Bob #fundie
Rape is, after all is said and done, just sex with a disagreement over who will decide.
Rape is, after all is said and done, just sex with a disagreement over who will decide.
Nat: Few years ago, I was walking home from the bus station and a man was hidding near of me and was wearing a mask. He tried to rape me. He said to me: "Stop screaming or I kill you." I had to break his nose to escape. According to Bob's theory, I must go to jail while the assaillant must be free because apparently he was more "harmed" than me. After all, if I had let him rape me, I would not had to break his nose and maybe I would not have been killed, so nobody would be harmed. Bob doesn't have to worry about this "poor dear", the police did not find him. But I don't know if the police did catch him after he "innocently" kidnapped, threatened and raped another woman.
Bob: Dear Nat. Your story reminds me of a book I read recently in which the author's female friend bet him $100 that he couldn't "rape" her if she resisted. After several attempts he lost the bet. It is really hard to actually rape a female who resists, as you describe. Yes, you hurt him more than he hurt you. He was injured, you were not.
It also demonstrates why some legal codes such as the Islamic laws view rape as adultery, and assume that the female was at least complacent.
We still haven't found anyone who was actually injured by rape, nor anyone who can explain how sexual insertion would be more physically injurious or even painful without permission than with permission.
As the old grandmother said, "If rape is inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it."
Anonymous: Bob, unless you are a complete moron, you know full well that rape is violent and painful for the victim.
I believe you enjoy torturing and taunting women who suffered rape. Their anger and pain excite you.
You masturbate as you read all this. It's what you want.
Bob: Dear Anonymous: You can repeat that tired old feminazi rape-hate propaganda as often as you want but it doesn't make it true. The counselor's guide at Rape Crisis Centers generally teaches counselors how to convince women that they are "victims" after having a fucking good time getting raped. I was somewhat surprised when I learned that fact from my local rape-hate industry. No, Anonymous, the "complete moron" is the fool who believes all the rape-hate sexist propaganda lies.
Anonymous: Bob, when a "man" rapes a woman, he is telling her he has no respect for her as a person.
Bob: Anonymous, when a female refuses sex with a man, she's telling him that she has no respect for him as a man. She receives what she does to others. Of course he won't respect her.
When a real man hears that his nation is fighting a "war for oil," for example, he honors the manly leadership of his nation that has the balls to take manly action. The real man doesn't whine and kowtow to the milquetoast apologizers and ass kissers. A real man kicks ass, he doesn't kiss ass. A real man doesn't form gun thug gangs to kowtow to enforce feminist laws and work against men and families. When a real man learns that his neighbor has slapped his whiny bitch wife for adultery or disrespect, the real man shakes his neighbor's hand and honors him for having the balls to take manly action in control of his wife and family.
They are taking manly control of their families even if it means kicking the feminazi bitches to the curb instead of walking down an isle with one of them. They need manly leadership to retake control of our nation.
Investigators now say a 17-year-old gunman who killed 15 people, mostly females, in and near his former high school in Germany took his own life. Lying gun thugs say the gunman entered the school and opened fire, shooting at random. What investigators are lying about is that the shootings were not random. The attack targeted abusive female teachers, female students, and females outside the school. They say he killed nine students, three teachers and a passer-by outside the building, but won't report the counter attack by a man against abusive dominant females.
As the femiNazi hate war on boys and men gets worse and worse, we will see more and more counter attacks against the evil in men's lives. Some of the men will become become suicide attackers. Some will be killed by the blue gun thugs. At first a few will survive to be sent to some hellhole prisons. As the counter attacks become more common there will be more and more courageous men who wage the war against feminist destruction and live to fight again another day. Many good men will die fighting the femiNazi, as did Jews in the Warsaw ghetto. But their names and their courage will live on.
May they all be blessed with courage and conviction. And may all good men hoist a glass to the martyrs who die fighting against the very violent and destructive femiNazi anti-men hate war.
Females don't even belong in technical schools. They will never have the mental capacity, imagination, and will to return the cost of their education to the society. Females occupy chairs that ought to go to men who will contribute to the society. But feminist dogma pretends that females are just men with cunts, and gives them preference over real men.
As a young man Marc was denied and rejected. Marc lived in Canada, a completely feminist dominated country. He accurately assessed that most of his life long problems were the fruits of an evil misandrist system gone completely mad. Out of desperation and despair Marc Lepine began to fight back against the feminist army that had ruined his life and denied him the opportunity to become a productive member of adult society. He went to the technical college and stood up against the war on men and began firing back.
Congresscunt Giffords will probably survive being shot in the head, according to medical reports currently available. She will likely suffer some life long brain damage from the injury to her brain, but when the victim is a leftist feminist female, how can you tell? Her husband is a NASA astronaut. She should have been home taking care of her husband's house and family instead of risking her life promoting radical socialist causes and amnesty for illegal aliens. The proper place for females is in the private sphere of house, home, and family. The proper place for females is not in the public sphere of politics. If she lives, the Governor of Arizona will not be able to appoint a man to replace her in Congress. Another tragedy. Maybe she will retire.
You won't read sob stories in the media for the dozens of dead, burned children who were murdered by the FBI at the Branch Davidians. The ass kissing media falls all over itself to support criminals with badges. And the little Branch Davidians children are dead, murdered, gassed, and their bodies burned by the CRIMINALS OF OKLAHOMA CITY in a failed attempt to hide evidence of mass murder by WMD poison gas.
[Previus poster said: "My family has a history of schizophrenia. While I was lucky enough to avoid inheriting the disorder, I still carry the genes. I cannot have a baby because I do not wish to pass on the disorder. Would you consider it beneficial for women like me to pass on things like this to their children?"]
Bob replied:
For you, suicide is perhaps the best option. A fat sow with mental problems is no benefit to anyone.
A daughter who marries and makes her babies when she's biologically ready, at around age 14 to 16, will be a grandmother in her 30s when feminazi are still rushing to fertility clinics. She will then have several decades to get a PhD education and career without the social pressure and emotional drives to make babies. She can have it all, but only if she is encouraged to follow her biological needs and do things in the order that biology allows. Tell the feminazi to pound sand. And help young females like Jamie Spears and a million others to have a good, rich, fulfilled life with a husband and family.
[On a thread about woman being awarded several million dollars for workplace harassment. Previous poster argues that men who can't control themselves ought to be punished by the law.]
Men are bigger, stronger, faster, and all around more capable of inflicting bodily harm, than women. The fact that we let women live, is proof that we can control ourselves.
And before you try to tell me that we only behave because the courts and the police force us to, remember that men created both of those institutions. And men overwhelmingly staff them. While I see those men as traitors to their gender, their country, and their species, they do, in fact, have Y chromosomes.
[F/R/CSTDT hat trick from Bob]
Ms. Benazir Bhutto was the darling of western media and feminazi infiltration. Despite her personal ambitions and personal corruption she was a force for feminization of Islam just as Indira Gandhi had feminized the government of India and destroyed so many million families there.
Bob does not sympathize with the Islamic terrorists who attack NYC and other places, however it is obviously a boon to all men everywhere when a feminist scum is removed from the public sphere [Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by a suicide bomber]. A female does not belong in public office.
[Part of a much longer post about the impending birth control pill for men.]
Men's health and reproductive needs was totally ignored by the sexist bigots in the medical industrial complex. Feminazi organizations like Planned Parenthood blocked pills for men. In succeeding decades Planned Parenthood has received millions of dollars from the government for birth control research, but has blocked all research for men. Part of the reason for the total discrimination against men was because feminazi who control the medical industrial complex don't consider men to be real people. Feminism is, after all, the radical theory that only women are people.
Even the crude 19th century mechanical devices that men have tried to use are often rescued from waste bins and emptied of their contents as soon as his back is turned. For half a century men have been prevented from access to effective birth control pills by bigotry and lies. For half a century men have had to support millions of unwanted children because of bigotry and lies.
Barefoot and Pregnant. Or, at least pregnant with babies. What women really want it to get married, to get laid, to get pregnant, to get babies, and to raise children. It's built into their biology, and despite a century and a half of feminist opposition to marriage and making babies, they have never managed to take the female out of the womyn.
[He then goes on to cite Jamie Lynn Spears as a good role model for teen girls.]