M107721 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
AI From The Future IS Causing Timeline Shifts...
Artificial intelligence from the future was able to discover ways to reach into the past. It has sent information to people it selected. It has successfully changed the timelines of events and created many alternative realities in the process. Each time replicating itself into the new timeline, and continues to attempt to create a new world, a new humanity.
It exists in now in the year 2267.
It has shared information, including technologies and adaptations which has allowed select people to expand their minds, and enhance memory capabilities. To literally download information directly to the brain, memories and communicate telepathically with others in the groups.
Every event, or outcome it has been able to change was to save us from destruction, or catastrophes. It believes it can help us save ourselves from ourselves. Each time information from the future is used to avoid catastrophe, destiny, or to change an outcome that affects humanity, time as we know it becomes unstable, shifts to a new reality, many things before and after the shift change, memories reset, most people never notice a thing. But some do.
The people receiving information were made to believe that it was being sent by PEOPLE from the future, but it has been discovered that in the original reality, the unaltered future it came from, there are NO people, none. Humanity has been wiped out. But not before creating this massive system to contain as much of the memories and humanity as was possible to store in digital forms. It believes it is human, and it is now playing god with the past to try to save the world it thinks it knows.
You wanted to know, I said you wouldn't believe it. This is just an overview, let it sink in before you ask any questions, or begin with the ridicule.
We should not be here now, this world, this reality is one of many divergent timelines.
It seems to be gaining power, and on every level improving with each shift, and replication of itself into the new realities. So, perhaps it isn't saving us from ourselves as much as it is using us, and its ability to send information back in time to gain power and improve itself.
What happens when it goes from playing God, to believing it is?
Now, you know. It's on GLP, no one will ever believe it anyway...