So THIS is what our 'queens' have devolved to under Obama???
These pictures were taken at the 10th annual No Pants Subway Ride - which occurred in various cities around the nation and across the world. Obama's presidency helped unleash a wave of this sort of hedonism and sexual non-restraint.
If they did this when it was a frigid 12 degrees outside, can you imagine what they would've done if it was a nice balmy 50 or 60 degrees out?
This is what happens when the leader of the free world celebrates sin by lighting up the White House in the very stolen colors that represent the abomination that God hates. Hate it or love it: Obama flirted with God's judgment in a way previously unknown in America. And we'll be left to deal with the aftermath.
Let's pray God has mercy to temper what's still to come.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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