Koen #racist realjewnews.com
And they are ALL complicit to mass murder of innocent people.
The Zionist militia with their military killer gear and Gaza Strip training (the REAL murderers in Florida, and so many other places on planet Lucifer), the Jewish fake news people, the orchestrated protesters, the Jewish psychiatrists and mind controllers of little boy Cruz.
They are ALL responsible for all these mass shootings on schools. What to do with these Jewish fake news people, who play an important part in the attempt to DISARM the American people, when they stick a mike in your face?
They are ALL Lucifer’s most useful and most Jewish idiots, who cannot and will not survive Lucifer’s plan for this planet: to make Earth as dead as possible, such that the most arrogant and sickest of all spirits do not have to come here anymore to learn his lessons.
My only hope is that Lucifer’s most useful idiots, aka the JEWS, will realize they have been SETUP by their own false G-D, LUCIFER, and that they all will end up DEAD as well.
Wake up, little Jewish boys and Jewish girls, you mass murderers are chosen by G-D to be whipped out as well in the end.