they are living in fantasyland!
I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle.
So have I. It's even on video, praise Jesus! Of course, when you ask to see the video, there are a million reasons why that's not allowed, but still ....
Although I do not adhere to the pre-tribulation Rapture theory,
No wonder you people are confused about the word 'theory'.
This is awesome, 'cause I would sooo totally cut off both my arms if it meant they could be replaced by mega-thick, muscle-y, power-arms.
"Grrr! kingoftheheavies smash!"
*commences to smashing christian skulls*
"I would speculate that the resurrection bodies that we are "changed" into is a much more refined body that is able to move interdimensionally, being able to transmutate from energy to matter, and vice versa,"
You mean, we become like The Spectre or something?
I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle.
But evolution is bullshit because it requires 'replacement parts'.
How is it that transmuting energy to matter is proof against science, but proof for religion?
I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle. All that would be needed to produce a resurrection body part is energy, not mass, so your donated body parts are safe in the recipients body....I think
And I've heard of Buddhist monks levitating and Celtic druids casting spells.
I love the "I think" part at the end, though.
"so your donated body parts are safe in the recipients body....I think"
you were BSI, and then you said this, pushing you beyond boundaries previously explored
I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle.
That was a tail, not a limb. And it wasn't people; it was lizards.
"I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle."
Something like that would have made international news. I call bullshit.
"I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle."
Dr. Curt Connors isn't a real person, you know?
"I also have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously without having to have any "replacement parts" available to have the miracle. All that would be needed to produce a resurrection body part is energy, not mass, so your donated body parts are safe in the recipients body....I think"
Certain species of lizards can regrow their tails and eyes. Common knowledge or atleast would be if you'd open a fucking book.
Your speculation is meaningless and, thus, worthless.
"You "have heard of people who have grown limbs miraculously..."
But, of course, you have no credible evidence.
"I think "
Not even close.
Ah, Whiterider. This is a guy who could make Tommy Chong say, "Whoa, man... lay off the drugs."
This is, sadly, one of his less insane quotes.
So, um, who are these people who have miraculously grown limbs? Why are they not making it to the International news outlets? Why doesn't everyone know everything about them?
When you say "...I think" - do you have any concept of what that means?
"Is he talking religion or setting rules for an rpg?" -- Captain Hooker
End-Times obsessives are indeed working to determine the rules of an Role-Playing Game; the Role-Playing Game that they eagerly believe the Real World will become sometime in the near future. They hate the Real World and want Jesus to come down, slaughter all their enemies, and give them groovy new bodies that never grow old or get sick, and which possess many cool supernormal qualities.
It's absolutely pathetic.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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