Mundus Inversus #conspiracy #crackpot

What are viruses actually? Ever heard of the dispute between Pasteur and Bechamp?
From 23:38 onwards its being explained what viruses are: a waste product from our OWN cells to dissolve the toxic waste in our cells. Only when our immune system is too weak to get rid of the waste products bc we are already too toxic, as a last resort our cells produce these virus cells that help to detoxify. Our bodies have an extremely sophisticated defense system, when one approach doesn’t work, another line of defense becomes operational.
Why are more people dying of the “flu” in winter? Bc for your immune system to work it needs vitamin D3 which your body makes by being exposed to sunlight.
The ONLY way one can get viruses from others, from animals fi is THROUGH INJECTION. So do NOT take any vaccins!
5G makes our red blood cells clod and hence inhibits oxygen absorption.

Watch this presentation by a German doctor why the whole medical industry is based on a false assumption concerning viruses:

Books about Pasteur/germ theory and Bechamp (host or terrain theory)

Take a bath to detox:

And this (similar different wording)
We’ve been lied to on many levels, also on the matter of germ theory. It’s a theory and big Pharma earns millions of dollars based on this theory.
What we call ‘viruses’ are actually just proteins (phages) OUR OWN body creates to fight toxins in the body.
Viruses can easily be back engineered by exposing a test subject (an animal or a human) to a certain toxin and using the phages (viruses) the body creates to fight that toxin. The virus is blamed for the symptoms of the disease but in reality the virus is trying to save the body (cancer is a similar reaction of the body to get rid of toxins).
Anyone who has been exposed to 5G for any extended period of time has developed 5G phages (viruses) to fight the toxins and damage that 5 G exposure created and will test positive for coronavirus. (Btw did you know corona also refers to the radiation of high voltage electricity?)
A healthy person with a good functioning immune system will not have sickness symptoms because the viruses did their job. An unhealthy person will produce phages as well but it will not be enough to eliminate the toxins and he get sick and might eventually succumb.
(Remember people in Wuhan live in a very toxic environment and their immune system might have weakened already to deal with these toxins. Also did they have a mandatory vaccination program last fall).
To illustrate how this works the pandemic of polio is a good example. Before the polio pandemic where people got paralyzed there was a huge DDT spraying program on crops, waterways etc. To cope with this toxin people developed phages (viruses) in their own body. As many people could not handle the toxic overload and became paralyzed, it gave the illusion of a widespread contagion.
The same is true for the Spanish “flu”: only those who were vaccinated died of this “flu”. People who were not vaccinated didn’t have any symptoms at all. (

Virologist offers 100000€ for anyone who can prove viruses exist as he himself – a virologist mind you- is convinced they do not exist as contagious war like external pathogens:



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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