David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
In her pathetic song, COLD AS YOU, Taylor Swift sings the lyrics...
You never did give a damn thing honey but I cried, cried for you
And I know you wouldn't have told nobody if I died, died for you
This is just one more of thousands of lyrics embedded in feminist songs today, portraying men as abusers and women as victims. Oh how American women suffer at the hands of those big, bad, mean husbands! Those spoiled-little brat wives are not right with God, nor will they ever be until they forsake the demonic indoctrination of feminism that teaches women to hate their husbands.
Here's some feminist garbage from the DIXIE CHICKS, from the hateful song GOODBYE EARL...
Earl had to die
Good-bye Earl
We need a break
Lets go out to the lake Earl
We’ll pack a lunch
And stuff you in the trunk Earl
Well is that all right
Good Let’s go for a ride
Earl Hey
The song teaches because Earl was an abusive husband, Earl had to be murdered. This is the type of trash that is being pushed off on America's women, and the most frightening thing is that over 26,000,000 Americans have bought the DIXIE CHICKS albums as of 2010[1]. What type of woman would idolize the Dixie Chicks and listen to such hateful music? A woman not right with God, that's who! These are the women who see no harm in divorce, couldn't care less about pleasing God, divorce and live in fornication, many are lesbians, they dishonor their parents, and are reprobates.
Instead of listening to music about love, forgiveness, and pleasing God, heathen feminists listen to fools like the DIXIE CHICKS sing about murdering an abusive husband. Why listen to music that glorifies committing sin and breaking the law? I mean, why listen to Eric Clapton's song, COCAINE, when cocaine is illegal? We're a retarded society!
Stop being a self-righteous little witch and look in the mirror if you want to see the biggest sinner. I'm sick and tired of feminists demonize men in their singing... “I am good, you are bad, so I left you... Hardy Har Har!” No, you are a feminist fool and will answer to God for breaking your wedding vows.