Hannah Montana is of the Devil
Walt Disney's Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is everything that God doesn't want a young Christian girl to be. Miley dances around on stage, strutting back-and-forth in skin tight blue jeans, arousing the lusts of any normal males watching her. A young woman in tight jeans gyrating her hips on stage causes lasciviousness (strong sexual lust). It is a sin for women to wear tight pants, as this causes men to lust. Jesus condemned lust in Matthew 5:28 as adultery. 1st Timothy 2:9 commands Christian women to wear "modest apparel." Miley Cyrus is a little whore, deliberately causing men to lust upon her body by the tight pants, miniskirts, and other provocative clothing (that should only be worn by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom).
Welcome to the 1930s
Oh, it's just David.
"A young woman in tight jeans gyrating her hips on stage causes lasciviousness (strong sexual lust)."
It also causes redundancy (needless restatements of the same concept in different ways).
"provocative clothing (that should only be worn by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom)"
That's a bit daring, isn't it? Shouldn't you be fucking your wife through a hole in a bedsheet and for the sole purpose of reproduction?
Billy Ray Cyrus is the Devil.
Hannah Montana is Billy's daughter.
Hannah Montana is of the Devil.
He's right. I'm giving it a one.
Miley Cyrus is a little whore, deliberately causing men to lust upon her body by the tight pants, miniskirts, and other provocative clothing (that should only be worn by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom).
Or in David J Stewart's motel room after the concert.
It is a sin for women to wear tight pants, as this causes men to lust.
This is fundamentally the same reasoning as is used by people who blame women for getting raped because they were immodestly dressed.
Miley dances around on stage, strutting back-and-forth in skin tight blue jeans, arousing the lusts of any normal males watching her.
Uh, no. That's just you. Most normal men don't lust after the underaged. Or, at least, don't admit to it in public.
In other words: stop trying to blame your sick and twisted fantasies on the object of them. After all, isn't there a line in the bible somewhere that says "if your nose offends you, cut it off?" Clearly, your gonads are offending you.
You know what to do.
(Edited for: HTML fail.)
"Miley Cyrus is a little whore, deliberately causing men to lust upon her body "
Not all men David, just you.
"causing men to lust upon her body by the tight pants, miniskirts, and other provocative clothing (that should only be worn by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom)."
Ooh baby...Let me slip into something a little more...erotic...*takes off burqa and slips into some jeans*
I'm so naughty. XD
*snerk* That post is...wow...
I agree she's evil, although for different reasons (namely the unexplainable fact that she's taken over the world...I mean, they have Hannah Montana yogurt!)
Arousing the lusts of any normal males? You realize this girl just turned 16? This makes you (and all "normal" males--none of whom I've ever heard of lusting after Miley Cyrus) a pedophile.
But that's beside the point. She's not even particularly pretty. I don't find her sexually attractive at all.
I consider myself to be a fairly normal straight male--and I'm not aroused by Hannah Montana. FAIL.
Just come out and say it David: you're a sex-starved paedophile, and you should be locked up for the public good. Your posts suggest as much, pal...
I don't like Hannah Montana either, but I have the feeling good 'ol David doesn't like her because he can't get any from her. He's not bitching about her being a whore, he's bitching about her being a whore that he can't touch.
Unfortunately for conservatives, I find modest, unrevealing clothing to be the most freakin' sexy thing a girl can wear. I had always hoped that this would act as a form of reverse psychology and cause conservatives to declare that dressing modestly was unholy.
Davey, Davey, Davey...
This obsession you have about "whores" is not healthy. It could lead to criminal activities. Please seek out a qualified psychiatrist to work this shit out.
He's starting to sound like someone who would rape women because 'they deserve it'.
You know David I'm really worried about a "religious" using such colorful language to describe how sexy a 15 year old dresses. I think you are definitely showing a little too much interest in this child's clothing to be healthy. Are you sure you aren't a bit of a pervert with the hots for young girls, Dave?
Miley Cyrus uberfails at acting and singing, but I'm sure she's a very nice girl personally.
Also: "arousing the lusts of any normal males watching her." She's, what, like, thirteen? Fourteen? Maybe it arises some puppy-crushes in boys that age, but not "normal males" of all ages. Fucking pedo.
I could care less about Hannah Montana, but I don't use God as an excuse to ban her.
Or is it you really think all women should wear burkas?
"Miley Cyrus is a little whore."
Yes I agree, but she has the right to act like a whore if she so wishes.
Mlley Cyrus should be banned because its utter shit that causes preteen girls to lose brain cells and IQ points and be mindless clones of the jailbait variety. Not because your skydaddy and his followers can't control themselves.
"tight pants, miniskirts, and other provocative clothing (that should only be worn by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom)."
So...I'm guessing you don't like doing it on the kitchen table, right?
Miley dances around on stage, strutting back-and-forth in skin tight blue jeans, arousing the lusts of any normal males watching her.
I wonder if David is a "normal male"?
You can practically hear him fapping as he types this.
Dude, she is like 15. I don't find her sexy AT ALL.
Maybe if I was 15 myself. But no. She is not sexy. And it's disturbing that you find yourself being attracted to a 15 year old!
It's a sin to lust?
But it's NATURAL.
... other provocative clothing (that should only be worn by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom...
while hubby sits in his offwhite baggie y-fronts with his beer-hut hanging over (shudder, vomit!!)
BTW, DJS seems to have got quite excited doesn't he?
Miley Cyrus, God made your body, so cover up that atrocity and hide it in the closet.
David is proof that nobody hates men more than right-wing fundies. If I were a man I'd be offended that this jackass was lumping me in with his definition of normal (read: paedophile) men.
...that should only be worn by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom...
Shit, women can't even be half-naked BY THEMSELVES now?!
So let me get this straight, Dave. You get an erection while watching a 15-16 year old girl sing and somehow SHE is the devil's concubine?
Looks like someone needs to register with the state, buddy.
And those men watching Hannah Montana are not responsible of their own lusts?. Wait, what are normal men doing watching Hannah Montana, which is directed to pre-teen girls?. Justifying pedoes, Dave?
Walt Disney's Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is everything that God doesn't want a young Christian girl to be.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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