The Jesus of the BIBLE preached longer and louder about Hell than He preached of Heaven. The reason liberal "Christians" deny Hell is because, deep down, they KNOW they're going there. God won't shed a tear when He damns their souls to Hell. If you disagree, you don't know the God of the Bible. It's just that simple!
"The reason liberal "Christians" deny Hell is because, deep down, they KNOW they're going there."
The reason atheists deny Hell is because, deep down, we KNOW it's imaginary.
"It's just that simple!"
No, you're just that simple.
Actually, Jesus doesn't mention hell in the gospels, at least not in the sense that you mean.
Of course, you really haven't read the bible very thoroughly, have you?
Cherry picking verses to support your particular "bent" is wrong.
Makes you a liar, mate.
Why has human history been one tale of suffering, murder and death after another? Because people created God in their own image, and people wrote the BIBLE to justify their greed and cruelty. And Brent thinks I'm going to hell for saying this?
The Jesus of the BIBLE preached longer and louder about Hell than He preached of Heaven.
Bullshit. 'Fess up, Bent, you KNOW that Saul put that stuff in Jesus' mouth.
"God won't shed a tear when He damns their souls to Hell."
That makes God sound uncaring. Like damning people to eternal torment is a big a deal as smashing flies with a fly-swatter. Are you sure you want to perpetuate that kind of image of God?
And what is this big compendium of "deep down" knowledge that I keep hearing about? Supposedly, everybody just intrinsically knows that God exists, evolution is false, and that we're going to hell unless we accept Jesus, but apparently I've never really been able to tap into it. I wonder why this precious deep-down knowledge is so hard to get to. I'm willing to bet it's probably because it doesn't really exist.
Brent, do your homework. For Jesus, Heaven is like musterseed, like a banquet, like a father that forgets his reprehensible son, etc...............Hell appears only once, when talking about the parabole of the poor Lazarus and the rich man. Are you sure Jesus preached longer of hell?
"Liberal" Christians don't deny Hell, it's just that they don't think it's important to use it as a base for your everyday faith, given the fact that, unlike you think, Jesus only spoke of it only once and, honestly, the image he offers was a standard one for the Jewish who lived at the time. If you disagree, you obviously don't know the God of the Bible.
The reason liberal "Christians" deny Hell is because, deep down, they KNOW they're going there.
How do you know? How do you even know they disbelieve in Hell? It really depends on who you're talking to; some may just be politically liberal, whereas others may be theologically liberal. I'm a bit of both, although I'm not as liberal (theologically) as some.
It's just that simple!
Oh, do shut the fuck up.
Deep down, I know I'll go back to the Wairarapa. I don't deny its existence. It's in New Zealand's North Island.
Deep down, I know I'll visit Ayer's Rock one of these days. I don't deny its existence. It's in central Australia.
Deep down, I know I'd like to go to Hell sometime. I don't deny its existence. It's in the US state of Michigan.
Now, a place of eternal torment? That's just an outdated myth that no-one nowadays with a decent education and any compassion would actually believe in.
The Jesus of the BIBLE preached longer and louder about Hell than He preached of Heaven.
I suppose that's why universalism was the predominant doctrine in early Christianity, until the Latin translations started displacing the Greek originals of Christian texts?
Oh, wait...
The Jesus of the BIBLE preached longer and louder about Hell than He preached of Heaven.
Maybe, but he preached love three times as often as hell.
"you don't know the God of the Bible"
Since it's a myth for morons (That's you, Brent.), no I don't.
Hell is a juvenile revenge fantasy.
And everytime I see "deep down you KNOW I'm right" sentiments, I wish it were possible to stab somebody in the eye over the Internet.
My grandma had a picture of demons roaming around a group of people burning in hell.
Above the demons' heads was a kind of "pendulum clock". The pendulum swung between two words: Always / Never. (Always burn, Never leave). She talked about often. So did my mom. Ahhhh,those childhood memories...
Brent, God called and he said he didn't remember appointing you as his spokesman, or to judge who goes to heaven or hell. Remember the last who tried to usurp his powers didn't do so well.PS He also said something about being very LIBERAL and having written that in his book seven times. If he had been a freaking conservative(his words, not mine), he would have written that in his freaking(his, again) book and HE DID NOT even once. PPS He thinks you are a self-righteous prideful prig! Have a nice day!
And exactly what difference is there between your god and a maniacal, sadistic dictator, then?
Last time I checked, dictators were supposed to be fought against and overthrown, not obeyed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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