As a scientist, I can tell you guys that most of us don't believe in evolution.
As a scientist, I can tell you guys that most of us do believe in evolution.
Yup, same ammount of proof in both statements, so that cancels out nicely.
Well, now that that's done with, let's move on shall we.
Do actual, real-life scientists refer to themselves as "scientists"? Especially if they were trying to use their status as a scientist to argue from authority?
I'd have thought they'd refer to themselves by their actual area of science. Like "evolutionary biologist", "geneticist", or "paleontologist" in this case, as any other scientists' opinions on evolution are irrelevant.
as a lesbian, i can tell you, most of us arent interested in women.
makes as much sense and holds as much truth
Economic science doesn't count for evolution discussion, luv.
In any case, as a computer scientist, I say 'lol'.
saying you are a scientist doesn't make it true.
As a multi-millionaire porn star, astronaut, I can tell you guys that Environmentalist is a cunt.
I know several NON-Fundie biologists, zoologists, organic chemists, who would like to have a few words with you.
Guys environmentalist is a troll who posts in the comments sections in a lame attempt to sound official with the name "environmentalist" and he claims to be a scientist.
Although he could be; because a scientist is anyone who forms a hypothesis, tests it, refines it and subjects it to scientific evaluation (letting someone else try the experiment). Which can technically be done by anyone. But the term has been bastardized to mean someone with a university/college qualification in a science.
if you have to state it, you most likely aren't.
you violated number 9, to hell you go
What? Are we getting so desperate for fundyisms that now we cannibalize the satiric comments on FSTDT just to fill up this site?
Wake up, admins Obvious troll is OBVIOUS .
As a reasonably intelligent person who actually pays attention to the real world, I can tell you that you're either a liar or and idiot, possibly both.
Let's hear it for the Steve Project.
As a priest, I can tell you guys that most of us don't really believe in God.
Oh man, that was so easy huh?
As a Christian, I can tell you guys that most of us believe in evolution.
See I can make up stuff toooo!
I have never met a "scientist", I have met mathematicians, physicists, chemists, cosmologists, geologists and so forth.
Case in point, you are not a "scientist", you are a LIAR!
@Katsuro: No we don't. The only time I'd refer to myself as a scientist is if I was talking to a small child who I didn't expect to know the word "biochemist". Or obviously if I was asked a yes/no question like "are you a scientist". In a way he's right because the scientific community doesn't "believe in" evolution in the same way that people believe in God or the supernatural or whatever, but the vast majority of people with actual scientific qualifications (not Mickey Mouse diploma mill crap a la inmate #06452-017) accept the idea that it happened.
...oh, you're serious.
What? You and the other personalities that share the same body?
Or maybe what he means is that they don't "believe", as this is not a faith thing.
Before I found this site I was not even aware of the fact that there was any controversy regarding evolution. It's just a simple fact, right along with the Earth being round.
About a year ago I found a link to a site about a Creationists "100 scientists who don't believe in evolution"
Sorry I can't remember the Creationist or the rebuttle. maybe someone can help out?
My point is, when he broke the guys list down most could be thrown out as they were Engineers, Architects, Chemists or people that never earned anything above a high school Biology level or worked in an applicable field. The rest had less credentials than than that and some had been put on the list against their knowledge and didn't agree with the statement.
I think only seven of the hundred had the background to understand the theory well but still said they didn't believe in it.
Ok please post an image copy of your diploma on the Internet as well as e-mail and business phone contacts of such like-minded scientists.
We then research everyone on that list including you.
After we collected enough data we will make the final verdict on your original statement.
Hypothesis: Unlikely that there would be any number of like minded scientist as well as having no proof of professional degree involving the science of biology.
@ Swedish Pagan
... It's just a simple fact, right along with the Earth being round.
You do understand, Mr. Pagan, they also argue that.
"I was not even aware of the fact that there was any controversy regarding evolution."
~Swedish Pagan
You obviously don't live in the United States, home of millions and millions and millions of idiots.
Citation Error!!! Citation Error!!!
Define what scientist you are, and the population that you most have casual contact with. I doubt that mechanical engineers or Newtonian level physicist care much on where we came from.
And in all actuality, I doubt that any survey you ever so "scientificamally!!11!!" did would be accurate nor free of bias, as you probably talked to a bunch of your work buddies after church and asked, "Say, you guys totally believe that God made us all, right?"
As a scientist, I can tell you guys that most of us don't believe in evolution.
"just me and a few other morons" is NOT a synonym for "most of us".
There are more scientists in America named Steve (or a variation thereof) that believe in evolution than there are non-evolutionary scientists on the list the fundies came up with.
So you've surveyed a majority of the scientists on the planet? And you claim to speak for them? Why should we believe you?
All you can speak to is what YOU believe or don't believe.
How fucking arrogant of you to claim to speak for "most scientists".
@Philbert McAdamia
That's Mrs Pagan, please. (Just kidding, I've dropped the Pagan completely, as I'm not really into paganism, so it was false "marketing".)
@Quantum Mechanic
"You obviously don't live in the United States, home of millions and millions and millions of idiots."
Nope, I live in Sweden, and we have quite a few idiots of our own. Now that I'm aware that there is a controversy, I've seen it in people here too. Not as vocal as the US fundies, sure, but there are dolts like this in our Christian Democrat party and in our almost "housebroken" racist party (they say they're not racist, but "normal" parties seldom need rules about Nazi uniforms being prohibited during party meetings).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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