"Because I affirm that there is a god, I also affirm that humans are playing god. Because I am ignorant about science, I also put up straw men of science. Because I lack evidence for my claims and am personally satisfied with that, I affirm that it's unnecessary and that nobody has the right to try to investigate further. Demonstrating that I am not satisfied, afterall: to avoid cognitive dissonance, I still have to deny the knowledge showing that we are not the center of the universe and to accuse scientists with misrepresentations and ad hominems, then claim that I have the high moral ground. I even post off-topic creationist evolution-denial propaganda on gaming forums."
Thus, selective blindness, motivated reasoning.
Until Scientists can prove the foundation of evolution through experiments
Science doesn't "cast and maintain evolution by faith", which is your projection, it has actual standards of evidence. That's after abiogenesis happened, however, but also much better understood. We know that abiogenesis occurred, because we're here and there's no evidence of the supernatural and ancient human traditions are just that. There's also evidence that it happened here, unless it was "seeded" from microscopic single-cell organisms ~4b years ago (i.e. panspermia). We still don't fully know all the steps of abiogenesis and science doesn't claim to know what it doesn't.
IRT the entropy argument: DNA and descent with modification, inheritance, make that argument untenable. When you're born it's not mixing random elements until an organism forms, there is a growth process following a sequence. Despite that, unless you're an identical twin, you're unique. Let the same process continue for millions of years, with natural selection. Small mutations that can be inheritable happen frequently, most have no noticeable effect, others do. Unless the effect is deleterious enough to prevent the future generations (reproduction, nursing to adulthood and reproduction by the offspring), the new modification is adopted. Pressures of the environment, survival and reproduction, "select". Organisms don't evolve into other species, but groups can as they diversify over time. Also very interesting is coevolution.