Anonymous: Bob, when a "man" rapes a woman, he is telling her he has no respect for her as a person.
Bob: Anonymous, when a female refuses sex with a man, she's telling him that she has no respect for him as a man. She receives what she does to others. Of course he won't respect her.
This is one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while. If a woman doesn't have sex with you, it means she doesn't respect you?! Do these imbeciles think for even a second of the implications of the logic behind their idiotic statements? According to this logic, my mother and my sister don't respect me.
i think the stuff just below this comment in the thread this is from has been posted on FSTDT before.
Where Anon explains their own traumatic story and bob shows the depth of his compassion..or tries to, science hasn't managed to create a gizmo precise enough to measure things that size.
What if the woman is married or has a boyfriend, or is lesbian? What if she has an STD? There are lots of reasons not to sleep with someone besides disrespect.
Not that you are due any respect at all, from anyone.
No empathy whatsoever is one thing, but this ersatz of a human being has no respect for the fucking civilisation we live in... Honestly, I swear, it`s like more and more of them are turning into some sort of wild animals each year...
Nobody needs to give you any sort of personal respect as long as they respect your autonomy, which is not something you get to break just because someone made you feel shitty.
When a woman refuses sex with a man, all she's saying is that she doesn't want to have sex with that man at that time. It's her body; she has the right to decide what happens to it.
If, say, Roseanne Barr said she wanted to have sex with you, and you refused, would she be justified in raping you?
The Roseanne of the old sitcom would definitely hurt you in some way if you refused her what she desired...
If you refused to lend your car to someone, would s/he then be justified to just take it, as you didn't respect that person.
“Anonymous, when a female refuses sex with a man, she's telling him that she has no respect for him as a man."
Huh. I thought i respected my boss. NOW you tell me i have to have sex with him or i don’t?
Well, i guess it’s not gay if it’s for respect. I’ll be right back.
Oh, but all those right wingers that say kids must be taught to respect their parents…? EUGH!
Or Cartman? RESPECT MY AUTHORITY! Double Eugh.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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