Carico #fundie

None of the beliefs of atheists can be verified anywhere in history. Nowhere. So why do they have beliefs that can't be verified? Where is their evidence that Jesus isn't the Son of God? The answer is that they don't have any. None. zero. Zip. So how do they think they have a case? They don't because the facts are on our side, not theirs.

Yet they are the first ones to clamor for evidence from others. There is no book, no document, no witnesses, nothing that says that anything else happened in Jerusalem during the time of Christ than what the bible claims. Nothing. All they need is even one person who lived in Jerusalem during the time of Christ who says that Jesus never performed any miracles and that would be evidence. But they don't even have that.

So until atheists understand that it's futile to try to change history, they're fighting a losing battle. And for what? Just to risk eternal torment. They only prove Jesus right when he said; "They hated me for no reason." There's no reason to try to change history when you have no proof that it happened any differently unless one simply wants to defame someone else. Absolutely none.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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